Any Brazilian racing experts able to tell me if the track is actually that bouncy or does it need a little work? Not a criticism, just curious. I started a championship with the 2020 Stock Cars, honestly love the car. It's a handful, but really rewarding. One of my favourites now I think. Anyway at first I thought the bounce was down to more suspension shenanigans, but I did a few laps elsewhere and the problem disappeared. What's happening with the car just doesn't match the surface of the track, visually at least.
As I see it nothing in these video shows a bouncy-ness that come anywhere near the "bouncy-ness" in AMS2. In as example my prefered formula cars (F-Reiza/FV10G1) the wheels would be teared off if it was real life.
No, for me the movement shown onboard and in the other cars on track matches up pretty well with what I was experiencing. The car is much more planted at other tracks. In this instance to me at least, its the surface of the track and not the car. Will just have to try and learn the bigger bumps. It adds another dimension to racing for sure. Anyway I wasn't trying to highlight whatever issues may have existed or still exist with other cars and their setups. Overall I think the Stock Cars are fantastic.