I don't seem to be getting any data for my license in the driver's stats page for the MultiPlayer performance. Do I have to turn it on as an option somewhere?
Just had a look but could not find anything in the Session Options. So are you saying whoever sets up the session sets that value and the races I've done have not given me any points because that has been turned off for those races?
not obviously otherwise I would have been able to see it or go straight to it. so thanks for nothing.
When you are in the lobby list you can see which lobbies are ranked, the red off means those aren't ranked, the green ones are ranked and show the safety (Letter) and skill (number) requirement, if a lobby requires a ranking higher then your current one, the join button will not be there.
Maybe just refer to the ranked vs. unranked as "status label has letter+digits" vs. "OFF" rather than green vs. red, since the colors are nearly indistinguishable if you're red-green color blind, as I've simulated in the attached image:
Well, i tried my best to make it more clear for @neal , since the response he got from mcclutch wasn't very helpful/clear, but apparently we need to keep colorblind people in mind now as well, didn't know that, but you are welcome and i am happy to help, at least some people appreciate it.