Mirror detail: setting number of visible cars?

Discussion in 'Automobilista - Help & Support' started by smove, Jan 19, 2021.

  1. smove

    smove Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Hello there! :)

    I was wondering if there's an option to set the maximum number of cars being drawn in the mirrors. The reason would be performance and optical balancing.

    On weak machines it's recommended to reduce visible car count. However, this number is split in two: 1. cars ahead and 2. cars in the mirror. If you're starting the race in the middle of a relatively large grid, this leads to actually only 50% of the cars being drawn ahead (and 50% in the mirror, which is needless imho). I'd rather see whats going on in front of me at the start.

    Is there a trick or tweak to reduce the number of cars being drawn in the mirror, or to set a balance even?
    Example: maximum visible cars = 20 (15 in front + 5 in mirror)

    Thanks in advance!

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