Apart from not being able to enable any calling of votes (not even for myself), it looks like some of my race settings aren't applying either. 1. I have selected race length to go by laps (7), not time, yet when the race starts, it's a 50 minute timed race. 2. On top of that, I chose standing start but instead I got a formation lap and then a rolling start. P.S. Please, Reiza, put the chat back to the main page. With the current style, no one ever looks at the chat and it's very difficult to communicate with other players. It also makes, generally speaking, much less communication in general in the game. This really needs to go back to the main page (not a secondary tab). It should easily be possible to fit the chat, TV, and timing all one one page. RF1, SCE/GSCE (pre-update), RF2, etc. do it fine.
I am having identical issues. Although I always get a 5 lap race with full damage on in the day time. I am trying to run a 10 min race at 11pm.