Mouse and Keyboard controls fixing

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Franco Cestari, Dec 26, 2020.

  1. Franco Cestari

    Franco Cestari New Member

    Dec 26, 2020
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    After trying out ams2 keyboard and mouse controls i realised they werent on point, so it gave me some ideas in how to fix it after some testing of it:

    Steering: Despite removing any deadzones from the configuration pannel, the input on the wheel wasnt instant, wasnt on par with the mouse and it felt heavy at first glance, then it got lighter and more sensitive, making steering precisely near on impossible, i would make it linear all around or put a steering linearity option.

    Throttle and brake input: AMS1 had the option to modify the input of a key to have a certain ammount of speed to it, and not be binary as it is now, probably adding the steering, throttle and brake rates like we had back in ams1 also will solve this issue.

    After all of this i know im in the minority here, there is really few guys that play on a keyboard and mouse or in a keyboard only. But it would be awesome to have similar settings to ams1. This is not something that should be done at first priority but a nice to have after all.
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