Started a multiplayer race at Watkins Glenn and qualified fifth. Waiting for the start on the grid when everyone else rolls by on their rolling start and, some seconds later, the race starts for me on the grid and an instant disqualification for incorrect position. I haven’t played since the new Racing USA came out; is this a known issue/bug or just extreme lag?
There's a problem on this track in MP with rolling starts where what you describe often happens, resulting in chaos.
So this issue is not track specific but rolling start specific. And MP specific as well since I never had an issue with offline rolling starts
Very much what happened to me, except I was one of the ones that didn’t get going. Hopefully we’ll get a fix.
It may be, that was my first rolling start in multi player since the recent update. Prior to that my only other rolling start was at Donington and that was an utter mess…but due to be bounced off track immediately on us gaining manual control.
I had the same thing on Gauparé in GTE I found myself from 6th place to 4th without doing anything on a flying start and disqualified in 2 seconds... I think that the rolling starts are not yet perfected...