Hello, I have been able to start up an online race session but any parameters that I have adjusted in the Multiplayer Ini file are not transfer to my hosted race. Things like Race Laps , Practice Session duration and type of start (standing/rolling) are not set according to my adjustments made in the Multiplayer Ini file. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
Hey mate. Are you hosting with the dedicated server option or just through the game? If you are using the dedi server then those changes you make should hold and be much easier to update.
Thanks Dan, I'm trying to host through the game. Had no trouble hosting and setting up parameters within the multiplayer ini file using GSCE. Nothing I set in the multiplayer ini seems to transfer over to a race session while using Automobilista. Weird.... Any Ideas?
I would say to use the server tool if at all possible. (I grabbed a random pic off Google) This is what you should be using:
I have used the dedicated server as well. More of the Event options that are set will apply and carry forward the my hosted race. But for some reason Practice time does not. In fact when I join my hosted race, practice has been skipped altogether. I have it set for 30 mins of practice but when I join the weekend is already in Qualifying. Any Idea what's wrong?
Check in your plr file to make sure you have this: [ Race Conditions ] Run Practice1="1" If this is set to "0" then it will not matter what the dedi server UI says, it will be skipped.
Thanks Dann Got it all figured out. The PLR ini and Multiplayer ini files must be identical in both the Steam and Documents / Automobilista folders.
The game is only reading one or the other, not both. If you are in Windows 10 it is most likely reading the files in Documents. You could test this by removing the userdata folder from the game installation location and leave the files in Documents. My guess is when you delete that folder your confusion will be completely solved once and for all.