On the topic of AI (carefully) avoiding agressive drivers

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by DayrFile, Mar 22, 2024.

  1. DayrFile

    DayrFile Member

    Aug 9, 2021
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    Greetings Reiza, Greetings Racedrivers,
    Just had a very good race with the AI at Nuerburgring Multiclass (and some other tracks as well) recently. Today, at the long straight I thought about the AI and the comments about it, I recently read, and the former ones I will explain below.
    To put this all into perspective, I consider myself medium fast ( :), AI typically a 100 - 110 ), but consistent (some league experience from the good old PC2 days with up to 2.5h races). I very much enjoy racing with the AI, but over the last years, in this very forum, AI is often critizized.
    I think, to some part this is correct, since there is always room to improvement (perfect AI is the ultimate challenge of a racing sim, even more difficult to nail it than good net code ;)), however, there was also some judgement about the AI, that I just could not "verify" or "reproduce" on my side. I even thought that people describing a total different AI racing experience I had, is due to a very complex bug, like differrent fps, different graphics card, or something of this kind. As I'm in general very happy with the AI, I thought negative comments must be due to this software / hardware differences at the end.
    Now - during this long straight - suddenly, I thought about the AI avoidance behavior, in case you push them to (or above) the track limits, which was a critized behavior recently. Then I realized, from my multiplayer times, that in fact a carefully avoiding AI, is not what you see in the typically 5 laps "random" multiplayes race. So, ... the critcizem of a too sensitive avoiding AI looks correct.
    However, remembering the "league days" and thinking about the professional drivers in real races, avoiding someone pushing into you, that is the abolute correct behavior, since it keeps you racing at all!
    The hypothesis here is, which AI are we expecting? A "multiplayer" (no disrespect here, mutliplayer I really value) AI, representing what we experienced racing with humans, or the ultimate professional (or aliens) AI that think about their championchip points outcoming of this race, and how bad a collision would be?
    Note, this is not about obvious AI calibration issues, and the valuable feedbak on this topic in the other threads; I'm just worried that with those different perspectives on AI-behavior (there is no right or wrong), we create a bi-modal feedback (like a contradiction) to the devs.
    Don't know of a solution right now, but it might be worth to keep these thoughts in mind, like reference the AI behavior we don't like to a "use case" we actually compare with. At the end a bi-modal AI behavior might be a solution for it... (like an option in the menus).
    Very much would appreciate you comments; note, there is no contradication in requesting the above described behavior, it's down to our own experiences.

    Enjoy your easter holidays, happy racing!
    • Agree Agree x 1

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