I had the toolkit working before by copying the openvr_api.dll file to the AMS2 directory, but I had to renistall AMS2 and now I can't get it to work. I've spent hours on it. Im not sure if AMS2 is even running in openXR... how can you even tell? Before when I launched the sim I would get the splash screen covering the whole VR screen anf now I see the desktop background still. I'm using Varjo Aero with base software and openXR checked. Ive tried switching to Steam openXR runtime but still no luck. I had an issue with it before because I had installed Reshade, but uninstalling Reshade made it work fine. How can you trell if the game is even running in openXR or open VR? Anyway.. I could really use some help. Thx...
I got it to work... had it in the wrong folder... had to be the X64 folder. Insane game in VR! So good...