Push 2 Pass status - Shared Memory/API ?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by tk84, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. tk84

    tk84 Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 13, 2020
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    Sorry wasnt sure the best way to word the title..

    There's probably some overlap with the F1 cars, but I'm mainly interested in the modern Stock Cars with the P2P boost and how that data is sent to external devices, Simhub or that kind of thing.

    I have a Cube wheel that has a screen running UGT software that doesnt fully handle displaying the cars P2P status and just wonder if there are any systems out there (Simhub is the only one that comes to mind but I know there are others too) that can display all the information from the UI.

    So far on my UGT screen it has an option to show the number of P2P activations left and whether its activated or not - this however doesnt work with AMS, just sits saying '00' despite the car starting with 15.

    I can also add a bar graph showing the available energy. When I activate P2P the bar does decrease the same as on screen UI bar does showing P2P is active. Strangely it doesnt fill back up like the on screen UI does, instead sits at empty and then jumps up to full - but - it goes back to full before the onscreen bar does so it's saying energy is full before it actually is usable.

    So I'm just wondering whether other software is able to show this correctly and its the UGT software that isnt handling AMS shared memory correctly, or whether AMS isnt currently providing all the necessary data for second screens to show P2P status.
  2. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    This wouldn't surprise me at all, many things still missing from the shared memory. I've only used the light for push to pass on my Stock car dash, I started looking to do a graph but had issues figuring it out.
    Hopefully Reiza have read the needs of the community and we qill soon get everything needed for our dashes.
  3. Demichkd

    Demichkd Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    I am using SimHub overlay and NCalc Formula:[ERSStored]. Found by inserting property GameData.ERSStored. Used a linear gauge item, changed color to sky blue and it depletes and fills exactly as the game hud does.
    What I haven’t been able to find (if available) is when P2P is available and count remaining. I know there are 15 per races and become available 100s after use but that really doesn’t help me.
    If you’ve found a “light” that lets you know when you can actually press the boost button I’d love to know what that property is.
  4. MasterLooser

    MasterLooser Greyhat DWORD Developer Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    no idea if its that but it sounds like it

    bool mBoostActive; // [ UNITS = boolean ] [ RANGE = false->true ] [ UNSET = false ]
    float mBoostAmount; // [ RANGE = 0.0f->100.0f ]

    from the sharedmemory example in the game folder
    • Informative Informative x 1

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