Hello, I own a Sim Racing lounge and have AMS2 as an option for my customers. (I have gotten permission from Reiza to do this). I have six simulators that are all hard-wired into the same modem. I have in the past experienced issues where the game will randomly disconnect. Usually 2 - 3 people this won't happen. I find 4 or more is the magic number to cause this to happen. And it's not just if its one group in the same server, any combination of 4 or more people using a server can cause this. I really don't think it is an issue with my internet. I know this is a unique problem to have but all the same was hoping someone experienced something similar and found a fix for it. Are there recommended ports that I should have open? Just a side note but having the option to switch to LAN via the in-game menu would probably fix the issue entirely for me. The multiplayer setup is so quick and easy with AMS2 but the fact I can't trust it to run properly is a bummer, especially for my customers. One last side note, Project Cars 2 has the exact same issue, I'm not sure if that helps in any way shape or form, but maybe it will since it's the same game engine. Thanks for any help or suggestions anyone can give me! Kindest Regards, Aaron