Hi all I have done a lot of searching, but can't find instructions preferably in one place, on how to Record, Save, and access, etc, videos, . Does this exist ? Some times, a video will be recorded, no idea how I did that,,... then if I manage to run the replay, the same replay will be added to the replays list, a number of times. Thanks all in advance, 2FAST
I see nothing related to "saving" the replay. Only, "VIEW REPLAY" at the end of the race, which can only be done until I restart another race, then its gone. Thanks, 2FAST
Being new here, I can only assume that this is a known issue, and being worked on. Hopefully announcements will be made, when improvements are made. Thanks, 2FAST
Not too encouraging, but thanks anyway guys. Edit: Don't want to come across as only negative, I am really enjoying the sim, especially the 6.8 L "stock cars", without ANY help, such as TC and ABS, that's real man racing,...
Yesterday I think I got an update, and when I went to use the sim, a symbol to "SAVE REPLAY" appeared in the top left corner. I tried it, and it worked, and the replay was/is still there. I only had enough time to try once. Today, a symbol to "SAVE REPLAY", was gone.