If I bought early access wasn't this supposed to be included in the purchase? Only got Hockenheimring Pack? so far Thanks
You dont get everything for free here in life I bought AMS2 before some EA deadline(?) and recieved therefore Hockenheim pack for free - but then I had to buy the Silverstone pack and was later offered the extra Silverstone layouts when Reiza had created them. ByTheWay: The different historic Silverstones are great - specially the 1991 version - me think.
I think it depends on the level of access your purchased. If just the base game then I would say no, but if it included all the DLCs then yes it should.
The only way to get stuff free is to find huge big bugs and exploits and give them to Renato once a while. I think. ... People playing MP suddenly bitcoingmining cause someone is leeching them CPU in the lobby or so.