[SOLUTION] Wheel not working? Try this first.

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by Marius H, Dec 10, 2024.

  1. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Hi there,

    Sorry to hear your wheel isn't working as expected! Please follow these steps to troubleshoot:

    Base not working?
    Check picture.

    Check Base and Pedals:
    If you're using different brands of the base and pedals, make sure to select 'separate' in AMS2 (See picture). Then rebind all your keybindings/assignments to ensure they are correctly configured.

    Adjust Wheel Rotation:

    If you're using a Direct Drive wheel, or if the left/right axis isn't binding properly, follow these steps:
    • Set the wheel rotation to 180-360 degrees in your driver software.
    • Bind your controls in the game.
    • Once successfully bound, change the wheel rotation back to 900, 1080, or Auto in the driver software.

    Pedal Deadzone Settings:
    If your pedals have a deadzone setting within the driver software, make sure to set the deadzone to 0 in AMS2 settings.

    Don't forget to calibrate your wheel and pedals.
    • Wheel: Fully lock the wheel to its maximum rotation. Save.
    • After saving, turn the wheel back to find either 900° or 1080° rotation. This is likely the maximum rotation for your base. Save again.
    Pedals: Just press to maximum.

    User additions:
    • In the second step what the game expects you to do is turn the wheel back to centre, and then from centre to 90 degrees (either direction). I mention this because if your wheel is set (in the wheel's software) to a higher max angle, for example my Moza R12 supports up to 2700 and is set to that in Moza Pit House, then turning until the game says 900 or 1080 will give an incorrect result. In my case the correct process gives 2700 on screen in this step.
    • When you're following the above steps, if 0 degrees is shown on screen, then you may have only one of the steering directions bound. You need both left and right bound for this process to work.

    Note on Auto Settings: Even though Direct Drive (DD) wheels offer unlimited rotation, the driver software will still limit the rotation to 900° or 1080°, even when set to Auto mode.

    Thank you for reading and have fun racing!


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    Last edited: Dec 22, 2024
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  2. Supa

    Supa Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 5, 2016
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    Why dont you just turn your wheel more rather than "Set the wheel rotation to 180-360" when you are assigning your steering?
  3. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Sometimes, specially with a DD, if you've more than 360 for example you turn to the left and turn back it won't bind the assignment. To workaround this you set it to 180 - 360 turn left and right and it will bind. Then just turn it back to 900, 1080, auto or the rotation you like to use.
  4. Supa

    Supa Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 5, 2016
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    I use a 1440 Deg rotation DD and have no such problems. Like I said just ensure you turn the wheel enough!
  5. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    That you don't have a problem doesn't mean others also don't have it. When I deleted my old ams2 folder and made a new for 1.6 I exactly experience this 'bug', so I had to reduce my rotation to 360.
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  6. MSK

    MSK New Member

    Dec 21, 2024
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    I am experiencing the same issue with my R12. I have gotten everything to bind correctly except the left and right. Every single time I turn to the to or right doesn’t matter I always get an “Multiple inputs where detected. No action was assigned”. error message. I have tried every degree of rotation, every wheel selection and absolutely nothing. The closest I get is the wheel will only go to the left but not the right. This is the only game I have had trouble with, everything else works flawlessly out of the gate. This seriously need to get fixed.
  7. MSK

    MSK New Member

    Dec 21, 2024
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    This did not work for me at all. Please see my post below. Thanks
  8. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    @MSK You can try to disable all your peripherals one by one and see if it binds.
  9. CorvusCorax

    CorvusCorax Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    A correction and a further tip:
    • In the second step what the game expects you to do is turn the wheel back to centre, and then from centre to 90 degrees (either direction). I mention this because if your wheel is set (in the wheel's software) to a higher max angle, for example my Moza R12 supports up to 2700 and is set to that in Moza Pit House, then turning until the game says 900 or 1080 will give an incorrect result. In my case the correct process gives 2700 on screen in this step.
    • When you're following the above steps, if 0 degrees is shown on screen, then you may have only one of the steering directions bound. You need both left and right bound for this process to work.
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  10. WizL94

    WizL94 Member

    Jun 18, 2024
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    Hello guys,
    I have a small but annoying problem with my Thrustmaster T598 wheel. The base has an internal display for telemetry like gear, speed, position and so on. It works in training, qualifying and race but as soon as I return to the main menu for the first time the telemetry is no longer visible (the display does not even show the default 'T598' that it usually displays off track). LED on the wheel rim is also off from that point onwards. I have to restart AMS2 to get it all to work again.
    Some wheel effects like gear jolt also stop working so it seems to me like the base has no more access to the telemetry data after returning to the menu. Is that a known issue with other periphals? Does anyone know a fix?

    (The wheels drivers are up to date, roation = 360°, everything is calibrated and works flawlessly, the T598 is registered as a 'generic direct drive' and I use a custom FFB-file. UDP is set 'off' but I also tried '1', the other telemetry settings are set to 'Project Cars 2, Crew Chief works in the background. The T598 works in Forza Horizon 5 for hours without losing the telemetry data / gear jolt effect.)

    Thank you in advance!
  11. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Hello there,

    I see you've set it up as 'Generic DD'. Please use Custom Wheel as in the picture. That would likely solve your issue. You've to set up all you assignments again. Let me know how it went.

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  12. WizL94

    WizL94 Member

    Jun 18, 2024
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    Thank you for your quick response and sorry that I could not test your solution earlier but I just could not find the time.
    I tried it now but the problem remains - as soon as I go back to the main menu for the first time, the display on the base stops working and I have to restart AMS2. Maybe this issue is T598-related and I will just have to wait for Thrustmaster to release new drivers. Or I could do a fresh install of AMS2 but I don't really know if I want to try that :whistle: We will see...
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