Where can I find an explanation of sound settings? Many are a obvious, while others, not so much. Through my own time consuming trial and error process, I have put together an incomplete description of the sound settings. Master Volume: 0-100 Reducing helps to hear Crew Chief Menu Volume: 0-100 Audible "click" when clicking in the menus Menu Music Volume: 0-100 Self-explanatory Player Engine Volume: 0-100 Self-explanatory Opponent Engine Volume: 0-100 Self-explanatory General Car Volume: 0-100 Sound effects for ignition, start engine other?????? Tyre Volume: 0-100 Tire Squeal - Important for determining threshold braking Collision Volume: 0-100 Self-explanatory Track Surface Volume: 0-100 Road noise including noise when running over rumble strips Environment Volume: 0-100 Ambient noise primarily heard when in pits Sound FX Volume: 0-100 Wind noise Pit Radio Volume: 0-100 Never implemented Enable Headphone Mix: Off/On ???????? Can tell much difference either way LFE Extra Volume: 0-100 LFE = Low Frequency Effects. Ostensibly for haptics from an audio source. If you have you haptic device connected via USB it won't use this. Audio Device: Same as Windows selected audio device