Steam Motion Smoothing frame rate drop

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Neutral1z3r, May 10, 2020.

  1. Neutral1z3r

    Neutral1z3r New Member

    May 10, 2020
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    Just got the game and I’m having ridiculous frame rate drops when using Steam Motion Smoothing on my Valve Index with an overclocked 2080 Ti and an i5 8600k. I’m using FPSVR to monitor the FPS, frame timing and reprojection rate to confirm what I’m experiencing.

    I can turn down all the settings to their lowest value and my frame rate will still drop from the refresh rate (ie 90 Hz suddenly dropping below 90 FPS) every second or two; I see it on the frame rate graph. I never noticed this in PC2. It makes the game unplayable with Motion Smoothing as the screen jerks and sometimes even flashes black. I can force always on Motion Smoothing but because it doesn’t run at a steady interval like Oculus’s Space Warp (ie 90 Hz running at a steady 45 FPS) it jerks around and really ruins the experience. Meanwhile my GPU is sitting at under 70% usage.

    If I disable it entirely and turn on Legacy Reprojection, it runs basically fine where FPS = Hz, but it causes a regular jittering as I move my head side to side which is very noticeable when looking at text. I need to run at 120-144 Hz for it to be bearable which then makes turning up any graphics to help with clarity basically impossible.

    Anyone else have a similar experience? It sort of is killing the game and my computer should not have (and does not have in other games) any issues handling this.
  2. Madonion

    Madonion Member

    May 8, 2020
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    This guy had a weird issue with his 2080ti stuck on 60% utilization. Try his method out.

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