Team Berni looking for a driver!

Discussion in 'Fan Sites & Community Events' started by Berni, Oct 25, 2018.

  1. Berni

    Berni New Member

    Oct 25, 2018
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    Team Berni looking for a driver for two last rounds of IVRC TCC series, GT3 and F3 Macau events as well. You don't need to go every of this race - we can create racing plan together! ;)

    For me isn’t important, who You are, but what You are. Speed isn’t the most important think for me, but I need to nice person, with whom I will have good work together, and – of course – good time. Next important thing is regular participate on races.

    What I will give You? First of all - good atmosphere. Plus personalized (in some frames) template, nice cars and lot of fun!

    More info

    If You are interested – send me PM right now! :)
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2018
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  2. Berni

    Berni New Member

    Oct 25, 2018
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    New year, new challenges and Team Berni still looking for a driver! ;)

    This year we will racing in IVRC Touring Car Championship again, but it not all. We also have a campain on GT class of World Endurance Championship. I looking driver for both of these series.

    More info about TCC: 2019-1 Touring Car Championship season
    More info about WEC: 2019 World Endurance Championship season

    What I expecting? Not much. Speed isn’t the most important thing for me, but I need to a nice person, with whom I will have good work together, and – of course – good time. Next important thing is quite regular participate on races.

    What I will give You? First of all - good atmosphere. Add to this nice cars, great races and a lot of fun. Isn’t it sounds nice?

    Do You want to be on both of these series? Great! Only one? Door are open. Are you not sure about it all? Let’s talk! Write here or send me PM right now!

    You can also check out our facebook page: Team Berni and leave me a message there.
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  3. Daniel Escudero

    Daniel Escudero staff & microyoutuber.

    Nov 9, 2017
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    @Berni you could use to post pictures . Cuz the one you shared in the 1st post doesnt show :p

    Use the link that says "Hotlink for forums"
  4. Berni

    Berni New Member

    Oct 25, 2018
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    @Daniel Escudero Thanks! I know that foto doesn't work, but I was thinking that is no really important, so I just leave it. But thanks for that site. :)
  5. Berni

    Berni New Member

    Oct 25, 2018
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    Team Berni still looking for a driver, this time for IVRC Touring Car Championship 2019-II.

    Still: the most important thing for me is what You are - I want good atmosphere inside the team. Next thing is I want You quite regular in participate in races.

    I choosing the car and creating livery, but in some frames, I'll listen You.

    If You interested in, send me PM [​IMG]

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