The dedicated Accuforce FFB Thread

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Wayne Whitmore, Apr 16, 2020.

  1. Wayne Whitmore

    Wayne Whitmore Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    Because FFB is so user centric but the core to people having a positive experience with sims and after my own struggles to get my Accuforce dialled in for some time through Beta versions as well as the Early Release to a point now of being the best I have experienced so far of all sims I have tried, this thread can be a place for all Accuforce users to check out for tips and settings to possibly have that positive experience of the FFB AMS2 has to offer.
    This is not meant to be the holy grail for Accuforce FFB but just a place that users can come to drop off some hints or take away some tips in the journey of AMS2 FFB.
    Sorry for the wall of text but I feel I have a lot of information to record that could hold answers for others that at the moment would think AMS 2 FFB is just not right. If you are not a reader just do the red stuff.

    There are plenty of conversations here on the forums that are discussing the pros and cons as well as highlighting just how diverse different wheels are and dialling them in can be.
    My success came with getting Simcommander 4 (SC4) and AMS 2 playing well together.
    Test Track for setup is Ibarra but any track is OK to use.
    I have not included a step by step for setting up the wheel in the game with button assignment etc. however ;
    When calibrating your wheel after the first step of turning the wheel through its maximum rotation and clicking “next” be sure to return the wheel the zero position before doing step 2.

    The version of SC4 at the time of writing is but for AMS 2 there has been no change since version
    Running both the Beta and Early Release versions means that I have separate install locations for both which is the first important point for success.

    When adding AMS 2 to SC4 it must point to your default steam executable location.
    Use the auto search feature to have this happen automatically.

    When I pointed my second install directly to the folder where the AMS2AVX.exe executable was located, the results were just terrible grainy scratching and rattling that all efforts of tuning could not remove.
    AF FFB 1.png
    Next is to setup a new profile from scratch
    AF FFB 2.png
    Give your new profile a name and select Automobilista 2 (Steam) as the game
    AF FFB 3.png
    Next is to add the elements that make up the profile. By selecting “Output Mixer” and changing the view to summary is the cleanest look of all of the elements.
    AF FFB 4.png
    Click the arrow to reveal the list of elements to choose from and choose those I show below in the profile and start with the settings I have created.
    You can always come back and change if you wish to experiment to change things to your liking.
    AF FFB 5.png
    We need to give the wheel some basic device settings to work with. Click device settings and set up as shown.
    AF FFB 6.png
    (The number of degrees of rotation can be changed but I have found that the game has handled the DOR per car within each cars setup without needing to change it here).
    AF FFB 7.png

    Close the control centre and use the new profile panel to launch the game.
    AF FFB 8.png

    We now need to get the game to play together with SC4.
    These are the settings I have ended up with after many hours of trial and error.
    Not necessary to change per car as these settings have been able to be used for all cars. The feeling changes with the type of car. Stock car & Super V8 nice and strong, through to the Formula Vee & Trainers light and nimble yet ready to catch the rear slides. (Each user will salt & pepper to taste)
    AF FFB 9.png

    Some Additional Information
    There is a custom file that has been made available by Lexx in his thread.
    LexxVR's Friction Addiction Custom FFB for AMS2
    Back to back comparison between the default file and the custom file is easily done by installing Lexx’s file and changing the type in the game to custom.

    Lexx’s has specific in games settings he provides with the custom file that starts out with a much lighter feeling than the default. I was unable to match the sense of feeling the default file gave me even after changing the ingame settings through hundreds of combinations after starting with Lexx’s default settings but it is a good experiment that expands the sense of feelings that AMS 2 makes available.

    Please others join in with their experiences.I will treat this thread as a living thread and update it as the game develops along with others I hope.
    Try the shifter Karts they are a blast to drive.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2020
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  2. Wayne Whitmore

    Wayne Whitmore Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    Updated for release 8.3.1
    While it has been articled by Reiza that the FFB has not had any update and remains the same as 8.2.0 and we are expecting a FFB update very shortly for whatever reason I found I needed to make some adjustments to accommodate the new release. Although only minor, all adjustments are within the SC4 profile but some further improvement has resulted.

    LFB remains at zero any amount of this only introduced the grainy feeling.
    FX above 50 did not result in any nicer enhancements just a more graining feeling. At 50 the different curbs (heights & shapes) can be nicely felt.

    The device settings "wheel mode" can now be used with responsive, until this latest release using responsive was much too harsh to use.
    I have written in another thread that the game at different times appears to set the FFB differently. Maybe something in this release has fixed that situation.
    device setting BETA
    Other changes are with a reduction of all inputs
    1. Game FFB smoothing 2. Foundation Feedback 3. Lat G-Force.
    This is most likely because of increasing the wheel mode to responsive from default.
    Also reordering foundation to be above Lat G-Force. The order of the inputs denotes priority given for processing.
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  3. Wayne Whitmore

    Wayne Whitmore Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    Update for 8.3.2
    No Changes needed. Hard to see how they can improve the FFB from here.
  4. Wayne Whitmore

    Wayne Whitmore Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    Update for 8.4.0
    The documented FFB changes have not caused the need for any major changes for the Accuforce Wheel but the output of the New default certainly brings out more detail in both the track and the car that can be felt.

    With the redirection of LFB and gain there has not been any significant changes needed however using levels of LFB can be used instead of foundation and lat G-force to achieve a similar result.

    When using LFB there was one distinct sensation that came with the new default that is a floating feeling with reversing of the FFB feeling midcorner when at or just over the limit of the tyre. It was my experience that using SC4 profile settings instead of the LFB that this midcorner floating & reverse FFB feeling could be avoided. We are fortunate enough to have SC4 to fill in the gaps that the FFB may have.

    We know that Reiza have said more features are still to be added such as per car FFB multiplier, min force and new tyre scrub formula so further changes will come about for sure but for now the 8.4 FFB update is as follows.

    The new default has an overall lighter feel so gain is slightly increased to compensate and the FX setting previously used is reduced for road feel under braking or connection to the track at all times. If engine vibration through the wheel is a sensation that is liked FX can be used up to 50 after that no improved sensations were experienced. Increasing FX did not increase the feelings of curbs.
    Device settings remain the same with slight adjustment to the effects output from the previous 8.3 version and just as a personal taste I have added road bumps at 20 % to this version.
    BETA 8.4.0.JPG BETA 8.4 ingame.JPG
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  5. Steve Bernstein

    Steve Bernstein New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    With the new default, I find the FFB to be much improved. In SC4, I do not add any effects. Just Game FFB at 98%, wheel mode high. Overall smoothing slider at 150. No game FFB smoothing. In game, for most cars, eg Roco: New Default, Gain 70, LFB 5, FX 20. Heavy lateral forces with zero clipping as per telemetry HUD.
  6. Wayne Whitmore

    Wayne Whitmore Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    @Steve Bernstein the 150 overall smoothing is interesting did not think that smoothing it that much would leave any detail. Can I ask what it was that led to the overall smoothing of 150. Was it what you were feeling from the cars or do you have other knowledge on the physics of things maybe.
    I will have to try it as well as your other settings thanks for posting.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2020
  7. Steve Bernstein

    Steve Bernstein New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I always look for that rubbery tire feel and I find that sometimes you have to go up quite a bit on the smoothing to achieve that. I don’t find much detail is lost (if I switch back and forth) and 150 seems to achieve that rubbery feel.
  8. Wayne Whitmore

    Wayne Whitmore Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    8.0.7 UPDATE
    The latest update has not brought any particularly new sensation from the new FFB elements that have been introduced however the FFB continues to be very immersive. The changes that have been made to both the SC4 profile and in game settings are to improve the floating negative FFB feeling when at the limit of the tyre in high speed turns.

    One of the new FFB elements is the minimum force that is now adjustable by editing the controller FX file ffb_custom_settings.txt found in the Automobilista 2 folder inside the c:\documents folder.
    The default 0.01 has been increased to 0.05 and the custom FFB enabled in the force feed back section of the game settings.
    The Foundation and G-force lat settings are the biggest change from the previous profile.
    BETA BETA Ingame min force BETA
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  9. Tr51

    Tr51 Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    good job
  10. Richard Pittam

    Richard Pittam New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 16, 2016
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    Fantastic work Wayne. I've just been using your settings and it makes a world of difference. Thank you.
  11. blanes

    blanes Member

    Apr 20, 2020
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    I am an AF v1 user since early 2015. Rarely use any added SC4 effects except sometimes some Road Bump. With AMS2 I have very low overall smoothing at 1.3% (can be noisy but you feel more subtle effects) Game Smoothing at 2.3 and set to Responsive with Peaks Allowed. In game strength around 60, low force boost 10 and Fx at 35.

    These settings give me great feedback on what the tires are doing and I love the feeling with the Classic Formula cars. I have not tried the Lateral G Force effect in SC4 but from experience the SC4 effects can be counter productive and muddle the FFB. Foundation FFB is not needed at all here imho and the only title I ever felt really benefited was original Dirt Rally as the game FFB was off, fixed though in 2.0 where it feels quite good.

    Also using the custom FFB by Lexx which amplifies road feel but have not tried again since 8.7 update.
    Last edited: May 4, 2020
  12. Wayne Whitmore

    Wayne Whitmore Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    @blanes thank you for posting. I will definitely try the numbers you have posted. I have been struggling with too much dead zone around the center and the rattling when on straights that is why I started to introduce the foundation which tightened that up for me. I did not have any great significant change when I tried Lexx's custom file but I will continue to monitor his progress with it. Hopefully the options that are posted into this thread will offer others plenty to try but also the confidence to know how good accurforce is working with AMS2.
  13. blanes

    blanes Member

    Apr 20, 2020
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    Yeah for sure and if it works then good to use it. I have not felt any deadzone at all around centre with my settings. Responsive with peaks allowed does boost the more subtle effects.

    Even so, I am about to delete my profile and start from scratch with this new 8.7 update as I hear some things have changed in the FFB and I have time to tinker today ! :)
  14. Juan Reinoso

    Juan Reinoso Doctor SimRacing AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    I share my configuration, it may not be ideal for some cars, but I have tried to achieve that, because lately there have been many changes in the FFB and I have not had time to test this configuration in ALL cars, but I think it adapts good to most (at least the ones I've tried)

    I have been testing some modifications on the sub-configurations (something new is always learned)

    I think some cars still have to adjust the FFB by Reiza, so surely this setting should be adjusted later or for some specific cars

    I am also using a modified Custom FFB file in which I added the soft lock, since it does not work with the FFB New Default (you can find it in another post)

    I like to use only Gain because I prefer to have the raw signal from the game and tweaked or complement with Sim Commander the forces that I feel I need to add

    I used the original configuration from autodiscover and I did some modifications

    I'm using Foundation because it complements the lack of forces at low speed in most cars (instead using LFB)
    IMO it feels better if you quit oscilations resistance ACAMS2 f.jpg
    I use road effects to feel better the road and the curbs (instead of use FX which I don't like becase it adds a lot of granny noise)
    If you want more road detail add rumble road
    If you want more curbs detail add bump contribution
    ACAMS2 pr.jpg

    I'm using Default mode (3) on SimCommander

    Just comment if you try it
    You can modify as your tastes
    I hope it helps to find a good configuration of this great game
  15. Wayne Whitmore

    Wayne Whitmore Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    @Juan Reinoso ,thanks for posting will definitely be trying your setup.
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  16. Juan Reinoso

    Juan Reinoso Doctor SimRacing AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    I'm using 20% foundation now, It seems some FFB car were being adjusted
  17. JSL

    JSL New Member

    Apr 19, 2020
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    Thank you guys! Juan I test your setup with the GT5 Puma and it's the best for me so far.
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  18. Juan Reinoso

    Juan Reinoso Doctor SimRacing AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    I'm glad it was useful to you
  19. Wayne Whitmore

    Wayne Whitmore Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    9.1 Update
    Although the release notes make no mention of any changes to the FFB some changes are apparent with the new build. The FFB overall feel is lighter and smoother which has brought about the following changes with the result still first rate FFB and the immersion that it gives.
    The min force in the custom FFB file is no longer needed the NEW DEFAULT now works just fine.

    With the smoother feel the device setting has been increased to RESPONSIVE. With the extra signal strength, the overall smoothing has increased to 25 and FX is now Zero.
    For those looking for the wheel vibration feel the settings that Juan has posted for engine RPM and road bumps to give a nice feel.
    8.9.1 profile.JPG 8.9.1 device set.JPG 8.9.1 In game.JPG
    Last edited: May 9, 2020
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  20. Wayne Whitmore

    Wayne Whitmore Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    Yes Juan a very nice alternative set of settings
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