Thrustmaster XT Config (Sensitivity & Deadzones)

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Vedixsz, Oct 11, 2020.

  1. Vedixsz

    Vedixsz New Member

    Oct 11, 2020
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    Hey so im just wondering what other people with this wheel are using. I'd like to preferably hear someone who actually does well in the game as hearing from someone who is as lost as me when it comes to this doesnt really tell me anything.
    Im good on the FFB part i think, i got it just about right where i want it. Not too loose where i cant feel anything but not too rough where i struggle turning the wheel in corners as i did when i just left it all at default.
    I also recently learnt that most "aliens" race with little to no FFB which was surprising as heck although it does make sense since not having to "fight" your wheel should mean that your reaction time is quicker.
    Anyway back to the config part, i have been messing around with it but i cant quite find a good balance. Should i even be having any deadzones?
    My thinking is that the brake shouldnt be any higher than 50% sensitivity while the clutch should be high perhaps even at 100%?

    Let me know if im even on the right track!
  2. BartZ

    BartZ Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I'm not an alien by any means, but in OK. I drive with 50% brake. I don't like the feel of "exponential" brake output. Clutch you can go up a bit but 100% is way out there.

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