Anyone else having issues with the Ghost/replay not saving or registering. Also showing in vehicle but not the overall class. Seems strange after the update, not had this before, cheers... GT4 class tried on a few tracks now.
I dont exactly understand - but sometimes when I try to launch a ghost (and setup) from a class in LB that is not the car Im driving (in the class) Im unable to launch & save the setup. But I guess that is logically correct.
I had no issues with the same vehicle live ghost last night. But no ghost in the replay. I haven’t tried same class ghosts yet. Are you saying the ghost isnt showing up either way?
yeah all back to normal now, just been on today, after working away and all is good. Although FFB felt very weird until i updated my wheel with the new drivers. Don't know if there was another update to the FFB/physics
Is there a leaderboard as it was with AMS1? Maybe I do something wrong but how to get a ghost car on track, or is the ghost not visible?
Its not so ghost-ish that its invisible When you are in the LB listing you just have to click Add Ghost - and then click on the guy on the list you want to have as a ghost.
Thanks, now it works. But, it seems there is another issue: At Nord, the first several corners, I can see the ghost but latest at 'Flugplatz' it is out of sight. Any suggesstions?
Never did so much time trial as the last days, quite a good thing if AI is making me angry because they are too slow or too fast or too radically. So another question: Is it possible to get his OWN ghost immediately after crossing S/F if setted a new personal best? Means, when there is no PB and I finished my first lap, that this lap appear as a ghost lap directly without exiting TT and set it manually? If I set a new PB that my own ghost lap will be updated to the new PB? I know with the old 'Racing Simulation 2' from UbiSoft back in 1998 it worked this way.
yes. so, If you have opted ghost as "best in session" yes it will appear if you did 3 laps and were faster on 3 then that ghost will appear as you start lap 4 and so on. Its a pity and a waste of test day, that you cannot have your ghost on Test day. would be more use than being forced to set a time in TT imo. Eg you could learn a track say 10 laps continuous damage off (unlike TT) chasing your ghost and setting faster times, change setup retest learn, the list go on. Mmm maybe in future at some point. Pls
Maser V6, thanks for info. Have it to try, so I can drive against my own PB every lap with an updated PB-ghost if I set a new PB. That's good, so I can see where I lost time... ...and maybe this is a ghost I can catch
However some ghost do not be available (ref OP) if time is set prevoius to session, and this may be track specific. ie my Nords Brabham time has no ghost available same as top guys. this is frustrating. matters not whether I use setup or not. (Bug as I understand from others) Hence at Nords I have to select " best in session" and do a full lap, no damage and then ghost is revealed for lap 2 lol usually slower than set time on lb Damage will always be on in TT as Im sure you know. so if you go off youll need to restart session if you had a ghost at this point he /she/it will show also
What what? I didnt know that. I just thought that if you want your own latest ghost to run you had to exit TT and then start it again with your new latest ghost. Good hint - thank you Yeah even if you have been too hard on a curb then you can feel that the car is damaged.
Lets say I run new car p1 class for the first time. Nords There will be no ghost, firstly I select best in session. then press start. I do 1 lap and go past start line I will then have a ghost and set a time. 2nd lap I get damage because of off. between T2 and T3 . I press escape. . Then press restart this will put you back on start line. can at this point change setup like aero on b44 or diff. (without leaving TT) Session will restart with my new ghost and settings I can then see that on rear wing 7 it too low and thats why I lost it between T2 and T3 short straight full throttle. we can repeat restarting / adjusting till we have a good time that were happy to have autosaved If I then leave TT my 1st lap ghost or fastest lap ghost is saved In the big steam Reiza cloud thing (and if it was not bugged it would show next time as loadable) Hope this clarifies
Thanks again. Hehe I run TT at Silverstone 2001 in my favorite formula car at the moment and have discovered that its easier (pour moi ) to run faster PB laps if I choose a ghost slightly slower than my own. Because then I can both feel better than the other while on track - and dont have another car just in front of me the whole lap. No I wont say the name of the ghost Im using at the moment.
Thanks for explanation, that sounds like what I want to have and so I will try it out the following days...
Just for kicks I ran the v10 you favour at silvestone historic last night, default setup. Started by adding best in session ghost. Set a time then left TT. Rejoined TT selected my prevoius ghost Plus another best in session. So now on lap 2, I have 2 of my own ghosts + 1 other players 3 total (when u press escape it will give option to restart session, also to delete ghost, select cancel on this option and 1st ghost will appear and new 1 on lap 2)