[DEVS] MINOR BUG: cockpit camera for Ultima GTR Race is not centered Hi there, I'm using three Dell S3220DGF 1440p monitors and they work just fine. To cope with the performance requirements, I've created a 5760x1080 144 Hz custom resolution and a bezel corrected 5840x1080 one. It works just fine with rF2, ACC and AC but with AMS2 I do have misalignments and graphical glichtes. See here: Non-bezel corrected 5760x1080 144 Hz (with triple screen spanning enabled in the AMS2 settings) THAT'S THE SETTING I WANT TO GET RIGHT Bezel corrected 5840x1080 144 Hz (with triple screen spanning disabled in the AMS2 settings) WORKS BUT STRECHTED, DON'T LIKE IT Non-bezel corrected 7680x1440 144 Hz (with triple screen spanning enabled in the AMS2 settings) IT'S FINE BUT PERFORMANCE ISN'T THAT GREAT Bezel corrected 7780x1440 144 Hz (with triple screen spanning disabled in the AMS2 settings) WORKS BUT STRECHTED, DON'T LIKE IT, WORSE PERFORMANCE ON TOP OF THAT What can I do to get the non-bezel corrected resolution to work right like the regular 1440p resolution? I want to use the per-screen-rendering and I'd like to avoid the strechted bezel-corrected resolution but fiddling around with the "triplescreensettings.xml" didn't help here. Even when putting the correct measurements and resolution (1920x1080 because of the custom resolution) into the file I get the disastrous result you can see above. Any suggestions? Thanks for your help
Hi JetPistol I use triples and the bezel corrected resolution. In my case, that’s 3 1080p at 5844x1080. And I have gotten rid of all stretch and misalignments. Here’s the process… Use your bezel corrected resolution in game and enable triple screen. In the game’s camera settings, enter the FOV for just your center monitor alone (for me that’s 45 degrees…not the combined 135 for all three screens). However, you may not be able to change the camera FOV until after the triple screen settings are updated. Edit triple screen settings in the XML file including all of the following: Enter your individual screen native resolution for each of the three screens. Though you may need to try using 1920 x 1080 for your setup with the reduced resolution. Enter the physical width and height of each screen (more detail below on that). Enter the bezel widths for each screen (even though you’re using bezel corrected resolution). Enter the distance to eye for each screen (ideally the same for all 3 if set up with correct angle). Enter the angle from forward for the left and right screens (should be same as individual screen FOV if set up using correct angles…trigonometry…identical angles…etc). Regarding each monitors' width and height, the game expects them to have the same aspect ratio as the monitor resolution. If you’re measuring the viewable screen, then that’s no problem. But if you measure the actual physical width since using a bezel corrected resolution as I do, then you must instead calculate the height. If you don’t, there will be a misalignment with vertical stretch on the side screens. In my case, the physical width of the individual monitor is 54 cm. So, I divide 54 by 1920 and then multiply by 1080 to get a calculated height of 30.375 cm. And that solved the vertical alignment issue. Regarding bezel width, it is simple enough to measure that with a ruler. But, since you’re using a bezel corrected resolution, that horizontal resolution actually tells you your exact bezel width as well…sort of. In my case, the 3 monitors each with 1920 would equal 5760. So, the bezel corrected resolution of 5844 is adding 42 pixels for the gap between left and center screens…and 42 pixels for the gap between center and right screens. And that’s actually the virtual space between the viewable screens rather than the physical width of the bezels which may be at a different perspective from viewing. After doing a bit of math(s) with trigonometry using the pixel count, physical width, and screen angle, I calculate an exact measurement of 0.624501 cm for each bezel. I know, this is a lot of unnecessary work if you have a ruler handy. But, it helped me to get it correct immediately without a bunch of tuning afterwards. I've included this calc in the linked Excel sheet. To make things simpler, I put all this into an Excel sheet. This may not work for everybody. But it worked for me. If you access the Excel sheet, do not change any boxes in Yellow…Yellow gets calculated. Only enter values in Green boxes. If you are prompted to request access to the worksheet, please do not request access (that would be for editing the original). I don’t give anyone access to edit the original excel sheet. You should still be able to download it to your own computer and edit that. Or if you don’t have Excel, you should be able to open it within Google Doc.
No problem at all. Hope it helps. By the way, if you use the Excel sheet, I made a slight change to the way it automatically calculates bezel width if using Nvidia Surround and a bezel-corrected resolution. It's almost an unnoticeable change...but I made it anyway. Just added some missing trigonometry into it. Made the change in the v2 copy of the worksheet. drive.google.com/file/d/1QkqCxbdcmr8-4xw4AfvjJ4-lLyXgg5zx/view?usp=sharing
I did recreate your scenario and had success. Since my monitors are 1920x1080, to mimic your situation, I created a reduced resolution based on 720p and had a bezel corrected resolution of 3896x720. I entered that for the in game resolution; and used 1280x720 for the monitor resolutions within the triple screen settings. I also used those resolutions within the Excel sheet...and as expected it produced the same FOV and bezel calc...since resolution would not impact that. In game, I had perfect alignment and bezel spacing and no strange anomalies with viewing position, scale/stretch, etc. This may be more feedback than you anticipated. But, it gave me something to do while unable to get out of the house.
I did not forget about your great help and suggestions. Since I do have some driver-inflicted issues at the moment, I will get back to testing your settings as soon as I can.
@note2ybk Thank you, just helped sort out my alignment issues that I had been putting up with for weeks, I thought it was the best I could get but this just provided me the solution! Cheers fella!!
After fiddling around quite some time with the driver setup I was able to try and drive with the settings according to you spreadsheet (will stay at 1440p for now with around 80-120 fps). I must say that your solution works great and eliminates distortion and alignment issues. Now AMS2 is great fun to drive with triples. I thank you very much! Devs should think hard about implementing this approach into the code.
Fantastic! Very happy to hear that. If you’re interested in comparing visual results...I uploaded a video comparison of triples vs VR.
I've tried both (triples and VR with my Reverb) and I like the triples best. Only on some cars there are UI issues with steering wheels which are shown unnecessarily. In some cases it breaks immersion for me.
That can be awkward at times. I tend to just turn off the steering wheel render and run a SimHub dash on my phone instead.
That's the actual problem. These screens were taken with the driver/arms hidden via the options. On certain cars the wheel gets removed properly but on some it's still rendered even though it's basically useless (no rpm lights etc.).
Oh, dang, I’ll have to keep an eye out for that. I hadn’t noticed that...probably hidden behind my real wheel. But that probably will bug me now. Haha.
You just made my day. This solved the issue 100%! You're a hero. Many thanks. Despite using Excel myself in the past to calculate the angle of view mathematically correct I wasn't able to get it right. How on earth did you figure this out? Again many thanks.
Somewhat similarly, I created the following for my own use. I wanted something that could auto-create each configuration string so that I wouldn't have to do anything, after entering all the appropriate measurements. I apologize for it being hard-coded to inches, but I'm in the US so you'll have to do some maths if you're part of the rest of the world : ) Triple Screen Calculator
Sir, you are a very talented person and have basically fixed an issue that was causing me not to play this game ever. Now is perfect. Reiza should pay you for fixing their bad coding. Many THUMBS UP for you