Per the title, looking for ideas/suggestions to brighten up cockpit interiors in VR, they can be midnight dark at times, especially the tightly enclosed cars like the LMDh and LMPs. Cranking exposure compensation to 2.00 helps, but caps out. Disabling post-processing has minimal impact on my end. Not sure if it's a contrast or exposure issue, or a combination. The game itself is very adequately bright. I've dug through the openvr files and have not come across any settings that might help. Not even sure what the exposure setting is listed as in the xml/ini file, would attempt to manually set it higher than the 2.00 if I could. Input/insight appreciated.
Following up on this, can anyone confirm what the "exposureFOV" variable is controlling in the openvrsettings.xml file? Have not found an explanation for it.