Hi! Asked this question month ago, but try again ;-) VR used to work as normal when first start testing the game. Then one day, after some days not testing, maby after an update. I dont know. But VR view started to bug. I was behind the car, inside the bonnet, two meters on the side.. not working. No recenter or camera adjustment worked. And on top of that, the vr goggles was showing two screen. If i closed my one eye, i could see, open both eyes - was double - not one picture. So, i read somewhere to delete my savefile, i did that. Now the camera and vr in cocpit works as it should - but, the double screen is still there. so cant play. anyone know how to reset this? or do something to get one 3d screen not two .. (pimax works perfect in iracing and other games)
You can also play in oculus mod without Parallel Projection (It's supposed to save some fps) : Copy this files LibOVRRT32_1.dll & LibOVRRT64_1.dll in your AMS2 main folder Oculus dll - Google Drive Create a .txt named steam_appid.txt in your AMS2 main folder Write this number in the .txt: 1066890 Import the AMS2.exe in pitools. Run the game from pitools.
I tried again yesterday and the oculus mod does not seem more effective. I recommend you go take a look at this AMS2 thread on pimax forum. This guy seems to have good settings