Weird AMS-only Issues/bugs Since Using SRM Fana Adapter w/ Fana Universal Hub

Discussion in 'Automobilista - Help & Support' started by Spin, Aug 16, 2019.

  1. Spin

    Spin Active Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Ever since I installed the SRM Fanatec base-side Adapter, Automobilista has done a few strange things leaving the game literally unplayable. The following issues occur:

    Issue #1
    As soon as I go into the car, the car will instantly be put into first gear and I cannot put the car in neutral nor change gear at all. If I then alt-tab out of the game and go into my Fanatec shifter's control panel, I'll see that the shifter is constantly holding down the first gear button no matter what I physically do with the shifter. If I escape back to the AMS menu, my shifter responds again but the first-gear mapping is gone and both the physical first & reverse gears are mapped to the reverse button. If I go back in-game and try to drive, it again gets stuck holding down the first-gear button.

    The only way to fix the physical first gear being mapped to the reverse button is to go into the Fanatec Windows control panel and re-calibrate the shifter but the problem comes back as soon as I go out on track again.

    Issue #2
    There is a 3 or so second delay when I do the following: start AMS, hit the drive button to go out on track, escape from the track back to the pits, escape from the track or pits back to the main AMS menu.

    Notes for Issue #s 1 & 2:
    • These issues do not happen out-of-game nor in-game before I go on track nor in Raceroom. Raceroom also natively supports the LCD display and has no issues whatsover.
    • I downloaded Fanaleds and tested it on my Winodws desktop and that does not cause any issues either.
    • If I unplug the SRM adapter, the issues don't exist
    • I tried disabling AMS' auto-detection of Fana LCDs by removing ReizaSLIMaxMgrBridge.dll but the LCD still worked. How can I disable AMS' in-built Fana LCD implementation?
    • I'm guessing that if I remove AMS' built-in detection of Fana LCDs and instead rely on Fanaleds or SLIMax Manager, the issues will go away as it seems to be some sort of issue with AMS detecting and using the LCD.

    Issue #3
    Ever since I re-setup my Nvidia Surround settings and used the SRM adapter for the first time, I need to move my mouse to the right of all the options in AMS in order to click them when running with a bezel-compensation resolution. If I start AMS without a bezel-compensation resolution then I do not get the same issue.

    Notes for Issue #3:
    • RFactor 2 with the same bezel-corrected resolution does not experience this issue.
    • This issue may have nothing to do with the SRM adapter and may just be a coincidence because the issue occurs even when I disconnect the adapter. Having said that, I don't recall the issue happening before I got the adapter.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2019
  2. Domagoj Lovric

    Domagoj Lovric Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    Hey there, we are atm just wrapping implementation of latest Fanatec SDK, I didn't quite understand which rim you are referring to - is it the universal hub?

    SDK documentation does not mention anything specific for shifter, other then checking if it is in seq or h pattern mode.

    About fanatec led detection, that is done only on track load, not when going in out of pits. What happen s then is pausing of ffb system only (regarding hardware controller input output).
    Slibridge plug in doesn't have anything to do with fanatec led, it's all in game code.
    Again, what rim do you have, what type of led it has (or oled maybe)?

    Shifter stuck in gear - there is a setting inside controller.ini:

    Gear Select Button Hold="1" // Enable this option if using a gear select device that holds down a joystick button while in a gear and releases all buttons in neutral (such as the Act-Labs USB Shifter)
    Seems to default to "hold", which seems desired in your case. Try alternating this setting and see what you get. Even tho it seems to me your shifter might have a problem and instead of delivering constant gear selected button, it is delivering "pulse" signal so to speak - described in game behavior(partially) suggests that.

    Do you have access to our beta subforum?
  3. Domagoj Lovric

    Domagoj Lovric Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    Last edited: Aug 17, 2019
  4. Spin

    Spin Active Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Hi Domagoj. Sorry about the delay. I wasn't expecting Reiza to reply so soon or else I would have checked the forums earlier so thank you for that :)

    I don't think I have access to out beta subforum

    The shifter issue is not to do with the hold gear button. The shifter works perfect if I disable the Fanatec Hub Adapter Wheel Base side Fanatec conversion kit

    If I try to play AMS with the SRM adapter, once I load a track (or I think it's actually when I click on drive to jump in the car), then all of a sudden my shifter mappings get messed up and physical first gear also becomes mapped to reverse gear. So for example, if I exit back to the pits and go to the controls options and try to map 1st gear again, physical 1st gear and reverse gear are the same button (joy 3 button 26 or whatever, just example). But before I went on track, first gear was button 25 and reverse was button 26 (just example). Also, when this happens the button mapping of first gear is constantly being held down (or non-stop rapid pulsating to first gear mapping button) so the game thinks I'm non-stop holding or pressing the first gear "button" and therefore I'm stuck in first gear.

    These issue does not exist in rFactor 1 nor Raceroom. These issues don't exist in AMS if I don't use the SRM adapter.

    I think I can make it much clearer if I make a video to show. Would you like me to make a video?
  5. Domagoj Lovric

    Domagoj Lovric Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    No, no need for video, understood what goes on. What would help is trace file.
    Again, latest fanatec sdk will roll out in ams1 patch very soon so that might help you.

    Do you know anything more about that SRM adapter, how it is shown on pc in Game Controllers / device manager? Does it have dedicated drivers or uses Fanatec ones?
  6. Spin

    Spin Active Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    The SRM adapter shows up in both Windows' (8.1 64-bit) "Devices and Printers" and "Game Controllers" as "FANATEC ClubSport Wheel Base" with the official Fanatec black "F" logo.

    I have installed the Fanatec drivers because I need them for the Fanatec Clubsport Shifter v1.5 and the Fanatec USB adapter (used with Shifter). Currently using driver v328. I think I was using a slightly earlier driver before (low 300s or high 200s). But the driver change made no difference.

    Also, when I use the SRM adapter, there's also a 2 or 3 second delay whenever I do one of the following:
    - start AMS
    - when in the garage (track loaded) and hit the drive button to go out on track
    - escape from the track back to the pits
    - escape from the track or pits back to the main AMS menu

    When I don't have the SRM adapter, I don't have any of those delays/freezes - the game behaves normal.
  7. Domagoj Lovric

    Domagoj Lovric Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    Try playng with these, from controller.ini (disable by setting them to 0).

    Start Hardware Event Monitor="1" 
    Use Additional Hardware Features="1" 
  8. Spin

    Spin Active Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    I'm about to do those tests but figured I'd give you one more piece of information before I do them. I tested with no Fanatec Shifter (and shifter USB adapter) connected just in case the issue is due to some sort of conflict between devices. The freezing/delays still occurred though and when I clicked drive to go in the car, the game immediately put me in reverse gear. So disconnecting the Fana shifter (and USB adapter) did not resolve the issue.

    Test Results
    Start Hardware Event Monitor="0"
    Use Additional Hardware Features="1"

    Start Hardware Event Monitor="1"
    Use Additional Hardware Features="0"

    both tests above give identical following results:
    - Issue resolved
    - Fanatec LCD does not work
    - Fanatec LCD works via FanaLEDs (using FanaLEDs' FanaLEDsPlugin.dll file placed in main AMS directory's plugins folder)

    In case you're curious, I set both above options back to 1 and Fanatec LCD Toggle="0" (0=off) but that did not resolve the issue.

    The issue is fully resolved as long as either Start Hardware Event Monitor or Use Additional Hardware Features is set to 0.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2019
  9. Domagoj Lovric

    Domagoj Lovric Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    Am away from office now, but suppose you'd want hardware event monitor enabled, as that one turns on or off steering auto rotation (iirc).
    Lcd toggle set to off no wonder it does not solve anything, as it just disables display output, but handle to it is still active, because you can map lcd_toggle button which enables changing Lcd mode while driving.
  10. Spin

    Spin Active Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Yup, that's what I figured too. I can now use my Fana Uni Hub and Fana BMW GT2 wheel and have all buttons and functions working.Thanks for the quick replies.
    You've given great customer service and resolved the issue :hurrayreiza:
  11. Spin

    Spin Active Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Hi. I don't know whether to post this in the bugs thread or continue from here.

    I'd like to report that the Fanatec LCD doesn't work at all in the new update. I also set Start Hardware Event Monitor and Use Additional Hardware Features back to 1. I also went to the in-game Fanatec menu and set the LCD on. There's nothing now.

    It's not a big deal because there's always programs like FanaLEDs but I still wanted to report it just in case Reiza is interested in this.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2019
  12. Domagoj Lovric

    Domagoj Lovric Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    You can post trace file here.
  13. Spin

    Spin Active Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Hi. Sorry, was busy the past few days. Here's the trace file.

    By the way, I deleted my PLR file, controller file, and most files in the main AMS install folder (like realfeel, etc.). I then did a Steam Verify Integrity of Game Files which fixed around 20 or 30 files. I then repeated the verify integrity and Stean found 0 bad/missing files. I then started AMS and was prompted to create a new profile which I did. I then set some controls and options, went to Adelaide in the F301 but the problem still exists.

    Attached Files:

  14. Spin

    Spin Active Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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