I'm using a Logitech X Pro 7.1 headset. Some cars have a very muted/dull engine sounds lacking a surround "effect" as if they were recorded with a different mic or using a different recording technique. I tried to turn on the "Enable Headphone Mix" option but that doesn't seem to do anything. I even restarted to the game each time in case that option only works after a reset. Can anyone describe if the Headset mix option is need for 7.1 headset? and what does it do exactly?
Enable Headphone Mix will enable a head-related transfer function which is relatively successful at fooling your ears to think that the sound is coming from a specific direction. It is meant for stereo headphones, not surround headphones. If you use your 7.1 headset in stereo mode, you could/should set Enable Headphone Mix to ON.
Very useful info. Exactly what I was wondering... if this option is required when using 7.1 vs cheap stereo headset. They should make it more clear by labelling it "Enable stereo remix for headset".
I'm using a very cheap pair of headphones and the "enable headphone mix" gives me a (nearly) binaural sensation. I like it a lot. But yes, the labelling could be more precise.
counterstrike has an identical feature under a different name. essentially it does some stuff with the audio so that it will sound like stuff is infront/behind you without actually having speakers that would simulate it. i honestly never liked this, but i am using 5.1 headphones, so there is no need anyways the logitech g35 headphones were just stereo speakers but came with a driver or software that would act like its 7.1, it always sounded amazing and i never doubted that its 7.1, i just found out afterwards that its fake 7.1 i guess the technology is very similiar here to the g35