Two questions in one post. My crew chief is constantly telling me that my engine is overheating. I open the radiator .. still doesn't seem to matter. I finish a 3 hour race without issues. Problem is I can't find a temp gauge on any of the cars (First with the GT3 series, now with the Brazilian Stock cars). Where would I find oil/water temp, oil pressure, etc.?? Also, do tires go flat in AMS2? I ask because I just did a test AC vs AMS2 with a Mercedes GT3. Put the car against the wall and floored the throttle to see how quickly the tires would heat up. In AC they got very hot very quickly, then the left rear blew out (had 0 pressure) and it was visible. In AMS2, Both tires got red hot but neither blew. My engine eventually blew up lol... So I'm just wondering if tires will blow in this game. Thanks!
One major flaw remaining is that tires can be abused in a very arcade manner. They can be locked up over and over, without any real flatspotting. Driving like that in real life would cause the tires to pop after a couple of corners.
You could download simhub and create dash that has engine temp, many of mine have engine water and oil temps, but it is car dependent as i try to make them the same or similar to the real in game dash. Resources by 2stains