Automobilista EA bug report thread (Please read the opening post)

Discussion in 'Automobilista - General Discussion' started by Renato Simioni, Mar 8, 2016.

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  1. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used:any
    Car Used:lancia
    Applicable Settings:graphics as in manual, max in game
    Report:anti aliasing isn't working in mirrors
    Steps to reproduce:

    it seem every car has his own mirrors graphic settings?
  2. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used:Brasilia
    Car Used:any
    Applicable Settings:
    Report:Grass doesn't throw up dust
    Steps to reproduce:
  3. hex

    hex Damage, Inc. AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I will post all bugs in one posts, because I don't want to flood on the forum.

    -- BUG # 1 --
    (and shifters too, but for those I'm not sure whether it's a bug) don't have throttle cut-off anymore. It was all good until the very recent update. I have Auto blip and Auto lift on OFF in the settings.
    I'm 100% sure Superkarts have this feature in real life.

    -- BUG # 2 --
    "arrows" to change values (for example of wings or fuel in the car setup) don't respond now when you click&hold as they used to.

    -- BUG # 3 --
    Car Used: MetalMoro
    Applicable Settings: button for neutral gear has to be set in the controller menu
    Report: Neutral key/button doesn't work. I'm using this to select reverse gear (for example after spin)

    -- BUG # 4 --
    steering wheel LED lights don't work in the T-cam view.

    -- POSSIBLE BUG --
    You guys might want to take a closer look at the windshields of cars like Minis and Opalas, because on any track when trees are in the direct view outside of the windshield you can see those strange spider's web patterns - which immediately brings to mind template patterns. I can't take a screenshot, because it's visible only while in motion and only when trees are in the background. Just drive and watch the windshield (more in the upper part of it) and when trees will keep passing by you WILL see strange silhouettes/patterns. At least I hope so.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. zAmboni

    zAmboni New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 16, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Taruma
    Car Used: Mini Challenge
    Applicable Settings: Server Side?
    Report: Weird bug happened when participating in an online race today. We completed Race 1 without problems, but when we went to the grid on Race 2 with a reversed grid, everyone was in the cockpit of a different car. We had to hit the view key to get us to our car (KP Enter?). One player had his controls not working (no throttle), and we tried to restart a couple of times. After the restart and formation lap we all got to our grid positions and the start lights never went. We restarted again to see if that fixed things, but we never could get the start lights for the race.

    Also after one of the resets of Race 1, my FFB wasn't working and needed to use the reset key to get it to work (although a FFB reset should have been sent with the latest update.
  5. Kevin Bradley

    Kevin Bradley New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Montreal (Modern GP Circuit)
    Car Used: Formula Vee
    Applicable Settings: Single race vs AI set to 95%,
    Report: Majority of the AI can not drive around this track, in particular the final chicane but also turns 3/4, 8/9. Frequently on every lap several of the AI oversteers into spinning 180 degree turns causing chaos and mass crashes between AI cars. Tried in Stock Car Extreme with identical settings and AI drives without major issues.
    Steps to reproduce: Start a race against AI set to 95%, default time of day/track settings, medium AI aggression.
  6. Mr.T.

    Mr.T. New Member

    Mar 19, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Track & Layout Used
    : -
    Car Used: Lancer Cup
    Applicable Settings: -
    Report: same name for the two available opponent classes
    Steps to reproduce: R or RS at the end of the line
    Track & Layout Used
    : -
    Car Used: -
    Applicable Settings: german UI
    Report: only the first letter of the name of the column displayed
    Steps to reproduce:
    AMS UI.jpg
  7. DeoraTwo

    DeoraTwo New Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used
    : -
    Car Used: Super Truck
    Applicable Settings: -
    Report: Transmission is not as it is in real life. Stadium super trucks have a manually shifted torque converter automatic. Right now it acts like a 3 speed sequential manual. The real supertrucks can idle in 1st, 2nd or 3rd without any clutch input and do not have shifting throttle cut or downshift protection of any sort. It should also creep forward like a real automatic with no brake input when in gear.
    Steps to reproduce: Shift into first without the clutch. It will stall like it shouldn't.
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  8. Sting Ray

    Sting Ray Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 22, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: 3 out of 3 tried have the same issue
    Car Used: MetalMoro
    Applicable Settings: Auto clutch, Logitech wheel with paddle shifting
    Report: Cannot select a lower gear (eg from 6 to 5, or 2 to 1) in certain circumstances. I tried allocating a Keyboard key to 1st gear, so that when it happens again i could press that. However when the "can't change down" issue occurs, the key doesn't work either (it does when everything is normal). Only fix i have found is to quit the session which is kinda annoying !
    Steps to reproduce: It has never occurred in normal driving on track. It only happens if i spin onto the grass, or a runoff area and it also happened at the end of a race when i drove back into my pit box in 3rd gear (with pit limiter on), but once stationary i couldn't select 2,1,N (but could select 4, 5, 6). Note that it doesn't happen all the time, which i realize makes it hard to very reproduce
  9. Yuri Bascope

    Yuri Bascope Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: All
    Car Used: All
    Applicable Settings:
    Report: Endurance support is not working properly. It just allow me to add 100 laps in a race.
    Steps to reproduce: Open a dedicated server and try to add more than 100 laps
  10. aguirre.eng

    aguirre.eng New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Velopark
    Car Used: Formula Vee, Brasileiro de Marcas, Stock Car
    Applicable Settings: All
    Report: The location of the Velopark track on the maps is wrong, it points to SP/RJ region instead to point to RS.
    Steps to reproduce: Join any event on Velopark.
  11. Sting Ray

    Sting Ray Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 22, 2016
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    Further to the issue i reported 3 above (cannot select gearshift down), it occurs nearly everytime i leave the circuit in the MetalMoro (eg on grass, or hit a wall). I did find that by holding Q key (clutch) i can down shift so suggest there is a slight bug in the new gearbox code
  12. Ole Marius Myrvold

    Ole Marius Myrvold New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 22, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: Any
    Applicable Settings: G27 - any settings, presets, configurations, in and outside the game
    Report:Will not work online. It works when driving offline, it works in the settings menu - however, it will just not work when you click the arrow to go on to the track online. Then it just stops working - after the attempt to go on the track online, it will not be picked up in the settings either (no axis movement, nothing). When you leave the server, and jumps to the menu of the game, it works again, no restart of the game needed.
    Steps to reproduce: For me... just join any random server, and it stops working.

    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: Any
    Applicable Settings: Online
    Report: When leaving the server, you get asked if you really want to leave or not, if you choose not to leave (e.g mistake and didn't mean to press to leave server button), you will not be able to see or do anything. You will only have a black timing screen, a black TV-screen and you will not be able to do anything other than leave the server.
    Steps to reproduce: Join server, click to leave, change you mind and don't leave
  13. Clive Morrison

    Clive Morrison New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: all
    Car Used:all
    Applicable Settings:N/A
    Report:cannot configure/save wheel, pedals, shifter or button box. All inputs tied to JOY4 B1
    Steps to reproduce:N/A
  14. Brent Mills

    Brent Mills Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used:any
    Car Used:any
    Applicable Settings:N/A
    Report:sometimes when clicking 'finish session' or /'next session', the controls don't work anymore and have to exit to menus. It's quite erratic, but often enough to be very annoying. It may be more prevalent in formula vee im not sure
    Steps to reproduce:

    Start a championship in formula vee. if u click next session to the race, there is no control in the race, happened 3/3 now. I'm using a thrustmaster T300
  15. Punknoodle

    Punknoodle New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 25, 2016
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    With any car, using triple screens, when pressing escape while in a session and going back to the garage view, on the two side monitors there are white out of scale images of the on screen displays that flash intermittently.

    I've noticed also that when pressing in the clutch whilst in pit lane at least the car doesn't free rev, at least audibly. Car was a SuperV8, tried at several tracks.

    Crackling audio as others have mentioned at low speeds, especially over kerbs.
  16. Matej Lakota

    Matej Lakota New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Guapore
    Car Used: Metalmoro/V8/Mini
    Applicable Settings:
    Report: 35 cars multiclass race and when I wanted to pit, the place where orange arrow showed me to do it, took Mini infront of me, so I had to go back on the track and pit in next lap when "my" place was empty. I set pitstop in menu some laps before I intended to pit. Orange arrow for my place is not visible in replay, but it was there.
    Steps to reproduce:

    EU - Multiclass Endurance @ Guapore - Tuesday March 22nd 2016
  17. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used:Montreal, perhaps other tracks
    Car Used:any
    Applicable SettingsDynHUD minimap enabled
    Report:Cars leaving pits are projected on track, when they pass the speed limit line, in the mini map, This makes it hard to see where the drivers really are.
    Steps to reproduce:
  18. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used:Goiania
    Car Used:V8
    Applicable Settings:Multiplayer on "4FUNBR STOCK CAR V8" server
    Report: Minimap Montreal shown
    Steps to reproduce:

    The "Goianiamini.tga" in Automobilista\GameData\Locations\Goiania\Goiania\ is correct
  19. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    #78 SOLVED, I made a copy of my .PLR file so i have a backup to restore when the file would be overwritten by an update.
    I store this file in another directory now.

  20. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Should be fixed with v0.8.7 coming up soon.

    This is inevitable with multiclass races as different classes will share the same pit group or slot. We might look into adding some sorting function to prevent that, though I cant say for sure if and when we´ll manage that. With a 35 cars field at Guapore you will have similar issues even running a single class, as the track does not have that many pit slots. Technically the maximum grid size should be 34, anything over that may cause issues.

    This sounds like probably a shifter (as in your controller) is engaged in gear or something similar.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
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