Fanatec DD2 Settings - Share yours

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Rafa Fleury, Oct 22, 2020.

  1. Rafa Fleury

    Rafa Fleury Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 24, 2019
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    Reiza has made a few changes on FFB over the last versions. I think it would be helpful to have a thread to share Fanatec DD2 settings (and not mix with other wheels). Please post your driver version, settings for Fanalab and AMS2 settings.

  2. John Caetano

    John Caetano Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    What an interesting post to come across as mine is due to arrive tomorrow. I was planning on using the fanatec recommended settings and playing from there. Have you tried this and not happy with the results?
  3. Gagaryn

    Gagaryn Out To Lunch AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 26, 2019
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    Why haven't you opened the post with your settings? :whistle:

    Anyway here is mine - this is a starting point, There isn't one setting that is 'best' for every car although these work quite well across the board, a few cars benefit from a reduction in on wheel FFB.

    I generally like the wheel to feel quite 'weighty'.

    Gain: 48
    LFB: 0
    FX: 50
    Damping: 25

    On wheel:
    Sensitivity: Auto
    Force Feedback: 70
    FFB linearity: OFF
    Natural damper: 15
    Natural friction: OFF
    Natural intertia: OFF
    FFB Interpolation: 4
    FFB Intensity (FEI): 100
    Spring: 100
    Damper: 100
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  4. Lexx VR

    Lexx VR Member

    Apr 2, 2020
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  5. John Caetano

    John Caetano Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    I came across this video and so far having having really good success with the settings across titles. AMS included. Give it a try and a like!
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  6. Zolazem

    Zolazem Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 15, 2020
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    For me there is no need for a custom FFB file the game in its current state work really well with this:

    Instal the latest 373 beta driver upgrade the firmware to latest version base and motor. Then instal the latest version from fanalab and from there you can select the recommended setting for the the game and start the game. For me this works really good for multiple games. You can find al info and downloads (driver and fanalab) in this link:

    Fanatec Beta Driver V373 (372 before) for CSL, CSW and Podium Bases (all wheels)
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  7. Rafa Fleury

    Rafa Fleury Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 24, 2019
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    Sorry, I was away from my Sim PC.

    I currently have the following settings:

    FF 42
    NDP 22
    NFR 1
    NIN 6
    INT 2
    FOR 100
    SPR 100
    DPR 100
    SHO 100
    BRF 75

    In Game:
    Type Default
    Gain 35
    Force Boost 50
    Fx 50
    Damping 0
    Strength 10

    I am using "Custom Wheel" as opposed to the Fanatec presets since I was having trouble getting the shift paddle to work.
  8. inthebagbud

    inthebagbud Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    this is my take on the custom ffb file Fuktor 4.5 - exp2 - Momentum Rack 6.1 for a DD2 with a higher scrub scale, change to over/understeer and tyre flex setting. There is a change to the accel/brake feel but not sure if that registers with DD2 - file attached to post

    in game - will be car dependant - currently used with lower spec cars

    Gain - 30
    LFB - 20
    FX - 25
    Damping - 10

    Wheel - cahnged NDP - NFR a bit from other files

    FF - 80
    LIN - Off
    NDP - 40
    NFR - 20
    NIN - 6
    INT - 3
    FEI - 100
    Rest - 100

    I have added settings to file as well for reference

    Update 23/05/2021

    I haven't played game for a while due to FFB issues however the custom file 45 from this thread has made a vast improvement

    Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

    In looking at the ffb file i don't look at graphs or delve into the file, and cant give massive flowing feedback, I don't tune or have buckets of skill, I drive by feel and above all else need to enjoy the experience

    When I assess the ffb I'm looking for

    1 to feel at ease
    2 confident that when i turn in the car is going to point/go where in general i plan it to do so - sometimes there is a mismatch between input, sensation and result
    3. experience of road feel
    4. to be able to drive side by side around a corner knowing i can make it
    5. when travelling in a pack that my actions are fed back quickly enough to influence my driving - see point two above
    6. i feel connected to the car
    7 i should be confident with a new car on a known track after a couple of laps (not necessarily fast but confident)

    For those interested my settings are

    In game

    G -32 -
    LFB -0 - 10 - as this is now directly related to Gain & Damper settings i suggest you start at zero and sort your G & D settings first then use this as a fine-tune
    FX -50 - fx is definitely needed as at zero there is no road feel
    Damper - 32

    You can then on individual cars use LFB or the on the fly overall gain button assignment

    On wheel

    FFB - 75
    Lin - off
    NDP - 20
    NFR - 8
    NIN - 6INT - 3
    FEI - 100

    I did try lower/higher wheel ffb game gain/damper lfb. With different combinations, you can pretty much get the same result so don't hunt around too much for differences in combinations.

    Update 31/01/2021
    Slight version change to .31,
    Type Custom
    Gain - 30
    Force Boost - 20
    Fx - 30
    Damping - 50

    I have also been experimenting with GTR866 post below but just keep coming back to .31 which is uploaded below

    SEN - currently 720as i fine auto not responsive enough
    FF - 100
    LIN - OFF
    NDP - 20
    NFR - OFF
    NIN - 6
    INT - 3
    FEI - 100
    FOR - 100
    SPR - 100
    DPR - 100
    BLI - OFF don't use Fanatec pedals
    SHO 100

    Update 03/01/2021
    Now using "Silver Raw - Momentum Rack 5.1" - Jan 1 2021 from the link further down this post
    Type Custom
    Gain - 33
    Force Boost - 55
    Fx - 28
    Damping - 50

    tested with mini at Brands Hatch GP

    SEN - currently 720as i fine auto not responsive enough
    FF - 100
    LIN - OFF
    NDP - 20
    NFR - OFF
    NIN - 6
    INT - 3
    FEI - 100
    FOR - 100
    SPR - 100
    DPR - 100
    BLI - OFF don't use Fanatec pedals
    SHO 100

    In Game: - updated 05/12/2020
    Type Custom
    Gain - 35
    Force Boost - 25
    Fx - 30
    Damping - I can't really decide - erring to 100 but its not easily recognizable what its doing. Depending on the car it dampens the left/right bouncyness of the steering wheel. setting between 50 to 100 so far gives the best feel.
    Strength - 10

    SEN - currently 720as i fine auto not responsive enough
    FF - 100
    LIN - OFF
    NDP - 20
    NFR - OFF
    NIN - 6
    INT - 3
    FEI - 100
    FOR - 100
    SPR - 100
    DPR - 100
    BLI - OFF don't use Fanatec pedals
    SHO 100

    I am using "Custom Wheel"

    Last combo sprint @ oulton classic


    Custom file being used Silver Raw v6.6.5.21 - Momentum Rack 4.5

    Fanalabs - not used

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 13, 2021
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  9. jpmmuc

    jpmmuc Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2016
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    It's interesting, that LFB is used by more than I thought.

    I'm using a BME with a Sparco R383 Champion 33cm. I think it depends a lot what wheel is mounted, e.g. with the F1 2018 I use only gain 40.
    In Game default, not custom:
    Gain: 50 (varies from type of wheel used between 40 and 50)
    LFB: 0
    FX: 50 --> now 40
    Damping: 36 (not sure sometimes I reduce it to 30) --> now 0

    Fanatec settings (driver 381):
    Sensitivity (SEN): Auto
    Force Feedback (FF): 66
    FFB linearity (LIN): ON (trying if it's better to have a more linear power and FFB curve)
    Natural damper (NDP): 14 --> now 16
    Natural friction (NFR): 3 --> now 4
    Natural inertia (NIN): OFF
    FFB Interpolation (INT): 3 (I think we get 400 Hz or 600 Hz so I choose a low interpolation)
    FFB Intensity (FEI): 90 (reduces some jolts)
    FOR / SPR / DPR: 100

    EDIT: in game damper now off, instead NDP 16, NFR 4 and FX reduced
    Last edited: May 22, 2021
  10. GTR886

    GTR886 New Member

    Jan 20, 2021
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    This is the Best DD2 setting for AMS2 so far that I have tested with all the custom FFB profile out there.
    The silver-raw- profile gives this jolt or crank bang when you run over curbs. for example in silverstone, it feels like its going to break your internal motor. So the following files are for fanalab and customer fbb in ams. rename "#ffb_custom_settings_detailed" to "ffb_custom_settings" and place it in your ams2 folder.

    DD2 Profile and custom setting with in this file. (NuScorpii V2.5 tweaked)
    DD2 Profiles:
    DD1 Profiles:

    in Game:
    Gain: 30
    LFB: 10
    FX: 30
    Damping: 50

    DD2 Driver 399 beta

    EN - auto
    FF - 100 - always use 100 on the wheel
    LIN - OFF
    NDP - 15
    NFR - OFF
    NIN - OFF
    INT - 3
    FEI - 80
    FOR - 100
    SPR - OFF
    DPR - 100
    BLI - OFF

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 20, 2021
  11. TeSL9

    TeSL9 Pessimistic (rarely flying) Finn :) AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Some say LIN off, some say LIN on.... Its confusing. I know what the setting does but im amazed that it devides people so much.
  12. TeSL9

    TeSL9 Pessimistic (rarely flying) Finn :) AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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  13. Gagaryn

    Gagaryn Out To Lunch AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 26, 2019
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    It may not do what you think it does. :)
    • Informative Informative x 1
  14. Coanda

    Coanda aahhh whinge whinge f@#ken whinge.. Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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  15. johndough247

    johndough247 New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 5, 2016
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    Don't follow that part; there's no reason to run the wheel FFB Strength at 100% (most definitely not always) fact it's dangerous to do it that way on the more powerful direct drive wheels. It made sense on Logitech wheels that were weak and lacking in fidelity...but it doesn't apply anymore. Always better (more detail) and safer (less chance of an unexpected 100% FFB Spike causing serious injury) to do the following for DD wheels, regardless of sim:

    1) Set the Wheel's FFB level (the hardware FFB level) to a bit lower than your normal strength. On a 20Nm DD Wheel I'd start around 20% - 25% (I normally run 40% - 50% when racing).
    2) Set the in-game FFB Gain (the software FFB level) to a point where there's variation in strength and detail. Usually around 30% - 50% FFB is a good starting point.
    3) Increase in-game FFB Gain (the software FFB level) until you start losing the finer details. In extreme cases, the wheel will feel like a strong but 1-dimensional signal all the time...that's called FFB clipping (If you're unfamiliar with this feeling, set in-game FFB gain (software) to maximum and set your wheel's FFB gain (hardware) to even lower...15% to be safe). Once you feel clipping, reduce the software gain back to a more detailed level. The sweet spot is where you can feel all the nuances in the steering without it feeling dull during sustained high FFB sections (e.g. long high speed corners). I find Suzuka and Barcelona-Catelunya are great tracks to test this.
    4) Increase the Wheel's FFB level (the hardware FFB level) until it feels strong enough to consistently feel oversteer, but not too strong that it overpowers you.

    This approach works every time; detailed FFB that's set to your strength level, not someone else's.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2021
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  16. thomasoeli

    thomasoeli New Member

    May 15, 2021
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    can the values possibly also be adopted for the DD1? Is there also a FFB thread for the DD1? I can not find a post.

    Thanks a lot, Thomas
  17. jpmmuc

    jpmmuc Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2016
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    DD1 and DD2 are more or less the same. Mathematically you would have to set the FF setting a little higher due to less max. power.
    Set the FF to a force that's comfortable for you. The 100% FF is not the rule.
    And set in game damper to 0 there seems to be something with DD wheels which takes away the details and adds a rubbery feeling and oscillation. For compensation I added a little bit damper and friction, ndp 16 and nfr 4.
  18. XettMan

    XettMan Active Member

    Dec 13, 2016
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    I do not Recommend to der the Wheel FFB gain at DDs to 100%.
    It can be very dangerous if suddenly spikes occur. Reduce it to a safe level and increase ingame FFB instead.
    For low level belt driven or Logitech wheels set their FFB to 100, but not at Fanatec DDs.
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