Automobilista 2 V1.1.1.0 RELEASED - Now Updated to V1.1.1.3

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Jan 30, 2021.

  1. Coanda

    Coanda aahhh whinge whinge f@#ken whinge.. Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    I am not having any of these negative experiences. For me I feel the FFB and physics has moved in a positive direction. I feel completely connected with the vehicle. There is plenty of kerb detail and the tyre loading is not weak at all. It's a real work out..
    • Agree Agree x 11
  2. sci006

    sci006 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 18, 2020
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    Totally agree! I use default profile on a Fanatec CSW v2 and ff for me is the best I have experienced across any sim out there (AMS 1 top of my list as well). So makes me wonder as people are having such different experiences if some of it is equipment related or if people just haven’t managed to get their ff dialed in?
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  3. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Same with my feelings.
    I've been seeing all these AC videos looking really (I must say) fantastic and it got me all keen to have a go back in AC. Well long story short, AC feels terrible now after 600 hours in AMS2. Dam you :hurrayreiza: you have broken all other Sims for me :eek:
    Going back to AMS2 after a night in AC was so great through the wheel. While AC has some very nice cars, with the FFB feeling so lifeless and boring it doesn't matter how nice the car looks if it doesn't feel right.
    Going to continue my ARC championship :D
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  4. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    The changes in the last few updates just aren't that big to explain what you describe. The physics-related changes are small incremental changes--supposed to be improvements, but even if you think they are going backwards, it isn't so dramatic and typically only affects a few cars at a time.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  5. tlsmikey

    tlsmikey Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Hate to pile on, but I couldn't disagree more. The FFB is in a better place now than I think it's ever been in this title. Is it the end-all-be-all, ehh, not for me. Is it up to the level of ACC, iRacing and rFactor2? Ehhh, it's different and because of the lack of consistency across cars it's not quite there yet, but the progress has been really good since the diff started to get fixed. I would describe the FFB as feeling like your sliding across the pavement rather than the tires actually digging in, but that is probably due to the peak traction force at the limit and how quickly it ramps up/down after that point.

    I do agree the GT1's have gone a little slippy in the front end. This seemed to happen with the tire temperature update and i've noticed it when pushing the car really hard. The tires heat up and then the front just plows. Kind of strange that the whole car doesn't slide, but I think I know what your saying here.

    Overall though, this title is really easy to drive so if you find yourself spinning cars i'd say there's probably something wrong somewhere. It's pretty hard to lose control of even the highest horsepower F1 cars in this title when under throttle.
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  6. Fernando

    Fernando Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    For my taste, FFB has improved a lot in the latest updates. The default is now really very good, to the point I can now feel the tyres are made of rubber. The only other title I can feel the rubber is rF2, which I still consider the best FFB on any sim, but AMS2 is getting there with every new update.

    However, I'm having trouble/mixed feelings with the recent physics changes regarding power train and differential behaviour, with both DTM cars and M1 Procar.

    Since I was driving those cars almost exclusively in the latest months, I spotted dramatic changes about how those cars behave under throttle. At first, they were a fantastic experience, I was able to throw the cars into corners with controlled slip angle, and use the throttle to get out as fast as I can. After the last couple udpdates, they oversteer a lot at corner entry with no so much slip angle, and corner exit is an oversteer fest at minimal pedal input, you have to be really smooth with the throttle and slip angle on exit now.

    I tried changing brake bias to cure the snap oversteer at corner entry, with mixed results, and increased the clutch amount on the diff to 10 to somewhat tame the severe oversteer under throttle, but it's not enjoyable anymore to drive those cars. The inhability to change ramps on diff makes the thing more frustrated to me, because I don't understand where the problem is (if there is a problem to begin with, I don't know).

    It's entirely possible I will need to change my driving style with those cars, but what I'm still asking myself is why that dramatic change from one update to the other. How those cars do drive IRL? As before, or as of now? Do they need a redefined default setup Reiza has not made still? I'm lost here :(

    The other problem I'm facing and I don't know what's happening, is the dramatic rear tyre grip loss after 3 or 4 laps with the M1 Procar. It seems to be an overheating problem, but in the telemetry HUD all is green and ok. I don't review telemetry on outside apps, so may be the rears are effectively overheating and the problem is only a bug in the HUD tyre temp graph, or it may be a side effect of the diff/power train physics change noted earlier, I don't know.

    Anyway, I'm driving only AMS2 since the last 2 or 3 months, which speaks a lot about the progress Reiza has made with the sim for me. I'm patiently waiting for the custom championship tool, and when we get it, it will be only AMS2 for a long time to come, so thanks to all the folks at Reiza for such a great moments behind my virtual wheel.
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  7. Alwin Papegaaij

    Alwin Papegaaij Active Member

    Aug 16, 2020
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    I feel the same with the formula vintage gen2 (Brabham bt26a). After 3-6 laps the rear just snaps (under breaking/accelerating, but sometimes also in the middle of a straight with minimal steering input.
    On Spielberg, I haven't been able to complete a 10 lap race in the dry because of this.
    I'm really bummed out that this happens, because I absolutely love how this car drives. It is a hand-full, but I'm able to throw it around the corner on a very delicate balance of having control (or not sometimes:whistle:).
    Maybe I'm doing something wrong with the setup (if someone has knows how to solve it, please help :)), but looking at the telemetry there is nothing strange to be seen. Have filed a bug report, because I do think there is something wrong.

    Now I switched to the mini JWC, which is also a blast to drive!
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  8. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    You don't have to be a race engineer and it's true that default setups might need some adjustments.

    But to make changes for yourself for now: Basically almost every setup function in the game has a description and the expected result standing there. Have you never seen the tooltipps at the bottom? You can probably learn much from it. This was a big plus for pCars2 already, IMO. (EDIT: welp lol, some texts get cut-off from the bottom of the setup menu, right now in the german localization, so yeah ^^')

    I totally agree with some points here.
    To fight the snap oversteer at corner entry, i recommend, increasing diff clutches for now. It will lock the diff more into corners (especially thinking of the M3 group A).

    The M1 also makes the impression to me, as if it falls out of operational condition at the rear after some laps on more tire stressing tracks.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2021
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  9. sk8

    sk8 Member

    May 16, 2020
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    Realized my low force boost was a bit low. Got a much better sense of inertia now! :oops::D
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  10. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Out of interest, what is the wheel, you have? :)
  11. sk8

    sk8 Member

    May 16, 2020
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    Thrustmaster T300. Gain 75 LFB 30 FX 100 DMP 0
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  12. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Ah nice, yeah, maybe reducing FX a bit might also give more room for other details, btw..
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. sk8

    sk8 Member

    May 16, 2020
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    Thanks, I've got it all dialed in nicely now. Things are vastly improved and the magic is back. LFB is so important for the feel of weight and inertia. I always mistakenly dialled it down to feel more detail.
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  14. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    For me, with custom FFB and the latest update the driving feel is as good as ever. There are no longer blatantly broken cars (like old FRetro or Camaro SS), but some cars have indeed gotten more skittish and tricky to drive (M1 Procar, Group A, Sprint Race). Yet others have improved dramatically (Opala 79, Lancer, JCW Mini), while others keep changing every update (Porsche Cup) making it hard to get a handle on them. But I wouldn't say it's a massive difference to how AMS2 drove back in September.

    I wonder if there isn't something wrong with the way updates are distributed that causes these weird issues for some people. It seems that simply deleting the settings and having everything rebuilt is not enough. Seems like every update, someone reports many cars suddenly being impossible to drive/impossible to spin.Also, if you watch some streamers who don't regularly play the game jump into AMS2 and have a negative experience, you see from their stream that the cars are behaving in a really strange way that is not replicated by your own experience.

    Perhaps it would be better if the resetting of setups to defaults was done automatically and not left to the users' responsibility - I doubt the majority of players read these forums or even the patch notes. Or at least an in-game message should pop up after every major physics update as a reminder to reset setups. This should help make the AMS2 player experience more consistent.
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  15. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    What does the Sprint Race do? Is it more into or more out of corners, where it becomes skittish?^^ And how is it over bumps for you?
  16. newtonpg

    newtonpg Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 29, 2018
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    Nice suggestions!
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  17. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    It used to be on rails, which probably wasn't realistic either. Some weeks ago we raced it at Velopark 2017 and the rears get very hot through turns 3-5 to the point that after a few laps you would start skating around if you didn't carefully manage them. Other tracks were fine, which made us question whether it was just the Velopark surface being really rough or whether something was going on with the tyre model in the Sprint Race.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  18. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    I agree with you - BUT there is something fishy about how Reizas updates allready now(!) does handle older setups even if you dont reset anything or delete the documents\AMS2 folder.
    Being a setup nerd I allways use the Description label of setups to display most of the urgent individual setup parameters.
    And because of this there is a lot of times after an update that I can see that the update has without any personal user control changed some of the mentioned setup parameters.

    ByTheWay: Because I have revealed and experienced this hidden "Big brother is changing your setups" its very seldom that I does manually reset setups or delete the mentioned folder - so...:whistle:
  19. AndreiC

    AndreiC Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2019
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    The sudden loss of grip on the back o the car could be related to the differential not working properly, at least according to this video. I do not know hot to check these things so I cannot confirm.

    Edit: Go to min 3:20
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  20. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Yeah, i agree, it can sometimes happen. The sprint race develops its rear tire pressures and temps faster, than the fronts, until the fronts eventually keep up after a while. With not enough speedy corners on track, it could happen, the rear/front balance gets messed up. I actually find the Sprint Race defaults to be quite enjoyable right now, though (driven at Taruma and Nürburgring GP). Have you tested them in the recent update? (You said a few weeks ago, and there we had the wonky temp related tire coefficients in place, messing around with quite some cars, causing the golden outlap syndrome)

    You could try to apply a click more rear wing for these special cases to avoid more rear sliding and maybe also play around with rear ARBs (soften them will make the car probably less enjoyable, but rear tires will maybe take less of a hit, while fronts can develop equally)

    Not fully but partially.
    Btw. nice videos @steelreserv :D
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