Automobilista 2 V1.1.3.5 RELEASED!

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Mar 31, 2021.

  1. Coanda

    Coanda aahhh whinge whinge f@#ken whinge.. Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    I bet two weeks..
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  2. Dicra

    Dicra Local Gamepad Ambassador AMS2 Club Member

    May 1, 2020
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    Not like I have anything worthwhile to add to this debate, but I just wanted to come by and express my deep admiration to you, for your steadfast, determined, self-assured approach to this game, and to communication in this forum.

    Responses like this one, measured, reasonable, self-reflected, with a clear goal in mind - are more impressive (and rare) than one should think, even beyond the realm of a computer game in development.
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  3. Bart Hendrikx

    Bart Hendrikx Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 9, 2019
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    I find that i am a kind of hooked for more every time. And that most cars exceed my skills that's not a game problem, that's Just me
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  4. Aza340

    Aza340 Active Member

    May 18, 2020
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    Absolutely this ! Love the way this sim is turning out and fully appreciate the solid work the Dev team has put into this title . Trouble is as an offline player I'm finding single player lacking after a year of hot lapping and one off race weekends , this sim desperately needs the custom championship mode implementing asap in my opinion .
  5. Dicra

    Dicra Local Gamepad Ambassador AMS2 Club Member

    May 1, 2020
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    While I agree with that, it doesn't really help anyone as long as it's not working properly - which it probably isn't atm, otherwise it would be in the game.
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  6. FeltHat

    FeltHat Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Thats an awfully long post for someone, who has dev blog post to publish :whistle:
    • Funny Funny x 9
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  7. Coanda

    Coanda aahhh whinge whinge f@#ken whinge.. Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    Very bloody niiiiiiice.. :cool:

    On the home stretch now... Last one to do is the SINGLE RACE --> SESSION SETTINGS :p
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2021
  8. bobbie424242

    bobbie424242 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 31, 2017
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    AMS2 is really in great shape and coming along nicely.

    Just had a 4 laps race on the Nords in the Ginetta G40 cup and it was pure sim bliss when graphics, physics, FFB and AI all align for something truly special and immersive.
    More people should realize we have a lot of luck to have a sim such as AMS2. Do not take it for granted, as this is really a small miracle (and a lot of hard work). Enjoy what we have when we have it!
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2021
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  9. GearNazi

    GearNazi Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2020
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    Yeah, I hear you... I know, I know....
    Wasn't ragging on you specifically eh? I was just lumping you in with all the cretins that make up the "dark side" of the forum dwellers...:p Kolysion and the like, this guy is banned here, but I still see him with the same toxic crap on simtubers' channels!
    Actually, I was really wondering what the sound guy was working on, he did do the Carrera 911 GT3 no? Which I think sounds really gnarly!
    There is a lot of unclarity as to the state of progress of certain elements of the game, I understand.
    I want to see RRE's ranked system implemented, the group A "fixed", all the cockpit sounds reworked and more detailed and dynamic, in replay also, the flickering finally gone alright, oh yeah, actual head physics(in VR), because your head does not remain perfectly still all the time, a mix of RRE and rF2's model...
    You are right, you are right... But we must wait some more.
    I would actually not mind them charging some more for content, if it helps the project along, maybe not a popular idea, but I would pony up the few extra bucks if it would help. As to the Madness engine, as a Vr guy, I am greatful they went that route. I don't think there's that many alternatives really, UE4, with horrid VR performance, continue with the one they had in ams1...
    I do think there's a lot rolling out come May, I heard through the grapevine.
    The real weather system or what's it called? I have a feeling we're going to see a lot of progress over the next couple months, and sometimes I dabble into "disconnectedrearrollbarFactor 2" for that authentic experience! (Every time I revisit after a while, I think; "the lighting in this game is just so off", it really only works for me @ Bridgehampton in autumn, that's when it makes sense.)

    Take care now! :)
  10. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    They would for sure, but would need some Kiwis in the ranks to have a target to aspire too ;).

    After watching the Bathurst 6hr coverage yesterday with the Giz unstoppable run of victories continued, I was really impressed with the TCR class during the weekend. I would love to see them added to the title, would still be very much a Southern Hemisphere feel @Renato Simioni , but would obviously be a lot of work with such a variety of cars.

    I’m really very satisfied with the overall experience , and everything is moving in right direction. Most of the gripes I read , I don’t even notice as I’m not looking to hard , just having a good time running what I brung :D , usually just default settings.
  11. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    AMS2 is in a quantum superposition for me, its both the best sim and the most frustrating at the moment, and there is no point in trying to measure it lol
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. tpw

    tpw Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    It’s the state of our hobby: all sims are in a permanent state of beta; all are lacking crucial simulation aspects; all have glaring audio/visual/UI/presentation/performance/AI issues; all of them contain bugs of varying severity; none of them simulate every known vehicle or track; none of them address all their shortcomings as fast as we’d like etc etc. Miraculously in a niche like ours, there are multiple developers so that each title has a different and non overlapping set of problems. For each title I assess it simply: does the enjoyment and satisfaction outweigh the frustration? If so I keep using the title and supporting the development. If not then I set it aside and check back every month or two to see whether the enjoyment:frustration ratio has improved.

    Despite its acknowledged shortcomings in GUI polish and QOL, vehicle and (totally absent) environmental sound, championships etc, AMS2 for me maintains by far the highest enjoyment:frustration ratio of any title I own and gets the majority of my play time now. AMS2 hands down wins the “most improved 12 months from release” of any sim, testament to the dedication of Reiza and the willingness of a largely non toxic user base to contribute feedback. Thanks to everyone involved for helping to lift AMS2 up to where it is.
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  13. Ochilbaz

    Ochilbaz Active Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    I love the game, like the feeling of the cars. Got myself into the vr scene and really enjoying it.

    I like how everyone has different tastes from the guy a few posts back who loves the Uno’s to the people who drive the f1’s and everything in between. Me personally I like the GT3, GT4 cars and the sprint race cars and would like to love the v8’s but I’m an average driver who finds them difficult to handle with pace

    I would be in absolute heaven if Reiza managed to get some form of British touring cars or world touring cars into the title

    While my dream may not become a reality I look forward to more optimisations and content going forward and while I appreciate the game runs well in vr a few more optimisations there wouldn’t go amiss as I still get stutters on what I think is a decent rig using the rift s. Anyone with tips on vr let me know, my pc specs are in my signature below

    Keep up the great work Reiza I’m having a blast

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  14. Mike1304

    Mike1304 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 17, 2020
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    No matter how many expectations have been raised and yet not fulfilled, no matter how long it takes for everyone to be satisfied, you can already be proud of your work, because you have managed to create the most exciting and satisfying racing simulator. Please don't let unrealistic demands drag you down and never stop believing and working on the vision of an ultimate racing simulator. You are on the best way and I believe in you! Thank you!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  15. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    When evaluating the state of sim racing in general, it’s worth also considering the ratio of complexity / cost / return is not all that favourable for the developers compared to other genres. It’s not a huge market relatively speaking, and these days it’s crowded with good (if imperfect) options. The people doing it are doing primarily out of passion for the craft - which is not to say sim racers should be charitable with developers, by all means you should vote with your wallet only for the ones you believe to be doing a good job. Just some perspective from the other side of the counter :)

    One important thing to highlight with regards to the custom championship feature is that the delays aren’t for naught - not only it will warrant a (hopefully) more reliable initial release, it will also be more powerful than we first envisaged (including wins that expand into other game modes).

    It will come :) it will be a bit of a hybrid with the April dev update, not least as there has been a lot of overlap with developments originally intended from March. Should be a doozy :whistle:
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  16. stlutz

    stlutz Active Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    Thanks for your posts and love the improvements with the last update, particularly as it relates to AI!

    Love that Reiza offers a transparent development plan that users can provide feedback on that is listened to!

    I also really enjoy Raceroom, but they don't announce anything until it is released, which can be not-as-helpful.

    Lastly, the Brazilian tracks (+Ibarra) are really awesome and all very unique. That's the core of what makes AMS2 fun for me!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Split Second

    Split Second Active Member

    Feb 7, 2021
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    I first want to say how great it is to see you communicating with us all the time. That is absolutely great.
    A few things. You say about the complexity/cost/return that it is not easy.
    And that is the thing where I think you are in such a difficult position.
    I come from the Project Cars 2 community (I always played it on console). I learned later that AMS2 would use the same engine.
    That got me interested because it seemed the developers of Project Cars2 dropped their game.
    I didn't know anything about AMS and later saw some videos and learned they had a great reputation from their customers.
    Then the beta release came and I saw many many bugs and I saw a repeat from Project Cars. I kept following AMS2 and saw it kept getting better.
    In the meantime, I was also following ACC (watching Jardier). And they had some tier system that first you could drive a few cars but no multiplayer. And then the multiplayer got activated later.
    But it seemed very solid with not so many bugs and they got solved pretty quickly (sure they keep tinkering away, but that is not the same). Their physics system was in the right ballpark from the start.
    In the meantime, I saw AMS2 with many placeholders from Project Cars 2. I saw the updates coming and most of the time the sim went forward. But many many people saw the same as me, and that is the leftover from Project Cars (you also had some of the same tracks (Azure I think) and car meshes). This created even more of a blend to Project Cars.
    And we all know how controversial they are. And people that believe in Reiza got in the game and trusted you because you did a great job before.
    But the problem is that there were not many new people coming in.
    You had ACC that was working pretty well and was around a popular series like GT3. And you have AC that is very popular because you can do anything with it.
    And with AMS2 you had this crude thing that had to be molded completely.
    Sadly this is not a model which gets you many customers I think. I think it gets you not so many customers but very loyal ones.
    To make such a game like AMS2 work, you need the basics like UI, multiplayer, physics, ffb to work from the get-go (Like 85% there). Why that is, is because the game is not focused on anything. ACC can polish their game much quicker because they mostly only focus on GT3. That is not the case here.
    It is not easy to solve I think.
    Maybe you needed something to get the pressure off. Like I know British Touring Cars are still pretty popular. Maybe if you got the license (don't know if that was possible) for the series and started with that and nailed that from the gate that you could get new people trying the game out and hook them in that way.
    That also would give you more time to first focus on that and from there build outside to what you are doing now.
    Now you have all these loose pieces and that is difficult to bring new people in especially if the bases are not covered yet.
    • Like Like x 2
  18. DaVeX

    DaVeX AMSUnofficial Staff AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    I was one of the guys hoping to see Reiza joining S397 at the very beginning of AMS2...but now I am glad they didn't follow this route (even if we know they tried...and the result is the Reiza DLC for rF2, one of the best if not the best).
    When I read about Reiza adopting the Madness Engine the first thing I say was: those guys are ****ed!
    The reason is quite obvious, everyone hate how Pc/Pc2 development ended on PC (on console is slightly better being played with controllers or cheap TM/Logi wheels mainly and no rich adults complaining about no proper DD support etc, etc).
    During time I changed my mind, Reiza proved once more their commitment and also I like they are going to use their experience with AMS for AMS2 and now the results are here for I don't understand all the chatting about reused models (did you know at least 3 SIM use the same car model from an external modelling/modding group?) or lack of features, etc etc...
    Everyone here should know this is a long term project, which focus to improve the engine in every area possible in order to give us the better experience.... do you guys think Reiza doesn't want to release a champ mode asap? or which doesn't want to give us something to be happy (if we are happy they will be happy too $$$).

    To be honest the only thing which worries me is...knowing Reiza will be able to deliver a great product...what will happen after?
    Once they will master the Madness Engine...they will continue to use it? what will happen with licenses?

    Now Renato please give me a proper porting of Mending that I wanna drive it during sunset or while snowing...and I would be ok even if you woukd use it as "driving school scenario too" eh...:p
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2021
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  19. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I started with project cars 1/2 last year, and thought it was pretty damn good, apart from the FFB, Then while exploring the custom FFB scene, it became apparent that there’s plenty of goodness in the madness engine and it just need more development. Reading through old SMS forums to learn as much about something I was late to the party too , I could see that there was a growing disconnect between developers and passionate and skilled customers that had some great ideas and some good ability to modify.

    I jumped into Ams2 knowing nothing of Reiza, and was actually quite pleased to have some familiarity.
    Initially I wasn’t thrilled by the package overall, but kept trying after each update until I was a point where I felt some pleasant things. And its awesome to be experiencing the development as it comes this time.

    I’ve now got to the point where I can’t drive in pc2 much anymore as it’s just too numb even though I used to have some custom files that felt great at the time, but now even they feel inherently wrong.
    The Ui and clarity of graphics are still better in PC2 at present, well on my lower rent old system anyway, but aside from that Ams2 is the best I’ve found, for the life of me can’t get my head around AC or ACC , Ac has to many complexes when factoring in content management etc, and ACC doesn’t feel immersive and gets boorish pretty quick, but is very slick presentation.

    I think the Ford vs GM mentality of Kunos vs SMS madness engine is as pointless as the Ford vs Gm debate, but fans will never admit if the other stable makes something they enjoy, so I think the early judgment that Ams2 is just PC2.5 is somewhat limiting to a large audience that need to just get over it, this title is leaps ahead of SMS efforts after only a year, and has created something special.

    and Reiza is really the developer of the people that we need in this corporate world. They listen and the work alongside us all.
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  20. Split Second

    Split Second Active Member

    Feb 7, 2021
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    No, I didn't know that so many sims use the same models.
    But that is my point. I am sure that it will be a great sim in the end. And that is where the problem lies. Imo at the end when this will be a great sim, do you think that people will start buying it in droves? I personally don't think so.
    And that is a pity because Reiza deserves a greater audience. And so it seems it would repeat the cycle of AMS.
    In the meanwhile many more are playing (and I think bought) ACC and putting AMS2 to the wayside and don't bother anymore and their mind is stuck how it was in the beginning.
    A bit off-topic. I saw Jardier in the Porsche (don't know if it was exactly the same) in Iracing and then I saw it in AMS2. And when you watched at the Iracing one you saw it had a much more direct grip and planted feeling and you saw that the AMS2 still had that floaty feeling. Which I am pretty sensitive for it seems. I didn't like that in Project Cars2 and I still see it here (but maybe it is just the camera and you can adjust it) but the grip levels still look off.
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