Automobilista 2 April 2021 Development Update

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, May 2, 2021.

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  1. Jebus

    Jebus The Lying Finn AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    This is exactly the kind of disgusting elitism that not this or any other community needs.
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  2. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Its not elitism. Its is not "disgusting" let me clue you into something in the nicest way I can without putting people into Pidgeon holes etc - the actual fact that I am not. What those 'debates' are in prior posts to this against this issue =
    Argumentum ad populum

    Its 'those' people who claim such thing who are being self limiting and being discrimatory. Let me explain.

    You want to use a less than good device - which is already supported and ask for improvements? How?

    This is a whole new engine. Its only going to end up closer to Forza which literally "helps" you drive.

    By all means, use any device you want and you can. People can use controllers.

    Its not disgusting - and its not even elitism.

    Its not a 'console's are gamepads' debate since you can buy wheels on console.

    A persons choice of input method is their own and for various reasons. But I would have to say that few other titles, if ever, have requests for better input method controls. You don't think there is a very good reason for that?
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  3. oez

    oez Mayor of Long Beach AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 27, 2020
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    Just so it's not just about elitism, arcade and different principles: consider that there are people who have very little money and see all the joyous content in AMS2. They already have a PC, because they like to play games anyway, but a decent wheel is a serious investment.

    Or then they would really want a wheel, but have some sort of motor impairment that makes them difficult or painful to use.

    It can be various things. I've adapted a mindset a couple years back that doesn't like to question people's needs to use alternative ways (relative to the de facto norm) to operate something. Yes some cars will be tricky without FFB. Reiza can only help so much. But I think it's nice that they are thinking about decent gamepad support. It makes a big difference.

    Of course I hope Reiza will avoid the Forza Motorsport 7 pitfall of actually making gamepads OP compared to wheels. Not sure how they managed that, but I think it's the case. I don't think it's the physics. It's just how much steering assist it has.
  4. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Ok mate. I am going to do the exact same thing but in a different way - and now you can DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ME.


    I want to use my touchpad and pen to control AMS2!

    How DARE! .... AND i MEAN IT! HOW DARE YOU REIZA deny me my god given right! to use my touchpad plus pen input method!

    Unbelievable..... where's my fixes? Where's my new defaults! Why can't the wheel-input guy spend a little bit of time over at the touchpad+pen input method!

    I feel like elitist wheel+gamepad users are targeting me!

    Mate - ur being ridiculous, its not elitism. Its common sense. Don't infuse emotion into something so sensible. It is what it is. The average wheel, for people above the poverty line, and we can do that in australia, nz, canada, usa, brittain, most of Europe, its about 700 dollars (in those places, so other places the fact we are even talking to them online means they are not poverty stricken). Well most people earn a lot more than that SO ITS NOT elitist!

    You're not on poverty or welfare, you bought a console for 500+ bucks, a game for 100 bucks (just say) and now complain about not being able to get a wheel?

    Is this financial rationalism? So lets move to PC. You bought a PC for 2000 dollars (just say) a game for 100 plus all the other games, and then what? You fall into poverty? Nah man, you buy a wheel for 25% of the purchase price of the rest.

    ITS NOT elitism.

    Being above the poverty line means you can afford what those people do, they have to rent - so they can afford rent and food and a a game...but no wheel?

    So its not elitism. Its a malformed argument and they can already use a gamepad. Its why I don't ask them to make the graphics less or something.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2021
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  5. oez

    oez Mayor of Long Beach AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 27, 2020
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    I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Live for Speed can be driven with a mouse. It's quite central in the controller menu. I did it in 2000s. Wheel was much more fun (and faster), but I still had fun with a mouse. It's actually better than a gamepad in some ways. Not sure if I would personally use a touchpad, cause I get a cramp with one quite easily.

    The point I'm trying to make is that there's no reason to deny options that are there already. And if there is a good concept that could help - like smart steering damping and dynamic steering lock - then it's nice to see it added.

    I did not mean that they have to use countless work days building support and enhance every input method in existence separately. But gamepads are a big segment.
  6. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    you drove it with a mouse? Oh gawds - the time that we waste.. yeh mate, but in 92 I was driving 'test drive 3' with a mouse!


    This AMS2 is way too good to limit it like that - I rather wish the gamepad people (like they are going to be asking of Forza people) get a wheel more and more.

    Where else can those games go?

    Some of my argument above is sarcasm, too, to show the incredulity of the argument you and others put toward me - its not a literal thing that I want haha (come on, its funny mate) a 'trackpad plus pen" input option... .

    I am not necessarily saying you are wrong or any one is. Yeh, gamepad support already exists. I am sure there might be a time and place but right now, as they are getting things ready I don't think this title is in a position to cater to gamepads over and above.

    When was the last time you decided you wanted to play Rfactor2 with a gamepad - for example?
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  7. turtleCZ

    turtleCZ Active Member

    May 2, 2021
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    Wow, I didn't think I will get so many wrong opinions. But yeah, we are on the internet :D That's fine...

    Fun fact is I started with ISIMotor games and a wheel (still have old G25 somewhere). Then I moved to gamepad. I like it much more because it's better to me.

    It's crazy if anybody think gamepad is less simulation. I love racing with gamepad, it's like being in the race... but it shouldn't be according to some.
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  8. Koen_Sch

    Koen_Sch Active Member

    Nov 28, 2020
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    Imagen writing half a Bible worth of text, just to tell someone they are enjoying a game in the wrong way.
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  9. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Just so you do not feel singled out I want to explicitly state that I think you and others with gamepads should still continue to enjoy racing games, what I am saying is that its not a good idea to promote gamepad usage.

    It goes against everything the brand of the game is about and is actually a very odd request given how many other games (this one is specifically targeted toward wheels) are out there.

    I have several and play several such games relatively often on my pc
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  10. turtleCZ

    turtleCZ Active Member

    May 2, 2021
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    rF2 is the best gamepad game. Miles ahead of PC or AMS2 input. It feels like gamepad-first game which is of cours not.
  11. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    I would dare say, you're barely playing it.

    I know you want to run with the 'elite' or whatever you call us, the vampires, or something, but mate its like playing games designed to be beautiful with only wireframe because you refuse to buy a decent graphics card.

    The argument for gamepads is the most banal one there is. You can already do it. How about getting a gamepad extender and adjusting deadzone etc. To suggest Reiza should adjust things etc about the engine to cater to this I mean is fantasy. Its not the project cars madness engine or ISI, etc, they put their own systems into the game...

    If that means, because its better anyway, they can't do gamepad to your liking (and the grip fall off on all those other games is a LOT different to AMS2), then so be it.

    Its better like this and there seems to be a price to pay. So be it. I am very sorry but thats just how it is.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  12. turtleCZ

    turtleCZ Active Member

    May 2, 2021
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    The fact is gamepad support is rather normal wheel support. You need linearity, rates, deazones, etc. like for a wheel. There is no special gamepad tuning necessary. But AMS2 has bad ME gamepad support so it's necessary to improve it a bit for being more "wheel friendly".
  13. Shriukan

    Shriukan Touristenfahrten Community AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 23, 2019
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    Just a general reminder that Raceracerace has a tendency to troll when he disagrees with people. Do like many of us. Ignore and enjoy the rest of your day, folks. :D
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  14. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Yeah.... the shurikan guy - put me on ignore for your own safe space preservation. This is not a troll. This would be like me going into an FPS game and demanding they upped the quality of the auto aim or something lol.

    I see your point, and can't you already do some of that? (and btw I also adjust such things in forza's and other games)

    My above post addresses some of this. It could even be incompatible or not in existence given how substantial the changes to the madness engine have been.

    We need to take the good with the bad with reiza and cut them some slack. They are already performing at above normal levels.

    The way I view things may preclude some arguments I get dealt, in that if I believe I do not have the tools in life, I go get them. I rely on my creativity and resourcefulness. My utility and my verve.

    Another line of thought would be, is this: If reiza are not forthcoming and for 2 years they were not and the game is designed with a wheel first attitude (which helps make it so great), then I would determine to get a wheel - because the problem is not with the company, but with me. Which is not to say Reiza are mean - they are not - it is to say why wait? Just go make your own situation better yourself and stop relying on my good will or others.

    True story: I never wanted to get a wheel but I did. I actually (lol, come on haha) got it for, er...forza horizons...but you know, its not as good, so I understand the argument but from the other end. Life goes on.

    I'm not an elitist. I'm just some fkn dude who took matters into my own hands and went and got a wheel. Yuh - and thats when I knew I had to edit the gamepad settings on Forza. So circles are circles.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2021
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  15. turtleCZ

    turtleCZ Active Member

    May 2, 2021
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    My problem is I switched to rF2 for some time until AMS2 will get more patches and I love the game so much I won't probably switch back. It's normal ISIMotor standard and it works like a charm. It's possible to play AMS2 easily like PC1 and PC2 but rF2 is much better. But after some gamepad tuning, who knows.

    And Forza is completely different league. It has helpers and "boring" physics. It's good for casuals on a gamepad.
  16. oez

    oez Mayor of Long Beach AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 27, 2020
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    You could (don't try it now with these GPU prices lol) build a PC with used parts that can run AMS2 among other games with reasonable graphics for not that much money. There are definitely people to whom that's a big investment, but they enjoy games enough to save up for a DIY budget PC like that.

    The only thing I'm saying is that there's the basic step of supporting every main input method: mouse, keyboard, joystick/gamepad, wheel. Multiple devices fit into one of these. For example touchpad is technically a mouse device. People can use additional software creatively to combine all kinds of inputs if necessary.

    The next part is realising that the gamepad segment might be big enough where adding some kind of gamepad specific settings or built-in tweaks - to the controller level and not the physics - (all decent gamepad games have these in one form or another) to make the product better for many people.

    That is all.
  17. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    The game pad segment will probably be big enough in 3 years I don't know. Its kind of a null and void argument, give it up already and people like shurikan are getting upset because I hurt his feelings (or dethroned his argument one time), or something.

    When you want to get off AMS2 and back to reality, maybe you will come to the conclusion reality happens around you, and if you want to limit your life to using bad tools in good situation, thats on you, thats your problem, not mine.

    I want people to enjoy the game sure, no skin off my nose...but don't claim you are not enjoying it becuase you are not using the best tools for the job.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  18. turtleCZ

    turtleCZ Active Member

    May 2, 2021
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    AMS1 has great gamepad support for free I guess, because it's part of every engine, except ME. No special tuning needed. GTR, GTR2, GTL, rF1 every game has same good support without any special features. It's just part of standard controls.
  19. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Do I go to a basketball court to bounce a rugby ball?

    No. Mate ISI engine and all that, now I know you're not reading my posts - look you are very attached to your issue and so be it, but at least try to read what I am conveying to you.

    I am also a gamepad user - yes, but you are not also a wheel let me can't understand things from both ways.

    ISI has a low fall off for grip and all that and also a bunch of other stuff related, but when Reiza did the madness engine they changed a lot of stuff. Its an overhaul as much as its a new game. Some of those old things will not translate as you may have come to expect.
  20. Dicra

    Dicra Local Gamepad Ambassador AMS2 Club Member

    May 1, 2020
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    If tools are not properly integrated, they will not be fun. Gamepad support in AMS2 has been alright, but not great within the last year, so there's room for improvement, and demanding said improvement is a reasonable action.

    A gamepad might not be as enjoyable to use as a wheel is, but it comes with its own perks - easier to set up, more "pick up and play"-friendly, more relaxed style of playing, less space requirements, cheaper, and there's a certain kind of satisfaction to it if you manage to play it "almost" like a wheel.

    So, there are reasons to play with a gamepad. Having established that, there are reasons to optimize gamepad support.

    And now please stop telling others what to enjoy.
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