Automobilista 2 V1.3.1.1 & Racin´ USA Pt2 RELEASED - Now updated to V1.3.2.0

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Dec 3, 2021.

  1. chaigneau

    chaigneau New Member

    Mar 26, 2020
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    no need. i am not cranky. I just say what I think, but everything is fine.
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  2. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Apologies everyone for not offering some news sooner, and also for the understandable disappointment some will have from learning there will be no further content release until the new year - simply put the whole team has been in need of some proper rest time and we just didn’t have enough in the tank to deliver all we planned for this month.

    There will however be a new build & dev update tomorrow, so we are not quite done for 2021 yet - just the new content & remaining Racin’ USA Pt2 items will take a few more weeks as we catch our collective breath :)
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2021
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  3. chaigneau

    chaigneau New Member

    Mar 26, 2020
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    thank you for the news and for the communication.
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  4. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Im even more excited about new builds than I am content, not that im not excied about new content, but im content enough just to have a new build (did I say "content" enough there?), as new builds improve the fundamental elements of the sim, sometimes to cars and track specifically, but even better the seemingly little changes that make a massive improvement to my enjoyment of the sim as a whole! So im very happy to hear this news, and i know it give the team a rest, so coming content can be more polished.

    Its like a little thing I found out today which made me very happy indeed! Last time I ran a race with extreme tire wear (x5) none of the A.I. pitted for tires, i even posted somewhere about it, but it was a while back. Today I ran one to just test out some ideas on tire where in general, and bang! Once my tires were shot, the A.I. were pitting for theres around the same time i did, BRILLIANT! I don't know if i did summit wrong first time i tried this, or if it has actually been implimented in recent updates, but I dont really care, I love that it works now!

    Im really hoping at some point we get punctures!

    Anyway, V much look forward to the new build tomorrow, reading through the patch notes of a new build (especially if theres something specific Im looking for to see if its been fixed or improved) is like looking through a bag of goodies for a part that completes something you've been building, I love it!

    Bravo Reiza! Enjoy the Crimbo hols!
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  5. alink

    alink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Take the time you and the whole team need, you all have that coming ;)
    It's a day to early, but have a happy new year!
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  6. Demeisen

    Demeisen Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2021
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    Yes please! Seconded!
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  7. neal

    neal Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    it is also public holiday time to which everyone is entitled, which you are conveniently ignoring along with this is not just an object type product we are talking about but a highly technical one carved with minds not tools with a completely different kind of production scheme.
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  8. Bizarre Formula

    Bizarre Formula Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2020
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    You know, I'd like to point this out as nicely as I can. We all love AMS2, we all appreciate that Reiza are a small team, we all know it was Christmas and some patience can obviously be expected.

    That being said, we are customers and Reiza are not a charity. Can we stop replying to people posting questions like they are banging on a soup kitchen door asking for seconds.

    People should be able to ask about upcoming content they've bought or share their opinions without being told off, for daring to post anything other than Reiza bow emojis and praise.

    Working over the Christmas period, even on Christmas day, never bought me immunity from customer expectations and I certainly never begrudged it. If I had a demanding customer, other clients in the group would sometimes even point out that it was Christmas, implying that any variance in the quality I delivered could be understood or accepted... I, quietly, felt more aggrieved by that than the person who came expecting my best based on what I said I would deliver.

    The point is this: Reiza set their own deadlines, I doubt they need others to excuse them, Christmas or no.
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  9. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    I really like this description reguardless of context. I think it pretty much sums up most serious sim racing titles these days, the sheer complexity of these programs is emense! Infact its simply astonishing!. This also may be out of context to the thread, but im gunna say it anyway.... Im fecking loving the F'ing tits off of this sim right now!
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  10. steelreserv

    steelreserv Well-Known Member Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 25, 2020
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    im always ready to eat, but no one likes an undercooked baked potato.
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  11. doomwarriorx

    doomwarriorx Member

    Mar 18, 2021
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    Thanks Renato for the update.

    I would like to remind everybody involved this is a international forum. This implys here are several people from totally different cultural backgrounds. As an Argentinian co-worker gave me a hint several years ago. In Argentina they have a saying tranlanted into english as "tomorrow" - a response for any time frame related question. Nobody in Argentina, according to him, would really expect something on the next day. The person may say tomorrow but rather imply a occurence in the undefined "near" future. On the other hand in Japan the person would very likely loose his face or even worth for not deliver the promised thing on the following day.

    In my experience as a rule of thumb. People from colder countries have a more strict approach, while peoples from countries with warmer weather tend to be more ambigious/relaxed.
    With this said - in my opinion - for international communication it is key to understand different mind sets and adjust communication accordingly.

    I could and would also like to write something about the odd claims here in the froum related to software development, team sizes and time frames. I work in the software industry for serveral years and I will say this: It is easily possible to repeatedly hit a dead line (without crunch). Why it isn't possible for AMS2 on the other hand is impossible to say from the outside and would require deeper knowledge on the developement prozess at Reiza. Of course I have a guess, but would rather keep that for myself.
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  12. Demeisen

    Demeisen Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2021
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    I literally just typed basically all of this and then deleted it, because of wasted breath reasons.:D
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  13. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    I most certainly did, ambient was alot lower, but the track,,, Sizzle, ouch!
  14. Bizarre Formula

    Bizarre Formula Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2020
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    All good bud, I'm happy to take the hate this time, next one is on you. ;)
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  15. Demeisen

    Demeisen Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2021
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    Haha I’ve given you a medal for courage under fire. All that snow’s gone to our head, clearly…o_O:D
  16. DaVeX

    DaVeX AMSUnofficial Staff AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    @Bizarre Formula @Demeisen while I agree with you guys on some extent on the other side I think you guys are here for some time already to know how Reiza works.

    Here we are quite used to delays (some minor some not) but we know Reiza will deliver what promised so I would politely suggest to not worry too much and don't be too upset and enjoy the Christmas mood.

    Rest assured Reiza will let know us what is happening (and why) very soon and I can sense will be good too even if a bit later than promised.
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  17. Fernando

    Fernando Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    As an argentinian, I 100% confirm what your co-worker said to you :D

    And yes, it's a problem when dealing with foreign people about time frame related questions if you are not accostumed for.
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  18. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    For the record (and I make this point in the upcoming dev update), I generally don´t think we owe future developments & content to the base game on any sort of schedule, and people shouldn´t take info from our dev updates as promises we are commiting to - those are provided to inform our users what and when they may expect things to come in the future development of the game, but people should only demand what it already says on the tin of the product at the time of their purchase.

    Content from Racin´ USA Pt2 DLC & other DLCs being late is different precisely because people did buy some things in advance with a proposed schedule for these remaining items, so they are indeed perfectly entitled to expect things to be delivered within that schedule - we failed to do that, so some complaints are expected and the criticism fully warranted.

    We do hope people will ultimately be understanding of the circunstances and that this won´t be a long delay in the grand scheme of things, but in any case this was a screw-up on our part in delivering on something we´re already selling, and for that we offer our sincere apologies.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2021
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  19. DavidGossett

    DavidGossett Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Sippy Sip.gif

    Watching this thread descend into madness over a delay, already knowing I was gonna be away from home this weekend.

    Give the Reiza devs some slack, we all miss deadlines, and it's the holidays, they deserve a break.

    Anyway, hope you all have had a lovely Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanza, Boxing Day, etc. and have a good new year. In the meantime, I'm trading my cold climate simrig shed for a flight to warmer weather for a few days.
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  20. Demeisen

    Demeisen Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2021
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    Just watched your video on tyre temps and GTE. It’s something I’ve been toying with, but you handled the testing so much better than me! And I hope you get many more subscribers this year Paul. You totally deserve it for all your hard work. It’s a really great channel you’ve got going there.
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