How does the performance rating work?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Flying_Hawkic, Apr 25, 2022.

  1. Flying_Hawkic

    Flying_Hawkic Member

    Apr 24, 2022
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    There's a very good topic about the safety rating (the letter): Safety Rating explained and I learned that your safety rating goes up by driving close to other players without accidents (which does make sense). Although I agree with the criticism that the safety rating doesn't measure safety but rather playtime at the moment.

    But I'm looking for the same kind of explanation for the performance rating (the digits). I wonder how the following does contribute to the calculation of the performance rating:
    • Starting position
    • Finishing position
    • Difference between starting and finishing position
    • Length of the qualification
    • Length of the race
    • Skill of your opponents
    • Quitting the race before the race starts
    • Quitting during the race (and is there a difference in the beginning or near the end of the race)
    • Quitting during cooldown lap
    • Your current position when quitting
    • How many other players quit
    And if they have an impact, how do they impact the performance rating?

    Recently, I quit for the first time a race (my safety rating is A at the moment) because I really had to quit due to personal reasons, but I lost almost 50 points. Although I think there should be a huge penalty for quitting because it really ruins the experience of others. Yesterday I started a GT3 race at Imola of 12 laps with 24 players. Only 8 of them finished the race unfortunately (I finished 6th). My performance rating increased but very slightly. I believe that you should be rewarded more for not quitting even if you have an accident.

    Or perhaps we need a different rating next to the performance rating? Like a reliability rating? Someone can be a slow driver but reliable (not quitting).
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  2. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    This may help

    There are other answers in addition, to above brief. (note the 400 points above and below your rating) +If you are disconnected during a race, continue to drive to the end, the game will still record you result even though it says your disconnected. dont exit the session.
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  3. Flying_Hawkic

    Flying_Hawkic Member

    Apr 24, 2022
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    Thank you, I was indeed aware of this video for PC2, I assume that the current rating system in AMS2 is still the same as it was for PC2? How they will refine the rating system a bit more in the future.

    So the game calculates the "expected finishing position" and you'll lose points when you finish lower than that position. I would be great to have a bit more explanation from the developer about the calculation of this expectation. Or even better if they can show the expected finishing position in the HUD.

    I think this expected finishing position does not necessarily mean that you have to finish at least the same as your starting position, because I have gained points even when dropping positions compared to the starting position.

    That said, I also wonder whether the system takes into account other players that quit the race or whether the expected finishing position could dynamically changed based on the amount of players that leave the race.

    So the skill of your opponents does make a difference. That explains why sometimes the gains are so minimal even when you win the race if all the other players have a rating between 1300-1500.

    Another question that is not answered by the video (to my knowledge), is whether the length of the race makes any difference.
  4. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    It does, as far as I'm aware, ie time spent in close running with players/ai = safety rating increment amount... 20 laps should yield higher than 5 laps.
    (If you lead or lag in a race by a long distance, increase (SR) will be less or even 0?, than close running
    correct, subject to others rating.
    pretty much yes.
    Unknow (by me at least) (It does suck sometimes when you end up losing 40-50 points for a sh-t race that was not your error. RL drivers do they loose points when beaten by others with less points?. Its just a system we have to live with atm. Interesting that most ranked lobbies here and other sims dont use S rating or even much above U/F. If I ran an S lobby Id sit around for hrs for somebody to join, Christmas would appear sooner and a zimmer frame. yet for over a 1&1/2 years , people ranted about lack of system lol.
    If players quit you will ( should) gain so long as you *finish full session inc cooldown, they will lose on both ratings+DNF in stats
    * ref the 400 + - into account. (unverified this end if the "within 400" is functional atm.)
    Just my thoughts of course, others may correct /add.
    Have fun. sim is massive with choices:)
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2022
  5. Flying_Hawkic

    Flying_Hawkic Member

    Apr 24, 2022
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    Many thanks for your reply!

    That applies to the safety rating, but I would assume that running close to other players does not count for the performance rating?

    Hope that someone of the developers can also join the conversation and clarify the calculation of the expected finishing position and how they envisage to further improve the rating systemen in the future.
  6. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Only where you finish relative to others finish position will alter the number/rating
    (ai does not apply here)
    Hence its essential to finish, never Exit or quit! Session (edited from retire!)
    Stay on the grey stuff, never hit anything or any other car
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2022
  7. lawgicau

    lawgicau Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 24, 2020
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    Some anomolies I have seen with safety/performance rating. I'm usingthe perfectAMS2spotter plugin to see safety rating changes in real time.
    • One race I had an engine blow up, retired to the pits and stayed connected until the race was over. Lost big performance rating.
    • Another race I again had a blown engine. This time I pulled over and just left my car parked off the edge of the track. Lost very little performance rating despite still finishing last. I would think this would be the less desirable choice but it proved otherwise.
    • After the race, the safety rating either continues to build slowly or drops dramatically on the cool down lap. I have continued at full pace, driven slowly, and parked off the racing line but still on the track to experiment. All I know is that when it starts going down it keeps going down and there's nothing that can be done. One race I was +30 as I crossed the line but only +15 by the time the last finisher crossed the line. Very frustrating.
    I never did any online racing with PC2 so I don't know if these characteristics have carried over from there but it would be great to see AMS2 multiplayer receive some love at some stage and iron this stuff out.
  8. Flying_Hawkic

    Flying_Hawkic Member

    Apr 24, 2022
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    Thank you for your insights and experiments! That's very useful. Does the AMS2spotter plugin also work in VR?

    With regard to retirements: I had to retire twice yesterday because:

    - I ended up in a lobby where i didn't get the starting screen after qualification to change fuel. The race immediately started with the fuel amount of qualification and I was not allowed to pit for fuel for some reason. Had to retire
    - I ended up in a lobby in Long Beach (15 mins) with the Camaro and I could take a maximum of 21 liters of fuel and I was not allowed to pit for fuel. There were only a few players who drove very slowly to finish the race by pushing each other. All the other players, including me, had to retire and everybody (except me) left the session.

    My performance rating was impacted by -10, whereas I once lost -50 for quitting a race. So it's better to retire than the quit.

    But what you're saying is that parking on the grass is better than retiring to the pit? Doesn't that affect the safety rating?
  9. Flying_Hawkic

    Flying_Hawkic Member

    Apr 24, 2022
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    Sometimes you have to retire unfortunately, see my post above.
  10. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Yes, My wording not the best. I mean retire as in leave, quit, exit the session. I have done the same as you but dont leave the session,
    (Players that leave, exit, when you remain will credit your score as the game will see you as finishing but beating those that left.

    Retire to pit when others leave will leave you better off than those that leave/exit session (retire the session) I will change wording!
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2022
  11. Flying_Hawkic

    Flying_Hawkic Member

    Apr 24, 2022
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    Apparently you also lose 40 points if you get disconnected because of technical reasons... I suspect that my full OneDrive caused this because I noticed the AMS2 was not syncing.

    Anyway, I lost more or less 150 points in the last few days due to things that I couldn't help. The rating becoming rather frustrating :).
  12. McClutch

    McClutch Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    One can always join unrated Lobbies. Simply less to care about.
  13. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Luck of the draw then.
    I have had 2 disconnections and driven with the "you have been disconnected" banner still showing, finished the race and correctly gained points hence the advice.
    when the banner shows, dont click ok and exit, just try and finish if the game does not freeze you out.
    Yes it is/can be. It is made worse because you will/could loose all your stats, hours,etc inc points if you have a pc/game crash , if lucky you may save your license. happened twice here. via game Crashing.
    The only thing Steam will save is your licence if your lucky as the game is not steam cloud enabled for full saving of progress.
    I lost stats and points from 60 + online races
    It is also the reason I now run few rated.
    As Clutch says 'less to care about'.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2022
  14. lawgicau

    lawgicau Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 24, 2020
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    I haven't used it in be but I know it is compatible.
    Out of those two races it was better to pull over. According to the app running 9ff track has very little impact on safety rating compared to collisions.
  15. Flying_Hawkic

    Flying_Hawkic Member

    Apr 24, 2022
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    The times I joined an unrated lobby, racing was quite dirty. Well, joining a rated lobby is also no guarantee that everything will be clean, but most of the time, players are a little bit more cautious in a rated lobby.

    That I was wondering whether you could still finish the race. I didn't try because you would expect that it's not possible. Others won't see you anymore on track but you can still finish the race then? It's actually a shame that you can lose all you stats because it's not in the cloud. Doesn't make sense to me.
  16. Flying_Hawkic

    Flying_Hawkic Member

    Apr 24, 2022
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    By the way, another thing I noticed is that your performance rating goes down in multiclass races even if you win your class if it's the slowest class. I did a race at Spa in GT3 and GT1, I finished first of GT3 but my performance rating went down. You would expect that the GT1 cars are ignored in terms of performance rating.
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  17. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    This above is correct (to reiterate :)) +the game will still be on a timer.***
    Last time for me I was in the lead, 1 &1/2 laps left when disconnected banner appeared, carried on driving till cooldown/session lap finished, ratings updated all good. Others just exited and lost out.
    ***laps left may effect result. (replay has since been deleted otherwise I would post as example)
    Steam will update weekly maintanance and cause disconnects, here in uk mostly just around 23.00 give or take, used to be mid week or thursday so I avoid. online at these times. Not tried recently but no reason to think Steam has changed. pain in the rear and often all /most servers that showed would crash.
    True I used to run daily test/races sessions ranked (with from 3 to 15 ai ) but have less time now.

    No they wont see you, you will see them stationary on track as they exit.
    I have requested that devs enable several times, though it may be a steam end issue though I doubt it.. Check your other games and you will see that 'Steam cloud updated' appears on game page ie for me pc2 etc confirms full cloud save. AMS2 shows no 'enable' option so far in steam settings for it..
    losing .75 high win/podium rate sucks after 60 races lol. Now shows 2 online races and 2 wins, so stats now are nonsense !

    Long term if points/licence are required for entitlement to enter future e-sports or other features like pc2 I hope the devs will optimise the ratings system, they have stated its still wip, so we wait.

    I did not know this. So thanks for pointing out.
    I would see this as a BUG or at least wrong and requiring an explanation, and suggest reporting it as such!!
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2022
  18. McClutch

    McClutch Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    Yes, that's a fact, and it works that way since PCARS. This part of the MPRS makes it unsuitable to replicate Multiclass series like the NLS in Private Lobbies, what was the sole purpose for AMS2 for me. In such cases is it mandatory to run the lobby with MPRS off.
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  19. Flying_Hawkic

    Flying_Hawkic Member

    Apr 24, 2022
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    That could also be the cause but I suspect that it was my full OneDrive folder that stores AMS2 data. I'll run a test session soon.

    I'll repot this as a bug. I was very surprised by how this functioned.
  20. jimortality

    jimortality Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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    My online rating is U1500 so I assume I can only join lobbies with the rating off? Although it did let me join a lobby with a U100 rating but didn't like the combi

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