Automobilista 2 March 2023 Development Update

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Mar 3, 2023.

  1. Dylan Hale

    Dylan Hale Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    I think NOT releasing the Oval DLC outright would have been a horrific idea. Becasue the simple fact of the matter is, even with the small bugs the Oval DLC has and the oddities with the areo behaviour with the CART cars, it's still the best offline oval racing experience you can have outside of Nascar Racing 2003, and the ONLY indycar experience you can have outside of Indycar Racing 2 from 1995. There is a MASSIVE market that is just begging for a good oval experience. And I think Reiza is 80% of the way there.

    Even with all of the bugs, having to reset setups, and the cars being too easy to save. I still LOVE racing at Autoclub and Gateway. It still tickles that part of my brain that I want with a offline oval racing sim. The AI drafts, blocks and actively moves around on the track. The pit stratagies make sense most of the time. And if you use the VRC Camaro, (which doesn't have the oval speical AI mind you) you will find it to be a extremely decent Nascar Racing experience. Leaps and bounds compaired to Nascar 21 IMO

    IMS needs a new AI line and the areo fix, both supposedly on the way.
    Daytona had issues with the AI cars blowing engines which has now been fixed.
    Rio is fantastic until a AI car finds that invisible wall that sends them to space.

    Like these are the biggist issues apart from the sideforce issue, making the cars too easy to save in slides. ALL OF THESE THINGS ARE FIXABLE.

    Why has everyone suddenly and seemingly randomly turned on the oval racing in AMS 2? Is it because Empty box says it wasn't as good as he was exepecting? Or Raycevick's Video where he literally calls out the entire racing game ecosystem?

    Because this is what Reiza usually does. Either they release something that is 80%-90% of the way there, and work on it over the next year or so. Or they delay something several months or years as they try to make something perfectly. That's just the way this company works for better or worst.

    Please stop acting like Racing USA part 3 was a mistake, because it wasn't and it isn't. It's not perfect, it can and likely will be made better, but I for one and ****ing glad we have it at all! If Reiza was SMS, they just would have said "Nope, **** this ****, we're done. Cancel the Oval DLC like they did for Project Cars 1" Go try the Indycars in Project cars 2, and then come back and try AMS 2 and tell me with a straight face there isn't a MASSIVE increase in quality in regards to how the cars drive and how the AI behaves on a oval.

    Sorry, that turned into a rant.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2023
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  2. Lucifer_sam

    Lucifer_sam Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 26, 2022
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    I should clarify, I agree that they shouldn't have canceled it just that I wish they spent more time on it as I feel it's not up to the same standard as all the other content.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  3. jota.191

    jota.191 (I'm Lando Garlando in AMS2 lobbies) AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2022
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    iRacing AI is pretty good in ovals and it has modern indycars.

    I agree with all other things you say. Oval racing in AMS can be improved but it was definitely not a mistake to release it as it is.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  4. Scar666

    Scar666 Zum Glück bin ich verrückt

    Jul 1, 2020
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    I mean if we are to take this approach to the entire title, championships and anything single player should be cut out of the title until the AI is more lifelike over a full fuel stint and runs accurately in the rain... And also remove time trials until all of the cut tracks are dealt with... Leaving Multiplayer as the only way to play AMS2... And we know how buggy that is and how limited that is for admins...

    I think the most accurate line for how developers should approach things are...

    "When we are ready to let you BETA test this it will be ready."

    As no company releases a bug free experience as QA will never have all of the various options there are for a PC to have...

    But the oval content is great in an online environment... Plenty of bump drafting in the Opalas and a lot of fun to be had with the open wheelers that have a oval variant... Sure there's a few hoops to jump through, but at least they don't involve turning off certain simulation features in order to have a decent race, like is currently the case with the AI...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Dylan Hale

    Dylan Hale Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Yeah but Iracing is Ungodly expensive. Just to get to the point you can run the (not a) indycar on the (not) Indycar official tracks you're talking close to $1000. Have to get to c class, and buy all the (not) Indycar stuff, and pay for the subscription however long it takes...

    It is much easier though. Iracing is doing a good job giving people new content to race with
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. lianjieyiqie

    lianjieyiqie Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 11, 2022
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    Will other games use player's driving data to help train AI behavior? For example, R3E sent a reply after the RR Truck was released. And iRacing has a large amount of high-quality player driving data, so AI performance can be particularly good
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  7. ozcanuck

    ozcanuck Active Member

    Apr 13, 2016
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    Obviously hasn't used the sim in about 20 years.
    Here's a rubbish bit of scenery....but I digress..... Screenshot (339).jpg
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2023
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  8. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    But would you drive on the scenery, or on the actual roads ?

    Of course you can take pictures from a kilometer above or a little less and still make it look decent when flying above the roads.

    But not sure you'd want to race on the roads of Chicago.
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  9. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    I don't think we should ever be using Nascar 21 as an example seeing as that is the bottom of the dumpster-fire barell where even Nascar Heat Evolution looks like GOTY in comparison to (Broken) Ignition.

    The standard should be actually good or even decent NR games. Highest is still NR 2003, decent are Heat 4 / 5, from the older generation it would be Inside Line, even older it's Thunder 04, 05, 06.
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  10. F_B

    F_B Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 25, 2016
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    It's funny that everyone mentions NR2003 as the best nascar game (even as a current example), when in principle there is a successor within Iracing (even with more modern graphics, if you can call the graphics of Iracing modern...). Strikes me every time.
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  11. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    What is funny about it ? A lot of people also look at how expensive it is. I've been on iRacing for nearly 2 years and had my fill. Crazy money pit, went back to NR2003 instead. And the tyre model is honestly better in NR2003 compared to iSkating or iCoolMyTiresOnGrassRacing or whatever you can call it today.

    Plus the NR games i mentioned have a career / season or whatever modes against AI with real teams, the drivers, all the tracks of their seasons. iRacing has just a spec-series against generic AI in generic cars and bare-bones / none-existent presentation.
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  12. Racinglegend1234

    Racinglegend1234 AMS2 wiki founder AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    How can I get NR2003?
    • Creative Creative x 1
  13. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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  14. F_B

    F_B Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 25, 2016
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    It's funny because it seems like people are just letting it out because it's a subscription model. Which is true. Still, it's the most complete and up-to-date Nascar simulation on the market, certainly not inferior to NR2003. Also Iracing has imo the best AI available on the market right now and you can create custom seasons.

    By the way, that wasn't an attack on you, it's just that I often read this opinion regarding NR2003.

    Edit: the Iceracing times are gone since several years in my opinion. The cars drive and behave decent enough.
  15. racezilla

    racezilla Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2020
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    I never stated this, nor it is in the video
    I already knew this, it was mentioned in the video.

    I asked this out of curiosity, it's not a request.
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  16. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Conserning NR2003 then iRacing used the orig tire model in the beginning.
    But later "tweaked" this TM to something called NewTM.
    And from then on the orig NR2003 TM was called OldTM by iRacing.
    I still have NR2003 on my Win7 PC - but I only use it to be able to run the famous GTP Mod.

    ByTheWay: The TM in NR2003 is/was probably slightly more simple than the later iRacing NTM "tweaks" - but in many ways it feels a lot more controlable and fun.:D

    ByTheWay2: The graphics on NR2003/GTP Mod was only DX8 - but it is pretty easy to upgrade it to DX9.

    gtp mod Redline.jpg
  17. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    Well, yes, mainly because of that model and the insane cost to just play for 1 year in anything other than Rookie class. Doesn't matter how up to date it is when for a year you need to ready about 500 euros. Or i could just download NR2003 for free with all the tracks from specific years, cars of specific eras, along with the real liveries and drivers of pretty much any specific season.

    iRacing AI races offers just generic paint schemes with generic drivers, and none-existent presentation or structure. Call me spoiled but the main reason i play F1 games is because they have all the tracks, teams, drivers and mainly a proper career mode with full presentation of everything that makes F1 what it is, with the atmosphere of being part of an actual F1 series. iRacing AI races only have the car as it is a spec series and tracks, which isn't what i want from AI racing.
  18. F_B

    F_B Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 25, 2016
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    Sure, you can spend a lot of money right at the beginning if you want, but it's not mandatory. You don't have to drive around in the rookie classes for a year, but can move up pretty quickly. Actually, everyone who can hold a steering wheel should be able to get out of the Rookies and get his D-License within one season (=3 months). From this point on quite a few series are selectable. You should not make the mistake of trying to get into all series because then it will be expensive. Rather choose a series, buy the car, buy tracks and then you have a lot of fun. At this stage at the latest it should be clear to everyone (!) that iracing costs money and you pay to have a well-organized online service at your fingertips.

    As for generic AI paints and drivers I have to disagree. Ever heard of Trading Paints? There are complete AI sets available with real paintschemes and drivers (incl. realistic driver skills). So if you want to play a complete Indycar or NASCAR season just download the appropriate AI set, put together a season with the correct tracks (for Indycar some street courses are missing) and you're ready to go. Nothing is generic.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  19. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    I have to agree with the Trading Paints thing.
    Painting ones car and especially getting the paint into the game is much more simple than in ANY other game I know of.
    Conserning the cost and the easiness of getting from Rookie to A then I took the quick route when I was a member.
    It took me 1 week(!) via some TT sessions where you earn Safety Ratings "for free" without having to deal with unskilled rookies trying to wreck you.
    And yes it is possible to keep the "invested" money reasonable low if you concentrate on 1-2 cars and the few tracks needed to run these car in the official series.
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  20. Dylan Hale

    Dylan Hale Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Tbf the ai only came out a few years ago and its still kinda crap on some car track combos

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