Automobilista 2 V1.5 Officially RELEASED - Now updated to V1.5.0.5

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Jul 25, 2023.

  1. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Well, thats still exactly the same admin tools from project cars 2 dedi server, i wouldn't classify as an development on Reiza's behalve, and it is very, very basic tbh
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  2. GeekyDeaks

    GeekyDeaks Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 17, 2022
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    Oh, sorry, I probably wasn't very clear. I was just replying to the zero admin tools comment, not the development progress.....
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  3. GeekyDeaks

    GeekyDeaks Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 17, 2022
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    ah, that is a good spot! We use the advance feature on our events a lot as we usually setup a really long practice in case anyone joins as host early, which would explain why people mostly mention it during qual
  4. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    yeah, if everyone is in their pitbox before you force it to the next session you should be fine, you get the issues during qually and it carries over to the race as well
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  5. mister dog

    mister dog Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Our dedicated server is based in the US as our league is more focused on NA racers, I'm in Europe so I can only configure it through JustRace. With the admin tools I mean actual ingame admin tools to forward session/ kick wreckers/ restart etc which you have in pretty much any other sim. What happens a lot for example is that a couple of people get disconnected just when the lobby switches from Q to R, which then means we have to all exit the lobby, have to reset the server and then figure out grid positions and do a manual formation lap to get back in position. The game also does not remember your position in Q if you get thrown out.
    And then you finally get going and get disconnected halfway through the race. Very frustrating indeed. And that's not taking into account all the other glitches that are currently present.
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  6. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    There´s not much we can offer in terms of information that hasn´t already been offered, but we´re in a bit of a "damned whatever we say" spot here - if we don´t say anything, some will take that to mean we are not working or commited to it at all and complain about it; if we say we are working on it but are sparse on details, people will complain we are being vague and not commiting to further developments; if we say we are working on it and hoping to achieve X, Y and Z, people will complain we promised stuff and didn´t deliver (even though we are not offering any timetable or guarantee we will be sucesful on these pursuits). That´s because what you guys are looking for is not just information, but to express your insatisfaction with how it works ATM and to demand a concrete perspective. I get it and it´s fair enough, but we can´t offer that perspective yet.

    The fact improvements are rollling in more regularly now are the evidence you have we are still digging at it. We´ve been on this journey for a while now, and we are indeed looking to make more in-depth structural changes including the creation of a more robust dedicated tool. But we are not at a point we can be confident that it will happen, how big the structural changes will be or when they would be integrated to the game.

    Always dedicated, 20-26 people is the range of attendance we´ve been seeing recently. We do know that reliability / instability issues tend grow exponentially the more clients there is on server, and likewise if any one client has more severe connection issues that can also throw everything out of whack.

    For now I´d suggest avoiding going above 25 clients if you want to increase the chances of a trouble-free session, use the dedicated tool to create it (with in-game being alright for smaller numbers than that), and advise clients to get out if their connections on the day is not particularly stable.

    That´s pretty much what I meant by "controlled environment" in that interview btw, we do race people from all over in Beta with a variety of different systems and connections, so long as we´re not pushing close to the threshold of max players and people participating have reasonably stable connections (which tends to be the case) the issues are much reduced.

    I guess definitions of major will vary - as I said oval racing wasn´t really viable a few months ago and now it very much is so long as grid size is kept to the above threshold and the average connection quality from clients is reasonable. There´s been a considerable step-up in quality and many reliability issues have been ironed out, none of that however disputes that some still persist and overall reliability needs to be more robust than it is - we can all reinforce those without denying progress has been made.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2023
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  7. The_Neo_One

    The_Neo_One AMD Ryzen 5 5600X

    Aug 26, 2021
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    Small update?
  8. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    A new update is now out bringing AMS to v1.5.0.4 - the update rectifies bugs with Logitech G923 wheels and cars occasionally being configured with incorrect final gear ratio, along with various other fixes and further adjustments to V1.5 physics revisions.

    V1.5.0.2 -> V1.5.0.4 CHANGELOG

    • Added Updated Stock Car Cruze 2023 model & new cockpit model for Stock Car Pro Series 2023

    • Fixed Logitech TrueForce wheel devices lockstop & calibration issues
    • Pit crews will no longer spawn for safety car when entering the pits
    • Fixed a potential crash to desktop that could happen to more than one client at the same time in multiplayer when processing a vehicle impact of a participant that had just quit the session
    • Fixed a crash that could occur when advancing a championship session after clicking 'skip to end' if the championship had full course yellow setting and fastest lap point setting enabled
    • Fixed an issue that could result in incorrect final drive being loaded in first session when no prior setups exist
    • Changed Time Trial track state to be equal to Heavy Rubber preset (instead of a fully rubbered track all around as before)

    • Tire tread adjustments for GTE, GT3, GT Classics, Group C, Stock Omega 1999, F-USA Gen1-3, F-USA 2023 Speedway compound
    • Minor stifness adjustments for GT3 tire carcass
    • FFB adjustments for Prototypes P2-P4, Formula Trainer + Advanced, Vintage Touring Car T1-T2, HotCars, Omega Stock Car 1999, SprintRace, Copa Montana, Copa Uno, Copa Fusca, Copa Classic B-FL, Mitsubishi Lancer Cup, TSi Cup, Street Camaro SS, Kartcross
      Fixed missing hard compounds for Corvette GTP & Nissan R89C; Fixed missing wet compound for Copa Uno
    • Adjusted final gear ratios for all cars to account for recent bug fix
    • GT3: Slightly adjusted aero for Nissan GT-R, BMW M6
    • Group C: Minor aero & performance adjustments for all models
    • Adjusted engine inertia & compression rates for Hot Cars, Copa Classic & Fusca
    • Mclaren F1 GTR: Corrected rear ride height asymmetry
    • F-Classic Gen4: Performance Adjustment for Mclaren MP4/6
    • Ginetta G55 GT3: Updated engine specifications
    • Added flexible axles to RWD Hot Cars, Copa Classic & Copa Fusca
    • Updated clutch models copa Copa Classic
    • Reduced default steering lock for F-USA Gen1-3 & 2023 SW / SS variants
    • F-Reiza: Adjusted autoshift thresholds

    • Adjustments to AI performance and behavior for ovals
    • Rallycross: AI performance updates
    • AI calibration pass for F-Classic Gen4, GT3, Porsche Cup Mini JCW UK, GT5, GT Open

    • Ginetta G55 GT3: Updated sounds for new engine specs

    • Brands Hatch: Fixed AI line on pitlane
    • Spielberg Historic: Fixed the distance markers LOD popping
    • Nürburgring 2020: Fix a floating corner tower at Nürburg Castle
    • Daytona Oval: Exclude apron from track limits.

    • McLaren 720 GT3: Display updates with Fuel data added; Pit limiter green LEDs; Small color corrections; corrected mapping; Removed LEDs around the 2nd screen
    • P1 Gen2: corrected DRS animarions for for AJR Gen2 & Sigma P1 G5
    • StockCar Car Pro Series 2023: Fixed headlights issue & updated cockpit for Corolla model
    • Sigma P1 G5: Fixed redline on Display page 2

    Apologies for having roll out mid Saturday folks, this was meant to be deployed earlier but there were some hold-ups.
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  9. John Manetti

    John Manetti Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 9, 2020
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    Renato you are half right, and your customers like me have bought your product and have been pleasantly surprised by the goodness of what it offers such as physics, live track and advanced tire model. There is a big BUT, the MP is really lacking compared to the competition, the problem is that you started from a very poor system inherited from the pCARS series, where many WMD users were already complaining from the pCARS 1 beta testing, and SMS did nothing to change the situation, because the product was designed for PS-XBOX consoles

    You REIZA start from a very poor base for PC users, especially looking at other competitors, and whatever your effort, they are always small steps compared to what the MP of AMS2 should recover to make it acceptable. I'm not a developer and I have no idea how the MP part works in a game, but what I feel is that you need programmers for MP to remake the MP system for you.

    It's been over three years since the 1.0 release, it's been over a year since you've been trying to improve MP, and people are obviously looking for expectations, and the improvements are too marginal looking at the competition.

    As I said in another Post AMS2 has a beautiful driving simulation representation, but racing is competition and confrontation, and if the MP is low, few will play it and choose, and on this aspect it will always be criticized.
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  10. Dmand

    Dmand Active Member

    Oct 3, 2022
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    My Gpro wheel thanks you.
  11. stealthradek

    stealthradek I know nothing. AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    Rant alert!

    I don't think it's possible to scrap and start from scratch with MP implementation and heavy rewrite would be just that. There's been plenty of updates to this area and while it's far from perfect it's miles better from what it used to be.

    I think a lot is down to players actually have some reasonable expectations. We won't get iRacing style MP or scale from a small team at Reiza. It's like asking your beermates at the pub to launch a mission to the moon ;)

    I don't understand how quick some are to criticise, like it doesn't have a campaign like F1 titles have with press conferences etc, like the series rules/BOP in ACC.

    BeamNG is now 10 years in development and it's still in v0.29 I think and somehow community seems to be looking forward to new updates rather than whining about missing this and that and something not being fully polished yet.

    It's unrealistic to expect all best features from various titles implemented by small studio in an inherited code. It's going to be in small increments here and there and hopefully before the money pool drains for Reiza.

    I want faultless product too, but even after spending £120-ish for the game +Season Pass and additional Paddock Pass recently I still think that's a good value for money given the huge amount of various content and decent physics implemented for pretty much everything so far.

    I hope that Reiza can fix remaining issues with MP like their magical fix for sticky diff and different physics models inconsistencies, but those things took time to find out the culprit, let alone to fix it.

    Also, life is too short for complaining about things out of our control. I'm happy to be playing other titles and somewhat I keep returning to the best virtual car driving sensation, even when it's imperfect.

    End of rant.
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  12. mesfigas

    mesfigas Member

    Mar 17, 2018
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    weird bug i had before this update was that i couldnt change the values of TC and ABS from steering wheel.
    i deleted my ams2 preference folder and i came back to normal
  13. jamespoly86

    jamespoly86 Member

    May 28, 2019
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    • Temporarily disabled effect of driver personality stamina and tire management skills´ influence on AI lap times while AI tire wear & performance degradation is in progress

    When AI tire wear and performance will be adjusted ?
  14. Don Hunter

    Don Hunter Active Member

    Dec 22, 2021
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    Takes money to add people which would make the progress faster, better. I’d pay a monthly fee to better the experience, MP. You get what you pay for, $10 a month is nothing. Some people pay that drinking coffee a day

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  15. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    I´m not sure what part you´re saying is half wrong :p At the end of the day the straight-forward facts are, this is a $40 racing game built on top of a 3rd party engine that did some things very well and some others not so well, to a current result that does many more things even better while some still leave a bit to be desired. We continue to work on those bits to make them better and have some confidence more sizeable gains will be made, but it might well be that when all is said and done Multiplayer is still not AMS2 strongest point, which would make it an imperfect mix of qualities and flaws much like the competition or just about any product ever.
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  16. br1x92

    br1x92 Active Member

    Aug 1, 2021
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    Touching that whole Admin tools thing, is something like BoP options for online lobbies considered in one form or another?
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  17. Dosda Pierrick

    Dosda Pierrick Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 9, 2023
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    the gt3 cars are now really pleasant to drive :)
    • Agree Agree x 4
  18. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    To make a polite comment on this then I think its complete bullocks(!MO).
    OK take it with an english tongue-in-cheek - BUT.. ;)
    The reason I say this is that the MP system iRacing started up with was buying the MP system inside NR2003.
    The first 2-3 years iRacing was using this system without any changes except small updates.
    And to the best of my knowledge iRacing have never made some radical changes on the MP part.

    The reason this is relevant in this context is that the NR2003 MP code was created by Papyrus for ol GPL.
    A MP code originally created for dial up modems connections!:p
    And I can garantee this NR2003 MP system did work much better and stable than what I hear about the MP system in AMS2.:whistle:

    Years back I was a long time member of a US based NR2003 league (FSB) and there was absolutely no MP problems eventhough the clients came from all over Europe (old Eastern too) and from US and yes Brazil.:eek:

    ByTheWay: The Papyrus team was when they created this MP system probably not larger that the existing Reiza team.:whistle:

    dial up modem.png
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  19. Gevatter

    Gevatter The James May of Simracing AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    What you don't seem to get is that Reiza did not create the MP system in AMS2, it already came with the engine as is, which is the issue at hand.
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  20. Mazdaspeed

    Mazdaspeed Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2022
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    Yup! There are no infinite grip cars in the GT3 anymore, at least with the default setups. The Merc is the most balanced and fastest, the Porsche is very close but a little less stable on corner entry, the Mclaren is very similar to the Porsche but slower and less responsive, the BMW is a handful on slower corners and understeers a bit on fast ones and the Nissan is well, the ugly duck, quite tricky to drive.
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