Automobilista 2 V1.5 Physics Development Update

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Jul 25, 2023.

  1. Inkta

    Inkta Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    The impression that I got, and I'm most likely wrong on this (Mainly because it's probably much more complicated than this), is that a lot of cars were tweaked for the pre 1.5 physics, which suffered from a lot of wheelspin on dry conditions, especially before 1.4 and the tyre carcass update. So I'm guessing that those classes were overcompensated as a result, which is why now that we have the tyre models sending correct values those classes feel kinda off.

    My guess is that now that the values are correct the next thing in line is to keep tweaking the grip levels, like you said the wet tyres feel good, which should indicate that the sim understands how much grip there should be on track.
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  2. rmagid1010

    rmagid1010 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2020
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    I think Reiza re-did the physics from scratch for every car in the game so i dont believe its over-correction, but rather just needed further ‘fine tweaking’ being needed (as well as some bugs which are in the current build like the sigma gen2 top speed bug). Every patch note always has lines like ‘minor tread adjustments’ so improvements could come from that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Scar666

    Scar666 Zum Glück bin ich verrückt

    Jul 1, 2020
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    Watch that right foot...

    That is no longer nesseccary in cars that it should be in AMS2...

    I will try the old stock later and compare...

    It's weird, but you may not be as wrong as you think you are... Personally I don't feel that any classes suffered from too much wheelspin before... Some tyres could of been tweaked very very very very slightly to aid grip when the wheels were spinning... Outside of the street tyres I can't think of one I would of asked to be touched... I was more concerned about lateral grip/slip...

    Realistically there could be so many factors at play here, something could be having a knock on effect... Could be the track state changes as well as the diff changes... Not just one of the numerous params in the tyre code... Or even a bug that is effecting a large portion of the community...

    In a lot of situations it reminds me of mistakes I've made in the past to compensate for a control pad player (NOT that I think this is the case here, it just reminds me of it)... As reacting with your thumb or index finger isn't as good as the throttle control of a foot... So corner exit and entry is a different beast to them...

    Just finished some running in the PCC 4.0 at Snetterton and although that was one of the better cars to run, it felt like had softs on as coming out of the slow corners as the tyres didn't need much heat to become really controllable... Was a handful in 3rd and 4th gear corners... But overall was much closer to what I've come accustomed to in that car as I have been running in a championship in it so I was relatively used to it...

    However the tuning of it's wet transitions are further out than they were before the update, the wets weren't great but the slicks made sense in the past... The current slicks in a straight line gave me no issues with puddles and could be used whilst there was plenty of reflective surfaces on the track... As soon as the line was dry enough for the fronts to grip and almost as soon as there is no spray... Curbs weren't an issue neither were white lines...

    Even the final corner at Snetterton where you have to transition the weight over 2 rivers that cross the track that should of given me some sort of aquaplaning didn't bother my way of driving through the corners... Before I would of needed to make some sort of correction through that or at the very least make sure there was no weight being moved around... Now it's a case of I've finished turning right... ooo I like those nice graphics flowing across the track... Now I turn left... The 3 puddles that follow the corner weren't a thought to my right foot either...

    From a soaked starting track preset... The wets need to work further into the dry by about 5-8 minutes longer with 20 drivers... The drys need about 5-10 minutes longer before they should start to work... A lot more longitudinal slip is needed with water on the track for the drys... The lateral slip is good... About 4-6 minutes after the start of the race the the wets had no chance out of the corners against a car on slicks...

    Someone started on slicks and ended on the podium in a 3.8 car in a 20 minute race...
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Hehe was actually trying to mix my serious point or oppinion with some slight humour.
    The iRacing thing came to me as some kind of revelation after introducing the a b c. :D
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. Scar666

    Scar666 Zum Glück bin ich verrückt

    Jul 1, 2020
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    Oh and here I thought you actually had some iRacing slip curves in front of you when you made that post... Felt like it when I was a member... :whistle:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Inkta

    Inkta Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    I think a class that comes in mind quickly as a car that had a very nervous rear end is the F3, I remember hating that car because everytime you went on the gas the rear would step out, it was still very controllabe but it was always weird how I was able to make a f3 car with 250+ horsepower powerslide through the corners.

    After the 1.5 that car in particular feels much better, not perfect (There's still too much forgiveness planting your foot on the throttle and powersliding), but much better than before.

    I chose the F3 because that car happens to be one of my favorites in AMS1, just checked how that car perfoms in AMS1 and basically what I can tell is that AMS1 has a much narrower margin of error, but at the same time the car can quickly recover from a misstep in your driving. It almost feels like in AMS2, the tyres take longer to react to whats happening, I admit I'm a little nostalgia driven about AMS1 but it doesn't differ that much from what I can see in other sims.

    Another experiment that everybody can do is try a car like a catherham academy, that car is found in AMS1, AMS2, rFactor 2 and AC (its a mod). And try to turn off FFB, turn your wheel to 90º and keep it there, second gear, about 50kmh and stomp on the throttle. In every sim I find the car reacts by losing grip on the rear and doing a 360. In ams2 however the car seems to still maintain some grip on the rear and ends up doing a 180. It almost feels like there's something that prevents the rear of the car from losing all grip.
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  7. Mazdaspeed

    Mazdaspeed Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2022
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    With my Moza R5 my sweet spot is:
    Gain: 70
    LFB: 4
    FX: 10-30 depends on the car and track
    Damping: 20

    If I increase damping too much the wheel gets too heavy and instead of real car resistance I get this sticky and unresponsive feeling, pretty bad.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    You must be joking.:D
    But actually nobody has ever seen iRacings/Dave Kaemmers advanced slip curve.
    Except himself and a few very close devs.
    But back when I was a (long term) member then a lot of creative people inside iRacings forum gave their bid of how it must be looking.:eek:

    ByTheWay: To soften my harsh critique of the 1.5 upd then the handling of the F-UltiG2 has become slightly more reasonable after I have punished the setup severely.
    Slightly more reasonable the man said :rolleyes:
    Hehe no specific info for free but some weird settings in the diff does help a bit (IMO).:whistle:
    • Informative Informative x 1
  9. Pandytim99

    Pandytim99 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 23, 2022
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    did you found a fix for the F-Reiza? It’s driving very weird now sadly, kinda like how the F-v10 gen 1 generic model used to drive
  10. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Hehe no Im not a magician :p
    I have given up on that "car".:rolleyes:
    But answering a bit more straight then I have exclusively fightet to get the mentioned F-UltiG2 to agree slightly to what I want.
    But as hinted above its only using some completely odd diff settings.
    Which is not very satisfying. :cool:
  11. Pandytim99

    Pandytim99 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 23, 2022
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    Ah shame man I liked the f-reiza but hey at least the f-v10 gen 1 are great now and the gen 2 still amazing
  12. Scar666

    Scar666 Zum Glück bin ich verrückt

    Jul 1, 2020
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    What you are describing here to me says that previously there was a lateral grip issue that allowed more oversteer than you thought was capable of the car... The peak grip point drops off too early so you started to slide and you are caught by the curve being too flat so you don't spin with that kind of yaw on the car and could keep the oversteer going longer than you should of...

    I find the lateral grip on the current F3 to be within expectations, but it's longitudinal is a little too strong when there was heat in the tyres... I just don't feel a problem when there's supposed to be wheelspin causing a problem... 3rd and 4th gear corners seem to offer more problems with the throttle than 1st and 2nd gear corners...

    I completely concur about AMS1, it and all the other titles is why I have faith Reiza can figure out what is causing the current behaviour...
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  13. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Precisely. A lot of posts here are over-reading into things, then again mountains being made out of physics molehills is an ongoing AMS2 tradition :p

    Not everything in sim racing physics development is exact science despite what developers (including the OP) tend to make it sound like - there is the exact science element which is critical, but there is also the handcrafting of various variables (within tire physics mainly) to perfectly reasonable margins of less than 0.5% that can make a lot of difference to the way the cars handle. I can´t write a compelling article on that side of the job, but it plays a big part :)

    As noted in the v1.5 release thread, albeit all the work outlined in the OP is already done for all but the karts, the physics aren´t yet final - we are still in this handcrafted fine-tuning stage which we expect to complete for the late August release. Some cars will receive more updates than others, and some won´t be updated at all but they all will have a double check. That´s why TT boards aren´t yet reset for instance.

    I can hear some asking, why not do the fine-tuning before releasing it? Obviously we try to, but as with most handcrafted work the more time you spend on something the better it tends to get, and we´ve always fed from user feedback to know what areas (or in this case, what car physics) might be needing further attention, so rather than double and triple checking cars that might be fine we allocate the time to the ones that really need it most and this way we make quicker progress - we are talking only a few weeks here afterall and we have a lot of cars in the game. The betatesting feedback obviously serves that purpose to a good degree and even more now that Paddock Club has more than doubled in size, but there´s still no comparing with the amount of scrutinity we get once it´s out on release, and thanks to that those in beta will already have some noticeable improvements to GT3 & Group C tires for instance.

    This release -> polish -> update dynamic has been on since the beginning and it´s a big driving force in a development rate that is really second to none in sim racing. Of course there is the negative side of people jumping to review something that isn´t quite finished and the criticism from those who may think this equates to public beta testing, but I think people who have that perspective are simply failing to appreciate the challenge of working on a game this size and the benefit this M.O. brings, which is making the game better quicker.

    My suggestion then at least for those of you who are in this forum and who should be well acclimatized to this dynamic is to chillax a bit, avoid the fruitless gloomy pondering about "underlying physics issues" and just report what cars you feel need further work and in what way - we may not necessarily see it the exact same way but it will at least lead us to checking whether there is further work to be done there :)
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2023
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  14. Iuri_Rein

    Iuri_Rein Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 24, 2022
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    Renato I can say, and be very convincing in stock car 23, the work done by you is to be congratulated, we did a 4fun last Thursday before Sunday's test of the stock car pro series and the times are very similar.

    I have the data from the server in case you need it, but one thing is still not clear, it's why with more than 25 drivers on the grid some drop out of qualifying for the race. average of 20%.

    Strong hug

    Falcon League Motorsports.
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  15. TKracer

    TKracer Active Member

    Aug 16, 2021
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    Well after trying some mods from Thunderflash (GT3 Mod pack)

    [mod edit: link removed - read the mod section guidelines, sharing links of ripped content is not permitted]

    i'm surprised to see that the Ferrari in this pack drives better than any of the GT3 cars in AMS2.

    I think it all comes down to the FFB, it's a lot less action in the FFB and it does have that less weighted feeling in the center like you get in AC, while its not perfect it does really help you feel those nuances of weight shift and traction loss build up, something that is very hard in the AMS2 GT3 cars because they are always engaging you at even the slightest turn or bump in the road. This is a lot less active.

    I can't believe how damn good it feels and I just wonder why these mods feel so different in the same simulation.

    To anyone who has issues with the GT3 in AMS2 you must try this. Its a whole different experience.

    Would love to get some feedback on what you guys feel about this car in particular (havent tried the other ones yet)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2023
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  16. Roy Jones

    Roy Jones New Member

    Oct 25, 2020
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    When I first used these cars I found them to have way too much grip. They were enjoyable but not really rewarding . Now when I try reiza cars like the Porsche cup I find them ridiculous grippy and hard to spin out ....
    • Disagree Disagree x 4
  17. Roy Jones

    Roy Jones New Member

    Oct 25, 2020
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    Not rewarding either- is what I mean
    • Disagree Disagree x 3
  18. John Cobb

    John Cobb Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    To anyone out there who feels that the physics have changed since the initial V1.5 release.
    I was reluctant to post any comments until carrying out further testing my end as I felt that with every update since V1.5 all cars began to feel a bit more like pre 1.5 build.
    I don't know whether I caused this problem by installing **** loads of mods so I decided to completely delete my documents folder, restart PC and now everything is perfect again :)
    It's a bit of a ball ache to re-configure wheel etc but well worth it.
    Hope this helps.
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  19. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    I reinstalled the whole game and deleted the Documents folder.
    But because I didnt want to mess with setup of the graphics, controllers and audio from scratch I copied the 4x Default*.sav´s and graphicsconfigdx11.xml back.

    ByTheWay: Actually I only did reuse the controller*.sav because AMS2 suddenly wouldnt recognise my wheel/pedals. Eventhough I tried all the tricks others have invented for sidestepping this BUG. Nothing worked. AMS2 was completely blind for any wheel/pedals on my PC. Old controller file did the trick.:rolleyes:
  20. Pandytim99

    Pandytim99 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 23, 2022
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    Can you link me this controller file? It might help my friend to get his handbrake working in the game

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