Automobilista 2 V1.5.5.0, Le Mans & Endurance Pack Pt1 RELEASED - Now Updated to V1.5.5.6

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Dec 31, 2023.

  1. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    If you have a disability, then you could either mention that, or not, and simply ask that this minor issue be addressed rather than suggesting it is some sort of important immersion breaking flaw in the game...because it is not.

    In fact, the animation itself could be described as immersion-breaking (in all sims) because by design and necessity it is delayed. It cannot begin until after you (or the game) perform the shift, so it is always severely lagging the actual shifts.

    So no problem that you want it fixed and it should and undoubtedly will be fixed, but it doesn't fit on any major issue list requiring demands of the devs or hyperbole.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2024
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  2. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    It is not that simple like identifying "a curve". Any test that you can do in a lab to collect data will differ from the real world where there is different asphalt, track temps, rubbering, downforce, operating temperatures and pressures and so on. With all these variables you easily understand that you are talking about hundreds of different combinations. It's actually not a curve, it's rather a highly multi-dimensional matrix of data: the curve is just one "slice" of the many dimensions.
    It has been explained before a number of times: when some developers claim that they develop empirical model tires from real life data they are actually bulls.....g you. Any data collected in real life is only valid for that very specific set of conditions (listed above plus others like suspensions settings and in general dynamic conditions that lab can't fully reproduce, drivers in the loop, traffic etc.) in which they were collected, conditions that often are changing lap by lap.
    Even if you collected all correctly, you will get a cloud of points across which it is ultimately the user's editorial choice to draw "the curve" i.e. a baseline curve to which then all the corrective formulas for variables are applied. Needless to say, all those corrective formulas, despite having ranges of typical values from literature, require a truck load of editorial choices as to the choice of their parameters.
    All this freedom of "editorial choice" in the empirical models ultimately can yield results that are very far from the real behavior even starting from "real life data" as very small changes are felt pretty quickly in the driving experience.
    The sense of this is that there is nothing really objective in what you do with empirical models and real life data, despite what some very vocal developers has flooded the internet with. The real life data is merely a marketing stunt aimed at people who don't know the technicalities.
    What a physical model brings to the table is really a reduction in the arbitrary editorial choices in favor of increased amount of variables that make physical sense (and therefore can be checked against reality if a manufacturer gives you some hints) with formulas (mostly) with physical sense. There will still be room for "craftmanship" but less of it especially when it comes to extrapolating the tire behavior out of the set of conditions in which real life data may have been collected (data point). The flip side of the coin is that the effort in addressing those parameters and tuning models is required to be much bigger since you don't have direct control on the outcome ("the curve"). Similarly to the empirical model though small changes to the model parameters can be felt big time in the driving experience.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2024
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  3. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    I don't know what he said in other streams, I for sure never said it is not a sim, never used the magic word "simcade" as I hate to bring the conversation on that ground.
    My point is that there are however clear signs that some of the modeling used for the simulation is pretty simplified, in some cases it works in a way it clearly shouldn't. That does not make it a non-simulative software, it is just not a great quality simulation of certain things which would need improvements and changes just like AMS2 and others have things they could/should improve on.
    These things may resonate particularly bad with certain users (I am one of them) or professional drivers but there is also some objectivity to some of the points that are raised as not working correctly (the story of how preponderant the tire pressures are over non existing temps contribution, the diff preloads being outrageously low, the story of the bump stoppers being completely botched in a total and utter basic way for years, dampers and ARBs having weird effects on the car's dynamic behaviors, suspensions geometry being debatable with effects of camber, caster, toe-in/out being more than suspicious).
    The sense of this is that every sim has something to improve clearly on, no one excluded, no matter what their marketing/influencers say.
    Please don't attach to my post meanings or words or hating purposes that weren't there in the first place. Let's take opinions as such not as reason to go to war.
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  4. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    I think braking is the one thing that is very apparent as non-realistic. The amount of braking you can take so deep into turn in is just off the roof. You clearly feel that if you let go of the brakes the car will not turn in so sharply: basically tires grip is leveraging in an exaggerated way on the weight transfer to the point that you have to brake so hard so deep into turn in and this is probably what irks him so much.
    Like said, every sim has something of its own that could be improved on and some may be hit negatively while others may really like that. That is why even professional racers have different opinions.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2024
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  5. Seb02

    Seb02 Active Member

    Mar 12, 2022
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    This animation was broken with the arrival of the hi tech formula. Before everything was working correctly. In this type of case, Reiza usually fixes it quickly if it is reported to her.
    I put it back together, other players did too. Several updates have been deployed and nothing. So I asked, in my last message, if this concern was on the radar. As for immersion, I confirm that, for me, it breaks it to see the gear lever move on its own in classic formulas for example. Or, in group C, group A, the Brazilian classic cars...
    Maybe here again, it's you who alone decides what is immersive or not? I do not have to disclose a possible disability to hope to have your respect and escape your elitism. In your last message, you try, without much success, to justify yourself by arguing that the animation itself is not immersive. Not very convincing...
    Let's stay there...
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    Mar 13, 2020
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    MOD EDIT: Please don't share personal information on this forum, nobody should know about transaction details you received in a purchase.

    It's in your hand
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2024
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  7. Marius H

    Marius H Internal Beta Tester Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Last edited: Jan 8, 2024
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  8. fireballr18

    fireballr18 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 1, 2019
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    Last 3 days of my holiday. Why I do always feel uncomfortable in such moments :(:whistle:
    I need to repress this and therefore I'm going to start a Battle On The Bricks weekend. Original Date, time, grid (ok, as good as possible) and let's the prototypes fly.
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  9. kkdrummer

    kkdrummer Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 25, 2016
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    Better delete this screenshot.
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  10. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    I really wonder what is the current list of "Major issues requiring immediate fixing" or what is the priority list. Sure i have seen and even written into the "Not-a-Priority Things to Fix" section like a track having the incorrect number of corners or a map of the track having the incorrect corner drawn, but if for something was clearly working properly just one update ago then it SHOULD get fixed within the next update or even a hotfix. Also, you people who keep saying "There are more important things to do" and not listing even a single one should just stop, it is embarrassing at this point.

    I also do not ever understand you people who just say "I don't think it is important to fix it right now because i want other stuff to be done first" .. if that is the best thing you can say then it's better to rather not say anything at all because you aren't exactly helping the problem. And sure i can also think of 20 other things i would want fixed right now, one of them being the glitched night shadows, but those have been in the game for over 3 years now and are STILL not fixed. So if something like that takes literall years to get done, then i also do not have problem asking for something seemingly minor like the broken shifting animations to be done asap, while other stuff is being worked on too.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2024
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  11. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    Recent update seems to have re-introduced the problem of cars with ABS / TC not working at all and behaving as if it was set to 0, no option to adjust it in the pre-race setup, or ICM, nor through assigned buttons. I did not experience this but other people from a league i am in, did. Can anyone else confirm this issue happening again ? It used to happen many months ago and was fixed for a time.
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  12. Marius H

    Marius H Internal Beta Tester Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    To bypass this bug you've to bind abs and tc. Then go from Off - High - Low. Set it at low. Poof it works again.
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  13. Matus Celko

    Matus Celko Active Member

    Jul 23, 2018
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    Nils video is good. I will use one screenshot, because for me, it demostrates part of discussion that is often time ignored:

    Look at his tyres, he's starting lap 4 and his rear left is overheated and starting to wear quite a bit. This is the part that is often not discussed. IRL, as said by multiple IRL drivers, you can slide cars much more than is possible in most sims. The thing is that this sliding is not without consequences, and for me replication of these consequences is more important than the endless discussion about what the slip curve should really look like, because having to actually manage my race is more fun for me.

    And this is what I love in AMS2, the consequences are there. I'm currently doing a custom formula hi-tech championship, 60 minutes race, mandatory pit stop, and I'm quite surprised how my track experience matches real world track specific. I.e. Barcelona was brutal on tyres, and while yes, sliding would not have me killed, it would have killed my race by turning a one stop race to a two stop.

    In similar matter, Montreal shredded my brakes, and I ended with over 20% wear on them, which much more that I had ever seen on this car.

    Obviously, when most races online are around the 30minute mark, this doesn't really come into play. But this also matches my experience as spectator IRL. There is lot of tyre squeak in sprint races, and surprisingly, very little spins.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2024
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  14. Vogelaufmzaun

    Vogelaufmzaun New Member

    Oct 19, 2023
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    Where can i see brake wear?
  15. PocketsRJ

    PocketsRJ Hi from UK!

    Dec 30, 2021
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    Jumbo McGumbo HAS to be Australian, there is no other option :D
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  16. Matus Celko

    Matus Celko Active Member

    Jul 23, 2018
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    Tbh, I'm not really sure if it is visible anywhere on the hud. Neither I think you can see clutch temps and clutch wear (another thing AMS 2 simulates quite well). Hopefully, availability of these in the hud will part of the UI rework reiza was talking about recently.

    But they are available in the SharedMemory API, so 3rd party apps like CrewChief, SimHub, or my app (Second Monitor - Timing/Telemetry App) are able to read it and present to them user.
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  17. Coanda

    Coanda aahhh whinge whinge f@#ken whinge.. Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    Second Monitor is a great application. I thank you @Matus Celko
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  18. Bernd18995

    Bernd18995 Member

    Feb 15, 2023
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    Im fully aware this is a stupid question but i'll try anyway:
    Do you lads 'n ladies have an idea of what causes it and can we expect a proper fix for this in like 1-2 update cycles ? Is there anything we as players can do to avoid it happening ?

    Thanks, keep up the good work :3
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  19. ricxx

    ricxx Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 30, 2022
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    Maybe I wasn't being clear enough but I was talking about Morad and didn't attach any meaning to your post, so my apologies if this has come across like that.
    ACC isn't even the topic so I'll stop here. All I was trying to say that is, it is clear that games like ACC and AMS2 have an astonishing level of simulated real life physics, The question is whether you like their interpretation or not, I think the work of any racing sim dev shouldn't be dismissed with such disrespect, because I'm pretty sure that Aris would have some good answers to Morad's uninformed statements.

    As you say, ACC might have a list of issues, I'm definitely not in the loop about the details of these issues. The problem is once again that we all in the sim racing 'community' have failed over the years to clearly define what it means to be a racing simulation. What are the criteria and how many criteria have to be met to be called a sim racing game. I'm just sick and tired of all the toxic nonsense of the past (and present), especially regarding everything around the Madness Engine and the tribalistic SimWars that has been taking place.

    Imo people like Morad are sim racing populists that seek to get likes and attention from their respective community by spreading this uninformed and superficial nonsense. No matter the game, issues need to raised and discussed but devs should get some respect for their work.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2024
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  20. fischhaltefolie

    fischhaltefolie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    But, but, ... I want a DBR9:oops: and some others like Saleen SR7, Lister Storm, Ferrari Maranello, Corvette C6.R. Do you know this endurance pack from RSS for AC
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