Automobilista 2 March 2024 Development Update

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Mar 16, 2024.

  1. Alexandre Sene

    Alexandre Sene Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Well, I see that there is a portion of players who want exactly what Paulo Frazão is saying.But I have no idea how big it represents compared to the total number of ams2 players.

    But there is also another group, that I belong to, that really wants to see ams2 being able to provide a consistent MP to be used on LFM or any other large platform. Due to the current characteristics of the DS game, this group can already be minimally satisfied with, and for us in Brazil,

    Based on the history of news that the Reiza has already passed on to us, the target of having a whole platform ,similar to iracing, provided by the Reiza seems to be unreachable.

    Perhaps the shortest path to provide better mp for the user is to improve DS in a way that third party platforms can have more control over the ams2 server session they offer. If I`m not wrong there is already a backgroup work in this way.
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  2. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    Please don't speak on behalf of others as to who wanted what. I only ever really wanted a good single player experience, good AI. Once it would be possible to have proper high quality AI racing i will most probably stop playing online. Online is not the only thing that can make a great racing game as just as many people are interested in online racing, as many or even more are interested in just offline experiences only.
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  3. pimpi84

    pimpi84 Active Member

    Apr 6, 2023
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    I totally agree.
    I do not like general posts with "people want".
    I much prefer lots of posts saying "I want" or "I like".
    For instance, I am on AMS2 for the physics and the feel of realism it gives to me.
    I don't like time trialling.
    I don't think AI is top notch (but it is rather good indeed, I mean, I can have good short races).
    To me, online racing has been thrilling and adrenaline-producing...I'd say... for the first 4 months of my 5-yrs iRacing subscription (I was 1940 IR and 4.30A SR). Afterwards online races became just "races", same thing as offline races.
    Why did I come to AMS2? I tried all the sims out there, and to me AMS2 just feels more real, more natural, physically more recognizable to my brain.

    Sometimes I just fire it up, start from the pits, and do a 10 laps stint, alone, on a random track, just to enjoy the feel.

    In my opinion Reiza should work on "engagement", which is the magic key that attracts people to keep driving.
    In iRacing the engagement is given by the ratings and licenses, and the fact that several races can be run only if your license is high enough.
    Other titles engage through single player career or maybe periodical challenges.
    I'd personally love to have a weekly challenge, maybe emulating some real world facts happened during the year.
    (e.g. last 4 laps of Sebring 12h, you are in the Caddy V-series, the target is to finish to 1st position and you start with a 3s gap from P1....)

    Just my opinion....
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  4. F_B

    F_B Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 25, 2016
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    Here are some bullets:
    • puddle builing at the exact same spots as in reality (because of laser-scanning)
    • you can't see **** in spray (immersion +)
    • massive aquaplaning in singleseater, even on straights (though I wonder how realistic that is. But I have the impression that driving in the rain is too easy in AMS2)
    • grip difference between dedicated wet line and "normal" line is more pronounced
    • rain effects and atmosphere looks and feels great

    Overall I have the feeling that everything is a bit more real with the weather system in Iracing. For the fact that the whole system has only recently been released it's pretty mature. Well, they've been working on it for years, so you should assume that...but yeah: I'm very impressed with what Iracing has done with "Tempest". It feels more mature than in AMS2.
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  5. Racinglegend1234

    Racinglegend1234 AMS2 wiki founder AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    AMS2 aquaplanes too much IMO
    • Agree Agree x 5
  6. kallenhard

    kallenhard Member

    Mar 31, 2020
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    I wanted to just say a HUGE congratulations to Reiza for securing the IMSA license! This is not simply because I am excited for the content as an end user, but because it is such a great success story for Reiza. I don't know how this license works, but the ability to have the modern roster of vehicle and tracks, and possibly expanding historically to the already excellent Group C content is so exciting.

    Reiza I have full confidence in your team and I believe IMSA will be amazed at your releases. There is no better platform than AMS2 for this license. I raise my glass, or should I say 'reiza my glass' to you.
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  7. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    Seems quite the opposite. There are almost no puddles of relevance apart from some very small ones at the side edges of the track. It's pretty tame even in the max rain compared to AMS2.
    Which by the way has long been far less drivable across the puddles in terms of aquaplaning.
    Also worth of note that pretty much every user streaming iracing is saying that the transition wet/dry and vice versa is very doubtful both graphically and from the grip standpoint.
    I would add that there are several tracks where the dry patches/rail appear in places where cars don't drive (wonder how water gets displaced in those points) with the result that often you are better off driving weird lines.
    Also if you drive Brands Hatch (not the only example) in rain in AMS2 and iracing you will notice that iracing has no water accumulation in the valleys of the road when it rains and also when it dries
    Tempest is a pretty good first attempt but electing it to benchmark of all weather systems is perhaps a bit overhyped
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2024
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  8. SunBro

    SunBro Active Member

    Mar 31, 2020
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    Rejoice my bröder! For we're getting more than sebring :D

    Reiza, the savior of ameriboos that don't like subscription models

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  9. Joaquim Pereira

    Joaquim Pereira Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    The big thing about SP ("for me" - @pimpi84 :D) is all about having a full grid, everytime I want, the track I want, with the field I want (mostly multiclass). Even iRacing can't compete with this.

    Yes, good AI is as important as physics. Every time AI does something a human wouldn't, is as an immersion breaker as not well implemented physics.
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  10. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Well, puddle building isn't all that realistic everywhere on iRacing, i have seen big puddles buildup on bathurst on the uphill part for example....
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  11. pimpi84

    pimpi84 Active Member

    Apr 6, 2023
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    This is my first drive in iR in water.
    Visually it is appealing, personally more appealing than AMS2, but check at 1:35...that puddle in the slope of acque minerali?? Hmmmm
    And driving wise, a 4-wheel complete slide with steering wheel at full lock going at low speed low throttle? Hmmmmmm

    Nice? Surely so. The best? I don't think so.
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  12. TronLi

    TronLi Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 19, 2020
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    I hope the IMSA collaboration exposes AMS2 to some Indycar teams/drivers. The Formula USA stuff is fantastic and deserves more attention.

    Simulating tire wars would be nice as well...
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  13. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    I think it's a pretty good job for a start. I think in 5 years time we will look back and notice all of the things that aren't great and will notice them more once we are out of the current hype.
    There is a lot of promising stuff and a lot of things that need more attention in Tempest.
    It is the same for every sim, AMS2 included.
    Personally I would like AMS2 to limit a bit how soaked the track can become but I think iracing is a bit too much on the low side of standing water.
    I like much more the transitions in AMS2 but surely there could be more impact during the dry to wet transition from driving on the already rubbered lines.
    Definitely room for improvement for both sims
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  14. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    My statement is that people like you are insufferable.

    For further statements you may use the search function - if what you truly want is to learn about the prospects of MP development in AMS2 are. I´ve given plenty and they are as clear and as honest as such answers can be. i´m afraid different answers won´t come just by repeating the question.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2024
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  15. Marius H

    Marius H Internal Beta Tester Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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  16. Paulo Frazao

    Paulo Frazao Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 24, 2016
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    why am I not allowed to speak for other people and their opinions here? just because the single player camp gets a lot more popularity here in the forum than the multiplayer camp? Many people simply don't have the nerve to discuss things with people who are so narrow-minded and sometimes really aggressive here in the forum. Believe me, you'd be surprised how many people would suddenly go back to AMS2 if it had a decent, time-appropriate multiplayer mode. There are enough players who, despite loving this game and content, have turned away from it precisely because it doesn't have a stable multiplayer mode. For a quick online game, the current multiplayer mode is completely sufficient (and even here it is not always guaranteed that everyone can always play because of the instability) but unfortunately it is not good for leagues or other events. So can you please tell me why I can't stand up for my opinion and that of other people here? If that is no longer possible here, then any discussion about the driving behavior of the cars, graphics, weather system, etc. will be pointless.
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  17. Racinglegend1234

    Racinglegend1234 AMS2 wiki founder AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    Since people speaking for others never goes well
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  18. Paulo Frazao

    Paulo Frazao Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 24, 2016
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    So then you're only tolerable if you go along with the hype? Are you really not allowed to ask uncomfortable questions here or have a different opinion?
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  19. Racinglegend1234

    Racinglegend1234 AMS2 wiki founder AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    I would say the issue was what he said after his question
    • Agree Agree x 4
  20. Elcid43

    Elcid43 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2020
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    Of course you are able to go against the grain, and it's welcomed.

    What isn't welcomed is the continual beating of a dead horse. It is known a million times over that mutiplayer is important to people. It is also known that it is not a SIMPLE fix and Reiza would like to tackle it when then can

    Constant and incessant badgering will not make it happen any sooner. If you aren't happy with the current state of the game, do like I did with LMU, shelve it until it becomes what you are looking for.
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