Automobilista 2 May 2024 Development Update - The Road to V1.6 Pt1

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, May 31, 2024.

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  1. Rodger Davies

    Rodger Davies Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2016
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    Can you show me any posts like the ones you described? I can't think of many, if any, I've seen that match that description.

    We're in a small enough SIM racing niche anyway and Reiza are trying to improve both parts of the game. So please don't fabricate an argument that no-one is making.

    Tell us what parts of MP you'd like to see improved. Tell us what's important to you. You'll find some people with similar priorities and some with different ones. Reiza will do some things we like and some that don't affect the way we play. But no-one is criticising you for having those preferences. Folk only get defensive when you tell them their preferences are 'wrong'.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2024
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  2. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    This is the crux of the issue.

    "AMS 2 will fail if MP is not improved because MP is the only future for racing sims. Put all the resources into that right now!"

    "AMS 2 shouldn't waste time with MP because we already have iRacing and it will never be that good, so focus on SP!"

    Etc., etc.

    As has been reiterated a zillion times, Reiza will do the best they can with all elements and aspects of the game. Many people said the SP was a write-off from the outset because of past experiences with SMS titles based on the same engine. I hope the same degree of relative advancement will eventually occur on the MP side of things, but if it does not, it won't be as a result of a lack of effort or desire.
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  3. Andrew Curtis

    Andrew Curtis Active Member

    May 29, 2023
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    The law of finite resources dictates that you cannot focus on all things with 100% effort. You can't focus entirely on one thing and also focus entirely on something else, it's give/take.
    I would prefer Reiza to focus on SP and career mode, but I'm biased because MP sim racing doesn't interest me at all.
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  4. SpaceYam

    SpaceYam Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 23, 2023
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    Oh man I played the hell out of that game! Was always disappointed that they didn't have Bathurst (in a Formula 1 game) because I grew up with ATTC/V8 Supercars on the TV
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. BazzaLB

    BazzaLB Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2020
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    I played it quite a bit too, but that was on a Commodore 64.
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  6. Turbo Granny

    Turbo Granny Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2022
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    People are just reacting to Majestic that said that everything else should be put on hold to improve multiplayer, even physics improvements, wich doesnt even make sense. I've never seem a SP user saying that everything else should be put on hold to improve AI for example.
    • Agree Agree x 7
  7. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    Funnily enough it is possible to play "Alice - Madness Returns" on a Logitech G29. Been a while ago since i tested but you can literally steer the character, and also use the gas pedal to jump.
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  8. Lizardfolk

    Lizardfolk lizard people run the FIA

    Aug 30, 2022
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    Speaking of MP. I just finished an iRacing league earlier tonight. 30 cars at Portimao in the Super Formulas. Came home 10th in the Feature.

    Feels good.

    Any one else enjoying other things while they wait?
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  9. Fatih

    Fatih Active Member

    Apr 7, 2023
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    Yes. I am mostly a SP but currently I try to practice LFM Mazda Cup. Dont want to race, just be on a crowded Server with humans and compare my laptime with theirs. I am a bit different :)
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  10. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    Nice work, always great to get a top 10 !
    I am having a blast with World of Outlaws in a season mode at the moment.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  11. SpaceYam

    SpaceYam Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 23, 2023
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    I'm not going to stop playing AMS2 until 1.6 comes out. However, thanks to ADHD and a wide range of interests, I do play multiple games - in fact I just spent an excruciating number of hours over the last week playing World of Warcraft to get some rare/otherwise unobtainable items due to a current temporary world event that finishes in about 11 hours. Haven't raced for a few weeks but I'll get back to it :)
    What I am really hanging out for is the release of Satisfactory 1.0. They've made a bunch of game-changing changes, so I'll be starting a new game.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    ADHD is pretty outdated tech in today's gaming age you should upgrade to AD4K already :D.

    I also think it is a good idea to play at least one or two other games in order to not burn out on any one in particular, in the case of AMS2 with the longer update cycle it is good to sometimes take a week or two break and come back to do one race again to keep the muscle memory.
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  13. Jojo Pagani

    Jojo Pagani Active Member

    Jan 6, 2024
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    My current list of priorities for AMS2:
    1st. Physics. I never liked the handling of the cars. It felt so artificial and often easy. It made me wonder if AMS2 was really a sim or just a game where you can pretend you can be good at driving fast cars. I was so disappointed after my first race, where I did not spun the Ginetta G55 Supercup car a single time. It sounds harsh but I struggled more controlling the cars in Forza Motorsport than in AMS2.
    Things got quite a lot better with the "minor thread adjustments" earlier in the year. And a lot better with the Stock 2024 1.6 preview. Im really hyped now with beta testers hinting the 1.6 goodness over here.

    2nd. Multiplayer. The main problem IMO is that the current AMS2 community keep repeating that AMS2 is only good for SP content. I never tried multiplayer until very recently because of that. And the games seem to work fine although it is a bit basic.
    I think each online event should have two running servers, once with practice and another for qualifications and race, and you should be able to register and hop on the race server from the practice server.
    With that and integration for racecraft/LFM... thats really all you need. Oh and at least 64 slots for Nordschleife and old Spa :D

    3rd Quality mods. I would like the game to have integration with professional authorized mod creators. I want to be able to buy, download and install RSS (and other good quality content maker) cars directly from AMS2

    4rd. Single player content. The AI is a bit disappointing. It is fun but feels fake. With the AI passing you with magic boosts and then slowing down at the same spots every time. I would like a switch button when you can select a realistic and less scripted AI, where you can actually practice your pace and consistency.
    I would totally buy a DLC with iRacing quality AI
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  14. BazzaLB

    BazzaLB Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2020
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    Its pretty annoying that this isn't available on PC. I blame iRacing :D Still, I do have fun with SRX. I can't explain why but going around and around on dirt ovals is ridiculously addictive.

    Currently playing RallySimFans RBR in VR. Only came back to it recently. I bought the original when it came out in 2004. Amazing how modders bring old games back from the dead.
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  15. Racinglegend1234

    Racinglegend1234 AMS2 wiki founder AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    1. The physics will definitely become more punishing over the limit
    2. The limit will hopefully be increased, but MP will become more stable
    3. Will probably never happen
    4. I think I understand what you mean and it will be improved
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  16. depapier

    depapier Member

    Aug 7, 2024
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    The thing about Iracing quality AI is that it's not great in it as AI cause you don't race with it, you race to avoid it. They drive in a train, they make no mistakes, they don't have any character, even though they avoid extreme crashes at turn 1. Unfortunately there are still many, many issues in it, that require as much tinkering for a fun race as for instance AC, except you don't need to create or search for adequate racing lines for ai. For better or worse all of the fun aspects are in AMS2 only and you can actually race against it. The one thing that Iracing has the upper hand are better and more consistent racing lines which both help to improve and are more predictable. I suspect they use the racing lines recorded from players, thus having more "training" material for their computer opponents.

    Among the AI issues in AMS2 the one that I find critical is that you cannot really follow AI safely, because the combination of them taking some corners too slow and taking some exits too fast makes it unpredictable. It is still fun though and imho still best in class. The wet performance meanwhile can be adjusted via driver ai editor, just set it back 5-10 points.
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  17. Mazdaspeed

    Mazdaspeed Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2022
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    1. It's going to be more challenging, but AMS2 is still on the more forgiving side on how controllable that limit is, but I really feel they have found a pretty realistic balance. Whether that's better than other sims were the limits end more suddenly, it's a matter of taste IMHO, we'll see when the update releases.

    2. I am not a multiplayer user, so don't really have an opinion there.

    3. Yeah, not anytime soon, if ever. You can find some quality mods if you look. And who knows, if AMS2 popularity grows, modders might find ways of creating stuff.

    4. I don't really use the AI to get faster, but for me the AI is competent enough and more importantly pretty dynamic, no 2 races are the same. They are getting better as well, but it's something that will probably keep getting improved until the end.
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  18. Pandytim99

    Pandytim99 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 23, 2022
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    dragonspeed car confirmed
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  19. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    For me the order is the exact opposite and i have to emphasis that this is what's more important to ME, not gonna use the "Only very few people want XYZ" argument.

    1st. Single player - if a racing game does not have good AI, as in one that feels like i am racing against people then i have no interest in playing the game on my own. I will take less realistic physics if it means i can play a game that has amazing AI races, an in depth career mode, production values that make me feel like i am taking part in an important racing event (see Nascar Thunder 2004, a 21 year old game that is unmatched in this)

    For my offline needs i have several other racing games because AMS2 AI is missing several things that the other games DO have. I heard 1.6 update is a big step up in the AMS2 AI experience so i will be patiently waiting for that update and start making analysis videos on day 1 of the update. And what the fudge, "AI DLC" ? Did you get a heat stroke ??

    2.nd Mods - second but even if there would not be mods but what is on offer within the game is all quality, then fine. Mod support is a nice extra though and always makes a game better ! Payware mods though ... ehh, donate sure i do that but i am not a fan of having to pay to get access to mods. It would have to be some next level quality not just on it's own but also guarantee good AI racing for me to consider mods like that.

    3rd. Multiplayer - even though low on my priority list, it is the main thing i play in AMS2 in leagues and every now and then in open lobbies, since i mentioned the AI is better in other games i play right now. What is GREAT about AMS2 is how quickly you can set up a lobby and invite people from all around the world into your server too, it also adds to the reasons why i have AMS2 as my only multiplayer racing game. Physics - Having """"""""realistic"""""""" physics while nice does not make me want to keep coming back to a game. I do not ever hotlap, i prefer practice 10 minutes or less and do only 2 - 3 qualifying laps and then want to go to racing ASAP. And i never ever will drive an F1 or even an F4 car so how the heck should i judge if a car is realistic ?
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2024
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  20. mmertens

    mmertens Old school racer

    Sep 19, 2022
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    Well, from the above responses it’s clear that it’s a challenge for a developer to cater for different needs from their customers, even in a niche genre as sim racing. I am different than you both in as well on my priorities, and we are probably gravitating somewhat in this spectrum, with different weights on each of these 4 main items described. For me, physics is the foremost and more important aspect of all,followed by single player, mods and multiplayer as last one. For me it’s important to know if the stock car physics I am driving relates to the real stock car, and if the tire behaves as it should if I over push the car in 3 hot laps on a hot track. Very few lucky people can afford to race real cars in real tracks , and driving in a sim is the closest to the real deal most of us will ever get to the hobby we love, so this is of utmost importance for me. But I understand that I’m only one in this high end of spectrum, and it’s fine. I believe that what makes AMS2 special to me is that there’s this constant drive from the team in refining physics for cars and to provide variety in circuits and categories. There’s a saturation in this niche on multiplayer gt3 segment, and the key for us is that with AMS2 I can race different cars on less known tracks with mostly reliable AI and be consistent in long stints, without feeling on a knife edge all the time, but getting reward (or punishment) when overdriving. I like to have to take care of car temps, brake fading, etc and sometimes it’s really cool to be surprised with misfires and immersive situations like turbo failures etc. For me AMS2 is a good all around sim, and the most important is that even if we know there’s still flaws and irritants on several aspects, we can see this pattern where one by one, issues are getting sorted; the sim is getting more refined and we are getting more incredible content every 2, 3 months. I’m also having a blast with mods, I feel they are greatly enhancing missing categories from the sim and it’s great to use the historical tracks with historical cars from modders too. The biggest win for me is that Reiza has a clear view of constant improvement, and they stick to their vision and don’t get in hype trains or don’t get fussed by other titles releases. They know that they cannot cater for everyone’s tastes, so they stick to their long project goals. For me, this format is a winner one, and if we see the long term gains AMS2 are making, it’s hard to argue that they aren’t doing it right.
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