Automobilista 2 September 2024 Development Update - The Road to V1.6 Pt2

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Sep 17, 2024.

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  1. Wu!

    Wu! Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 14, 2016
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    There can be none, even the beta does not have all the bells and whistles yet.
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  2. LostPatrol

    LostPatrol Member

    Jul 21, 2023
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    I'd add DDFRacer to that list, he likes a bit of AMS2 and makes some good content
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  3. Dicra

    Dicra Local Gamepad Ambassador AMS2 Club Member

    May 1, 2020
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    No front guys, but there is not a lot of benefit for Reiza to send out exclusive promos to small content creators with limited reach, that exclusively benefits said small content creators. With bigger channels (20k abos plus) you have a lot more hope to reach an audience where not every member already has AMS2, so that's where the promos should go imo.

    Of course when they fumble the stream like this time (clearly no driving preparation, zero experience with the game in general, no attempt at setting up AI correctly, ridiculous combinations, the internet provider of the stone ages, etc etc) that's annoying, too, and I'm sure that this level of incompetence wouldn't happen to most of you. But the point still stands.
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  4. Racinglegend1234

    Racinglegend1234 AMS2 wiki founder AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    Agreed, but it’s worth a shot
  5. Hamady91

    Hamady91 Member

    Aug 30, 2024
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    @Renato Simioni @CrimsonEminence Can you explain me something about lmdh ers
    In the UI (live overtake gg) WE have the balance , attack mode ect ect

    But since you have changed the ers behaviour to save fuel rather than a boost in should be called "low deploy" "medium" "high" or be in kW
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    That is a whole lot of harsh assumptions going on based on a single stream that just don´t follow, wbich is a bit silly considering we already posted a video in the very OP showcasing the AI doing a whole lot of things the AI in current release does not.

    The AI for each of +70 classes in the sim have various parameters and thresholds to assess circumstances around it and to decide what risks it should take or not, many of it covering new logic which are still being fine-tuned for each cars characteristics as we speak, as is the new AI Aggression properties that have just made to its initial beta this week.

    Which is not to say it will al be perfect on release - as far as AI overtaking each other, tracks like Road Atlanta and Hockenheim Historic which are narrow and full of kinks and curved straights are tricky for the AI because lanes are constantly widening and closing which the AI isn´t too wise accounting for yet; the new AI Aggression logic intends to give player some control of that, but naturally if you set them up to be more aggressive and take more risks there will be more incidents, both against the player as well as each other.

    As with everything else in the sim, progress happens in incremental steps over time; some updates have bigger isteps than others and as far as AI goes the step in v1.6 is the biggest one we´ve had yet, something you´ll be able to see more clearly when you try yourself. But there still will be plenty thingss to improve on post-release - the sheer number of variables and variety the AI in AMS2 has to contend with is beyond anything that has ever been attempted in a racing game, let alone succesfully achieved. I wish knowing the persisting flaws was all it took to have them addressed, but feeling like that and expecting that AI from any car-track combo you try ought to grant an extra-human racing experience is sure fire way to be constantly disappointed by what isn´t so great instead of enjoying what is.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2024
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  7. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    I would also highlight that in several cases we could see in the stream AIs actually completing overtakes in several of the combos that were chosen, even at Nords in not so easy places especially after they spread out and even on Yannick himself. When they are in big groups they seem to pose more of an obstacle to each other and struggle more to complete the overtake.
    Hence my insisting that watching a 3 lapper at Hockenheim isn't fully representative of what a 30-60 minutes multiclass racing is with the new update IMHO.
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  8. LostPatrol

    LostPatrol Member

    Jul 21, 2023
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    The thing is when it comes to this sort of thing and streamers/Youtubers who have an interest in AMS 2 (positive or negative) who are your bigger creators? GamerMuscle just likes the sound of his own voice/opinion, Jimmy Broadbent is more of a "creator" these days than a sim racer (yes I know he still does simracing it's just the style of it these days). A lot of the other medium size Youtubers focus on iRacing/AC/ACC and not a lot else. Access to AMS 2 1.6 to some of the smaller creators who are into the game costs Reiza nothing and if both sides get a bit of a bump in interest its win win.
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  9. ZolaLegend

    ZolaLegend Member

    Apr 13, 2021
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    if Reiza asked Jimmy Broadbent to review 1.6 I'd uninstall the game
    • Funny Funny x 15
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. Mirko Pricoco

    Mirko Pricoco Active Member

    Dec 28, 2023
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    I agree with all but in my opinion is better to do race sessions of 5 laps maximum and then focus on details and technicals news instead of watch sessions of 30 minuts.
  11. Mirko Pricoco

    Mirko Pricoco Active Member

    Dec 28, 2023
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    Well i would have give the chance to Race Beyond Matter or Boosted Media.
    But of course, everyone can be a creator on his way. Of course followers matters a lot but i think also the way you setup the streaming with a nice schedule, technical infos and racing sessions matters. I could say "i would have done better" but is my opinion and doesn't count much...the problem is i don't have their numbers :D:D:D:D

    PS. I think Reiza have instruced them on what can be shown and what we can't ask much during these live!
  12. LostPatrol

    LostPatrol Member

    Jul 21, 2023
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    I tend to have both of those down in my mind as "hardware" channels that sometimes feature a bit of racing more than anything else.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  13. DaveLew

    DaveLew Member

    Jun 26, 2023
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    When Yannik was racing at Spa with the GT1 cars I noticed a big train of cars stuck behind one particularly slow Mercedes.

    I think part of the problem is the AI follow each other too closely and end up almost boxing themselves in on the car in front - I know drivers can and will drive nose to bumper in real racing, especially ovals and whatnot, but in road racing it's very rare it happens lap after lap.
    It could be wild speculation but I feel if the distance at which the AI follows other cars was increased, when not actively making an overtake, it could A) make the racing look more natural (which is something a lot of people rely on for their idea of "realism"), and B) could give the AI more options when actually deciding to make a move on the car ahead.
    Perhaps a threshold behind a car where, if an AI enters, it has a certain amount of time (+/- a random amount to prevent it seeming robotic) before it decides to drop back slightly from the car ahead before making another attempt at an overtake.

    Just an idea :confused:
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  14. Jojo Pagani

    Jojo Pagani Active Member

    Jan 6, 2024
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    We need this man!!!

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  15. DaveLew

    DaveLew Member

    Jun 26, 2023
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    This could make a big difference on straights where AI often can't make use of a slipstream because they are pressed against the bumper of the car ahead and as such can't gain the over speed required for an overtake, often just sitting there and braking behind the car ahead.

    Edit edit: oh no I replied instead of editing. I am bad at this whole forum thing apparently, sorry! :oops:
  16. Xenix74

    Xenix74 Member

    Jun 27, 2022
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    For me the stream suddenly stopped after severe stuttering.

    I personally can't say much yet. But the fact that a completely new AI was expected here is even scarier than some of the streamer's mistakes.

    Come on, did you really think that 1.6 would fix all the problems?
    I believe what is expected will never come. 48 AI drivers and everyone should be Albert Einstein and Senna at the same time.

    This is huge nonsense. Temper your expectations a bit.
    The long wait shouldn't get to us. Beta testers praise the progress and we multiply these statements fantastically.

    Nobody will be able to jump over the moon with 1.6.
    This is a rocket that slowly takes off. Meter by meter by meter.
    Not light years.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  17. Andrew Curtis

    Andrew Curtis Active Member

    May 29, 2023
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    This suggests to me that the 1.6 preview was streamed a few weeks too early if we're seeing previews that don't accurately represent the finished product - wait until they do.
    You only get one chance to make a first impression.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Winner Winner x 2
  18. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    All these creators being banded about aren’t the right guys .
    Gplaps is awesome , but focused on a smaller niche in game . And not all that technical.

    Mike from 604 isn’t very accurate in a lot of his previous forays and doesn’t do the due diligence which leads to misinformation. his focus is AC . Nice guy but not very experienced in physics.

    Gm ….yeah right .

    RBM is a bit to dramatic and focuses on smaller items in great detail rather than broad info .

    Well just leave jimmy out of it .

    the only two guys I’d watch are Nils and also Ross McGregor from Traxion GG.

    I think Ross ( oops it’s John ) is the most grounded and non sensationalist out there and does his homework and presents in a professional way .

    I realise now i had name wrong and it’s John the irish guy who i find really good.
    bit late now i guess … anyway…
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2024
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  19. stealthradek

    stealthradek I know nothing. AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    It's a preview of a work in progress and not a preview of a final work. What's wrong with that? I'm sure once it's finalised it'll appear on Steam shortly after with no need for any preview videos in between.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Scottsparkrider

    Scottsparkrider Member

    Jul 25, 2022
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    Would a 'recommended' tick button for an AI setting that the Devs consider most optimal for a given track/car/championship combination work? (Perhaps initially for a smaller number of key car classes/tracks) This would act as a baseline to determine where the AI performs the best and then drivers could adjust from there if too easy/hard. Or is there already a value in game that I should be aiming at? Sorry if showing my ignorance.
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