Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Dusan Strineka

    Dusan Strineka New Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Hi Dave,
    I have the same wheel as you and am finding all this overwhelming. Did you ever find the perfect custom setup for it for AMS2? There are so many variables to change and play with it seems like a full time job.
  2. DaveS78

    DaveS78 Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    No, I've just been using Default+ since 1.6 dropped. I have the Simucube software at 80% and the in-game gain at 40, then turning each car's FFB down as needed. I just want to try something else to see how it feels and if it's better. I actually prefer the feel of Default over Default+
  3. Remco

    Remco New Member

    Feb 4, 2023
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    I tested them both and the first as also the second option feels both great thanks for that i think i will stick with the first option
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  4. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Ich freue mich, wenn ich helfen konnte;)
  5. ulotrix

    ulotrix Member

    Feb 12, 2024
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    Thanks, I started using it with Fanatec DD2. It feels great. It's such a simple yet amazing FFB.
  6. john Ellis

    john Ellis The Rectifier of Names AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 18, 2020
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    Great news, everybody! GamerMuscle has saved us all a lot of trouble and crowned “The Best” custom FFB file for AMS2! Can we please add “SOLVED” to this thread’s title and have the moderators immediately lock it?

    Also, @Alex291190, you and your ideas are, as always, most welcome here, so please don’t misconstrue where the punchline intends to land.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2024
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  7. AllocDK

    AllocDK Active Member

    Jun 22, 2024
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    Im sure he means he made it feel more like the ultra realistic AC, the best sim in the world that every pro driver uses for training....

    Last edited: Dec 4, 2024
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  8. Jefka

    Jefka Member

    Jul 6, 2019
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    Luckily we can all form our own opinion :)

    And I do have to agree with him this time. The rack file excels in communicating what the car does imho. Nothing more, nothing less. No frills. I love it. Many might disagree, some might be shocked but it feels a bit like Raceroom ffb to me, which I love as well.

    I would say that the one thing that stands out for me with this file is the self-correcting nature of the wheels. Just feels natural to me.

    Note; I'm a terrible to chap to trust if you want a realism comparison. Never driven a car anywhere close to racing speed irl :)
  9. Jose Zanolini

    Jose Zanolini New Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    I spent a few hours today adjusting the dead zones and sensitivities of the accelerator, brakes and steering, and, at least in my limited perception, I wouldn't be surprised if I discovered that these controls are pure placebo for those who have a steering wheel. On the gamepad I can clearly see the difference, but if I set all dead zones to 100% and sensitivity to 0%, I can't see any difference using my t300 rs.
  10. Marcin

    Marcin Member

    Feb 1, 2020
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    Hi what settings are using in true drive?
  11. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Let's abandon the term Partial and start tuning the final versions of the new ATMOS complete files.
    I don't use the term FULL because, although I can import much more from the Reiza profiles, I don't want to make a duplicate of either Reiza or rFuktor, I just want to implement the file that I've loved for a long time with what could make it a little more informative following the Reiza logic but in rFuktor key and at the same time expand my personal vision of the FFB code (extended to all 4 wheels) and get something different.
    After all, making different projects can only satisfy different tastes and I hope you like this too.

    It's time for ATMOS version 1.6.3, here the guest of honor is the insertion in the code of the lines necessary for the call of the CAMBER management.
    I took advantage of this to make numerous other adjustments, which I will insert below shortly by modifying the text, in the meantime here are the files and as usual I hope I haven't made any typing errors but everything seems ok.

    EDIT: Most relevant info in the spoiler. ;)

    - Now that the code is almost complete I no longer need to keep everything over-pumped and so I was able to recalibrate the main_dials to get a less bouncy but still informative result.
    If you need to, raise the FX slider a few notches compared to before. On the low end I went from 35 to 50. On the DD, maybe even less is enough, depending on the power you have available.

    (master_rack 1.00) #Rack and road scale. Suggested range: 0.75-1.25.
    (master_road 1.00) 1.35 #Road features scale (texture, bumps, details, kerbs and suspension). Suggested range: 1.00-1.50.
    (master_effects 1.20) 1.35 #Effects scale (engine, scrub, tear, flatspot and road rolling). Suggested range: 1.00-1.50.

    As you can see in the file, I left the old settings on the side so that those who preferred them can easily replace if they don't like them. ;)
    I was saying that it's the CAMBER's turn, now the file will be sensitive to what you change in the car settings, also for your convenience I have inserted 3 new variables that will allow you to set the scales of camber as you like depending on whether you are on the track, on the curbs or off the track!!!

    (camber_road_mult 0.70) #Range: 0.60 - 0.80. How much the camber feel on the road.
    (camber_offroad_mult 0.50) #Range: 0.40 - 0.60. How much the camber feel on offroad.
    (camber_kerb_mult 1.20) #Range: 1.00 - 1.30. How much the camber feel on the kerb.

    You will have the greatest sensation not only on the track when flying over the large changes in level, but above all over the kerbs, where you should notice a clear change in the steering when you start to touch the kerb, as you pass over it, and when you finally go over it.
    The Old_D-raw will take values only from the general and car physics, the Immersive has in addition also the regulation of the effect for each car as Reiza conceives it through the new implemented variable
    I took advantage of the inclusion of the 3 variables on the camber to provide you with 3 additional variables with the same logic but related to the GRIP. Before the variables were in the code now they are in your hands.

    (grip_road_mult 1.00) #Leave 1.00. How much the grip feel on the road. Is the opposite of slip (1 - slip). ;-)
    (grip_offroad_mult 0.50) #Range: 0.40 - 0.60. How much the grip feel on offroad.
    (grip_kerb_mult 0.70) #Range: 0.65 - 0.85. How much the grip feel on kerb.

    The items to be set were then all re-aggregated by blocks or by typology, in such a way as to be able to intervene more easily in the changes and obtain the desired and sought result.
    Last but not least change is the management of the slide and the slight recalibration of the understeer and oversteer.
    Thanks to the users who gave me the idea a few pages/days ago... now the steering wheel should feel light when the car's wheels lock completely. This is very nice on the track with formula cars (new sensations such as hysteresis, road rubber, etc., require information of this kind) and also on the dirt with rally cars the sensations are fantastic ... here too I left the previous values aside, so if you don't like the new setting you can easily restore it. ;)

    EDIT 2: In this other spoiler I insert some simple indications for the novices of custom files.
    If you don't like Reiza profiles at all and you are looking for an alternative with a strong and determined FFB I think you could start with the first 2, that are based on pure rFuktor and this is the info......
    ATMOS 1.6.3 Base
    (Original rFuctor 5.0.1/ with some adaptation and with code extended to all 4 wheels both in the rack and in the effects)

    ATMOS 1.6.3 BaseEVO
    (Atmos Base as above - Relax OS_US_YAW functions + the little implementations of other Reiza's base code and variables)

    If you like Reiza profiles at all and you are looking for an alternative ffb file less wavy and floating than the official profiles and with infomativity of rFuktor, then I think you could start with the last 2, which are always based on rFuktor but on which I have inserted some logic and characteristics as a symbiont and this is the info......

    ATMOS Old_D_raw 1.6.3 (BaseEVO +Old_D_raw)
    (Atmos BaseEVO as above + the implementation of the profile Default of Reiza's also called "Old_D_raw")

    ATMOS IMMERSIVE 1.6.3 (BaseEVO + NDef_imm)
    (Atmos BaseEVO as above + the implementation of the profile Default+ of Reiza's also called "NDef_imm")

    It is obvious that the last 2 files should be considered my target that are most informative for ALL, both for DD and for the MEDIUM-LOW BAND, but even the BASE files are not bad and have been my obsession since the game came out.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2024
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  12. Johnny Boy

    Johnny Boy New Member

    Apr 21, 2020
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    can you post the file of this custom ffb?
  13. john Ellis

    john Ellis The Rectifier of Names AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 18, 2020
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    The file was created and offered in this very thread by @Alex291190:

    Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

    Alternatively, here is a version of Alex's file that activates the Low Force Boost slider (e.g., for those with lower-powered Logitechs, etc.). FWIW, the original Logitech wheel profiles that shipped with AMS1 recommended 60 LFB (same as what Reiza recommded for the G25/27 for AMS2). Obviously, opinions vary as to how much LFB to use, but this way, anyone who utilizes any amount of LFB with one of the Reiza profiles can make a bit more of a direct comparison. Setting in-game LFB slider to 0 should yield the same result as using Alex’s original file that does not contain the LFB code.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 5, 2024
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  14. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    If you have a little and fast RED BAR in the histogram without feeling damping or power cuts on the steering wheel it is not clipping it is ok ;)

    Try it if you like, the new version of ATMOS 1.6.3, has the main scales lowered and should do just what you need (maybe you will just have to raise the FX a bit if you feel it is necessary), if some values do not please you can put the old values back ... :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  15. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Trying doesn't hurt, experimenting is always good, so why not :) ... for now I can't, I've done somersaults for the last file but, if you don't succeed as soon as, I can I'll play it... let me know how it goes. ;)
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  16. John Eagle

    John Eagle New Member

    Jun 8, 2021
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    Oh, it's a deep rabbit hole for sure. I already can't thank you and the others here enough for your work. Looking forward to trying your latest file.
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  17. Sammo

    Sammo Member

    Oct 9, 2024
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    I quite like that wheel self centring thing as well although it’s a little strong in this file (wheel tugging through longer corners??).

    Wonder where in the file this can be adjusted as I would love to add a little of it to my normal FFB.

    Any of the gurus know? @Danielkart ?
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2024
  18. RAA

    RAA New Member

    Dec 5, 2024
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    I don't know guys... I've tried almost all the popular ffb custom files, with different settings on my simajic alpha mini... and I didn't find anything better than a default.

    In all custom files, there is too much feeling for me, too much of everything, a constant struggle with the steering wheel. I want a simple and understandable feedback. In this regard, I liked the Alex291190 file, but at the same time there is a lot of garbage when the car is standing, the steering wheel turns with wild crunches as if without wheels). Only by twisting the smoothing strongly in Simagic Simpro can you get rid of this, but then everything becomes very smeared...

    In terms of the purity of the feedback, I liked the ATMOS OLD RAW V option.1.6.3 but here it became difficult for me to turn too much force when entering a turn is poured, in addition, other effects such as demolitions, jumps, irregularities, loss of grip are pronounced here, and this increasingly hinders and distracts you than helps me, probably it can be customized inside the file... but how long will it take to figure it out..... I think it would be ideal if we add the ATMOS OLD RAW V frequency to the file from Alexa.1.6.3, that would be a really perfect feedback.

    In the meantime, default remains more understandable to me, not even default +.
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  19. Michael3

    Michael3 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2023
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    Yeah I think the key thing about LFB is it can't clip so turning it up doesn't tend to break driving on the limit like gain does.

    I note with no ffb how many situations I can recover which I thought were getting close to points of no return and then the same situation with ffb, the ffb itself is the thing that stops me moving the wheel.

    That would be my suggestion to people reading the thread who aren't sure what ffb to aim for - switch it off, get in a car with mechanical grip and somewhere like silverstone where you've plenty of space and drive aggressively and try to catch every slide and drift around. When you feel like you can control the car well in spite of no ffb, add ffb back in and see if the ffb is helping or hindering the control you just had. If it's the latter adjust gain et al so it doesn't. VR works well for this if you can stomach the sideways action.

    For me the only reason I'd want a DD wheel is so the steering wheel spins and self aligns closer to the correct speed for most of the situations where you're using it to drive (Breaking my wrist if I hit the wall isn't on my bucket list of things to do)

    With the dfgt I think if it feels good at normal driving speeds it tends to be too gainy and notchy right at the point where you want to do either some fast ninja 'catch the back end' stuff or subtle smooth small inputs while accelerating or braking heavily to avoid losing control in the first place. That means almost no force the rest of the time, except that lfb means it's not completely force free - it was a very clever idea to add that.
  20. Dinamiteru

    Dinamiteru Member

    Nov 15, 2024
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    Thank you so much, for your work, but as I'm new here, I'm trying to comprehend all of this.

    Can you give me any short idea of what is the difference between the 4 documents? I mean which I should try first or how I should use them.
    I got an Asetek Forte with 18Nm dd wheel.

    THanks in advance

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