Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Here's proof that a helmet protects your life
  2. AlejandroC

    AlejandroC New Member

    Feb 23, 2024
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    Wow... This is a good example and AMS2 seems to be closer to it. Maybe I have wrong expectations of what a kerb can do to these cars...
  3. Inkta

    Inkta Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    This is one example, other cars may be different, but yeah, generally the suspension should work for something, and the best it can do is prevent the driver from losing control in this situations, if its doing it then it's doing a good job.
    But this is a ffb thread, not a physics thread lol
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  4. OlivierMDVY

    OlivierMDVY Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 1, 2016
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    I would like to feel my front feels sliding when I brake hard, which custom ffb can I use? Thanks
  5. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Default+ works fine for that effect....if you have your wheel and sliders properly configured.

    Custom authors can respond for their files.
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  6. danlightbulb

    danlightbulb New Member

    Feb 7, 2025
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    Hey all. Amazing collection of FFB files. Ive tried a few and realised I don't really know what Im aiming for.

    Firstly a question - do I have to use v1.6 files now AMS is updated to that version, or do the older version files work just as well?

    Secondly what Ive noticed is some files have very light steering feel, others heavier. I prefer to be able to feel the weight on the wheel, but I still want to feel all the effects I need to tell when the car is losing grip. Ive noticed that the default+ Reiza file seems to lack this, but has a strong emphasis on the effects and fighting the wheel in hard corners.This makes it fun to drive but not fast. Can anyone recommend a file that has a nice feel to it but which doesn't have me fighting the car which slows me down?

  7. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    It's very much down to how you set the values on how heavy the steering is. I was just trying the latest files from Danielkart, Kuku, Stakanov, Pereira (and that 4 line "Rack" file) and I could get pretty similar "heaviness" from all of them (as I do with Default+) by adjusting the wheelbase + in-game values to be exactly or about the values recommended in the files by the creators. Same with effects, quite often you can tune a lot of that down either directly from the game or the very least by adjusting some of the values in the files themselves.

    I'm pretty sure I could be fast with every one of them, it's more about personal preference and how much I have learned (comes with experience and hours of driving with the file) to understand what the ffb is telling me and what forces that particular ffb is emphazing. This is assuming that I have tuned/calibrated the values in such way that I'm not clipping/drowning any info. Some wheelbases could be less capable, but I would think most DD bases are more or less up to the job these days. I guess our brains can be wired a bit differently too and for some, it's just easier to understand if the ffb is in a certain way.

    There are some major differences on how each file/ffb option works though, for example some files have this "understeer" enhance feeling, meaning the steering get's lighter if your fronts don't have / are close to not having enough grip more (and but rear do). I was just testing this on Barcelona where it's easy to get both understeer and oversteer. During a corner (especially high load) where I clearly was having a lot of understeer but still grip on rear, on some files (Stakanov's, Danielkart's for example) the wheel was heavy, even getting hevier and would get light/lighter only if the rear was losing grip too. On default+ or that "rack" file, you clearly had more of that "understeer" effect. I guess for some, if the steering get lighter from less grip on either side, it can feel as you wouldn't feel weight of the car / load as well..

    IMO all the files were different but good as in the Default+. It's always a balancing act, you can't get everything from a single wheelbase. I'm super glad we have these possibilities in AMS2 and not force to accept just one kind of FFB as in most other sims.

    ps.I personally would prefer that all the custom files would have option for the ABS signal effect that the game technically supports (Pereira's file I think is the only one that is directly using it), even if it would be set to "off" by default and you would need to manually first change the value in the file. That is something I would like to have option with the Default+ as well. I don't have any haptic/active pedal solution or motion rig and it's nice to have that info from the ffb if the ABS is kicking in.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. Dmand

    Dmand Active Member

    Oct 3, 2022
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    I feel like we have been on page 450 ish for the last 2 years
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  9. Scootju

    Scootju New Member

    Apr 6, 2024
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  10. Boci

    Boci New Member

    Nov 18, 2024
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    Yeah, a I one fine-tune the custom settings :)
  11. Dmand

    Dmand Active Member

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Hey folks, i came across a discussion on the Steam community for AMS2 and a couple people are saying they are much slower in multi player races compared to single player races and are saying it was because of a custom FFB file. Don't know if it is true or not but i am curious now.

    Can anyone shine some light on this?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. R110DES

    R110DES New Member

    Sep 3, 2022
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    Hi bud I have a question I'm getting a fair bit of vibration and kerbs are very heavy it shakes with rig i use your latest settings with a moza r12 any ideas to maybe help minimise this thanks in advance.
  13. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    hey buddy!
    There are many options for your R12. There is a reason why I recommend FX on the Extreme6 at 10-16%. If you reduce FX it will also reduce vibration and curb noise. In addition, Moza bases are louder “out of the box” than, for example, a Simucube. You can also play with the Moza Base settings and customize it. "Road Senitivity" is set to 10 max. To have less street noise you can also reduce it to 9. But I personally advise against it. You can also reduce "maximum output torque limit". At around 90% the street noise will be at about the same level as a Simucube (still the gold standard for me). In addition, the “Natural Inertia” function has been adjusted with the latest update at Moza. If you increase it you will get less vibration, but here too I advise against it or only increasing it a little, except for Moza bases R5 and R9. If you want to change something in the file then you can reduce this value for the curbs:
    (kerbs_surface_scale 5.0) maybe reduce to 4.0 or as you wish
    • Like Like x 1
  14. R110DES

    R110DES New Member

    Sep 3, 2022
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    Thank you Daniel for the quick response it's always greatly appreciated for your help I have fx on 16 I will reduce it to 10 and see if this fixes the problem it's a little noisy which is making me wonder that I will be just a case of reduce the fx I will do that after work I will post a update on my findings I do like my R12 but one day will get a simucube
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  15. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    FX makes big differences and is the most important control for the file and also very dependent on the different cars. I know people who even reduce FX below 10. For example, if you have Motion or other immersion hardware, too much FX can be distracting or overpowering. Of course it's always personal taste, find your personal sweet spot. Your R12 is a good base and will give you pleasure for a long time, but in my opinion there are technical deficits with Moza's R5 and R9 and I would tend to use other bases. But here too it is always a matter of taste and many people are happy with it:)
  16. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    One of the most obvious (and sad) deficits with all MOZA wheels is their lack of support for auto-adjustment of steering ratio. All serious sims support this function and manufacturers like Fanatec have always incorporated it into their firmware. Even a manufacturer like Cammus can do come on, MOZA, include this critical function that can play havoc with a user's FFB when there are such a wide range of vehicles (from karts to an F-Truck) with hugely varying steering ratios.
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  17. R110DES

    R110DES New Member

    Sep 3, 2022
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    I had a R5 but I didn't like it so I got the R12 and I really like it I'm only now getting to grips with some of the settings to be honest although I would love a simucube base it would be completely wasted on me I don't get enough time to use my current equipment i only bought a cockpit pit end of last year I was using wheel stands before which were terrible.
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  18. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    The price-performance ratio is certainly very good with your R12 and Moza is constantly working on improvements and expansions. Of course it's not a Simucube but it's in a different league in terms of price. Moza is also well on its way with their ever-increasing variety of hardware and compatibility. You will definitely enjoy it for a long time (I also have with my R21) and if you have little time there is no reason to rely on expensive hardware;)
  19. R110DES

    R110DES New Member

    Sep 3, 2022
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    My next purchases will probably be the new dash and maybe the KS wheel

    To be honest 12nm is way more than enough for me I definitely don't need a gym membership I was tempted with the R16 at the time but I decided on the R12 as I bought it when it literally was released other than getting my head around settings and not trying to break my thumbs I have had a lot of fun with it the software is also very good and they have definitely done a lot of updates recently to improve both software and firmware of the devices I still hit trees through.
  20. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    That's the way it is . 12Nm is completely sufficient. Depending on the car, I drive between 9-11Nm. If you're not a fan of kart simulations, you don't have to worry that 12Nm isn't enough. Even a base with much less Nm can be a lot of fun, which I can say from my own experience. Don't worry about it, a lot of it is just marketing from the manufacturers

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