Automobilista 2 V0.9.6.0 RELEASED, now updated to v0.9.6.1

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Jun 6, 2020.

  1. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    This build introduces the new AI Strength logic - now the setting works more similarly to how it did in AMS1, as a more straight-forward AI Grip multiplier, without affecting other aspects of AI performance & behavior, to offer a much wider and more consistent scalar for setting up AI difficulty.

    As in AMS1, the AI Strength slider is now restricted to a range of 70-120%, with default setting being 90% and a setting of 100% being equivalent of real world performance. Beware however that the AI in some series may still misbehave at extreme ends of the scale, and that that the new system still requires further callibration for consistency from series to series.

    Given the relevance of the AI Strength development to making game more adjustable for a wider range of player skills, we´ve decided to roll this on to release already rather than hold it for v1.0.

    V0.9.6 also features further physics & FFB fine tuning and a new batch of car suspension animations. Below is the full V0.9.6.0 CHANGELOG:

    UI & HUD
    • Reinstated time acceleration for Single Player events

    • Revised code to fix (or at least mitigate) issues with FFB causing wheel to pull hard right or left in some circunstances
    • Increased input rates to 500Hz and limited FFB rate to 360Hz to minimise potential issues with asynchronous rates
    • Further fine-tuned all car-specific max force, filters & smoothing levels to suit final FFB system and latest tyre physics developments

    • Fixed stalled player engine in rolling starts and in some cases when switching from AI control (still needs multiplayer testing)
    • Minor tread adjustments for F-Vintage, Trucks, GT, SuperV8, prototype & road tyres
    • Reduced default brake pressure to 90% (same as AMS1 - setting remains adjustable from car setup for player preferences)
    • Slightly increased optimum brake temperature ranges for both steel & carbon brakes
    • Reduced contact factor in open wheelers (further minimising extreme reactions in wheel-to-wheel collisions)
    • Reduced incremental lift with radiator opening setting
    • MRX: Fixed wrong brake fade ranges in all variants
    • Ultima GTR: Fixed rear brake cooling on Road version
    • F-Vintage: Adjusted default differential settings for better driveability

    • Added new Opponent AI Strength logic
    • Clamped opponent AI Strength range to 70-120%
    • Added customized parameter per car for AI brake application
    • Further reduced AI throttle application gap dependingon AI driver skill level
    • Further callibration of AI performance
    • Further reduced AI brake grip in GT / prototypes

    • Jerez: curbs UV2 mapping correction; fixed LOD issues with inner grass; conformed started grid lines to latest road noise & other minor fixes
    • Interlagos: Updated trackside cameras

    • Toned down dirty layer on rear view mirrors
    • Added suspension animations for all Caterhams, F-Trainers & F-Vintage

    EDIT: V0.9.6.1 has now been deployed - this is a hotfix to complement changes from the previous v0.9.6.0 update.

    The Speed Sensitivity slider now added to the Control Configuration UI should be useful for gamepad & other digital controllers; it should otherwise be kept at 0% for those running with a steering wheel.

    V0.9.6.1 CHANGELOG

    UI & HUD
    • Added "Speed Sensitivity" and "Minimum Shift Time" configurations to Controller options
    • Minor UI label fixes

    • Revised yaw sensitivity for aero elements in all high downforce cars
    • Adjusted steel brake heating build-up
    • Revised slick & road tyres tread performances on wet track
    • Minor tyre tread adjustments for Super V8, F-V12 & F-Classic Gen3
    • Revised rear wing efficiency for F-Classics, F-V12, F-Reiza, F-Ultimate, F301 & F309
    • Various minor default setup adjustments
    • Slightly increased FFB tyre scrub effect for all cars (through FX slider)
    • Slightly Increased bump noise from curbs
    • Minor fine-tuning of car-specific FFB values
    • Fixed excessive front brake cooling in Caterhams
    • Revised engine output for F-Vintages (V8 & V12)

    • Minor revisions to various climate lighting & fog values values
    • Increased the range of AI performance at both ends of the scale (slower @ 70%, faster @ 120% relative to v0.9.6.0)
    • Further revised AI throttle application gaps for GTs & formula cars
    • Increased AI side buffer distance (helps preventing AI cars merging back to the racing line too soon)
    • Increased Field speed perception, reduced length ahead factored (slightly less slowdowns in packs)
    • Reduced minimal lateral distance for defensive moves
    • Increased AI lateral rate of movement when calm
    • Further reduced AI brake power in GT / prototypes
    • Further increased AI care with human players
    • Fixing Super V8 AI Interior Engine sound position

    • Fixed missing F-Reiza rain lights
    • Further adjusted brake glow ranges
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
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    ONA FLYER Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Excellent work Reiza, especially under these crazy pandemic circumstances! Thank you.

    I find myself just going into tesing to try a few things, then just can't stop doing laps over and over! Sayng 1 more lap, 1 more lap.
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  3. Cully

    Cully Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Thankyou Reiza for your tireless improvements.

    Last edited: Jun 6, 2020
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  4. F.Santos

    F.Santos Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 3, 2020
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    Renato on the monthly update you mentioned a Basil Stock car update? you didn't specify if it was more cars or just info about licensing. Is that still going? o_O:D
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  5. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Great news that we now have working AI strength scale!

    First AI test--SuperV8. I had been testing those just prior to this update. At 100%, they went from being too fast to almost perfect. Perhaps a tad slow, but they are now right in the ballpark (relative to our old AMS 1 scale).

    F-Vintage -- looking forward to updates for it. The AI seems still much too fast @ 100%. And the physics and set-up changes are welcome. My impression is that the G1 car is still a bit too ponderous to drive, even given the bias ply tires. More importantly, as I have read on this forum a number of times, why is the G1M1 noticeably less agile than the G1M2? It should be the reverse. The M2 is already borderline too ponderous in my humble opinion; the M1 is definitely so.

    Ponderous is relative. I am suggesting the low-speed under-steer seems excessive, even when practising proper mid/rear-engine techniques of never coast through corners and always keep your foot in it to at least some extent. I am pretty sure those front tires had a bit more bite considering how little weight they were holding up and given that they can bite at higher speeds when much more is being asked of them given the complete lack of down force.
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  6. Gordie

    Gordie Active Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Very nice and unexpected, good job and thanks very much Reiza :)


    Mar 9, 2016
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    Thank you so much for this unexpected surprise! I was honestly a little sad that introduction of the revised AI slider logic wasn't planned for addition to the EA version prior to 1.0, but I'm glad you decided to let all of us non-Beta people try it out as well. I'll definitely give it a spin ASAP, but probably not any earlier than tomorrow.

    Have a great weekend, everyone! :)
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  8. Mike Ruby

    Mike Ruby Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2020
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    Thank you very much, great work!!

    The only thing missing and that is preventing me from enjoying 100% is the excessive movement of the cockpit in many cars, I even stop playing because I feel dizzy, something that had never happened to me. No other simulator that I usually play has that annoying "tremor", AMS1 did not have it either. It does not happen in all cars, for example, the Super V8 is perfect, I can spend hours hanging around with it. However, Stock Car, Sprint Car and Sigma that "shaking" is over the top (I haven't tested all cars).

    Otherwise, say that I am delighted. I really like the current content and everything that remains to come. I wish you all the luck in the world Reiza !!
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  9. Dibbdroid

    Dibbdroid Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    Try adjusting the camera configuration for High Speed Shake etc
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  10. Mike Ruby

    Mike Ruby Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2020
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    Hi, thanks, but that doesn't solve the problem I'm talking about. I've been changing those settings from day one
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2020
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  11. VFX Pro

    VFX Pro Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 31, 2017
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    @Mike Ruby The only "hack" that help "too intense" camera movement (especially on open wheels on old bumpy tracks) is that I made the suspension really long and soft... It helps smoothing the motion/camera but I can't say it's great for driving.. I too have all my camera settings to off or low.. and played with all sort of settings... Reiza needs to provide more control over the camera movement.
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  12. Mike Ruby

    Mike Ruby Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2020
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    I completely agree with you. For me it is one of the most important aspects to improve, since it is impossible for me to concentrate with so much movement.

    It is also an almost constant periodic movement up-down, fast and abrupt. No other simulator I know of has that movement, and I've compared it to ASM1, Raceroom, iRacing, AC, and ACC.

    Another thing that produces this movement, and it is only my personal opinion, is that in the cars that it occurs, the sensation of movement and speed is not so smooth, I cannot explain why, but it happens to me. For example, the ARC Camaro does not have that annoying vibration, and everything seems much more fluid and natural.

    Greetings to all, and enjoy the weekend!
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  13. Andrew Hollom

    Andrew Hollom Active Member

    Mar 9, 2019
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    Reiza, do you read the things that we post here?

    I know you probably have bigger fish to fry, but you don't spell "TYRE PRESSURE" as "TYRE COMPOUND". It's been mentioned a number of times, and is pretty easy to fix, trust me!
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  14. Pixel

    Pixel Active Member

    Apr 25, 2020
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    Do the AI sliders work with the gamepad/wheel now? Before I could only change them with the mouse.
  15. OTL Matt

    OTL Matt New Member

    Mar 10, 2020
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    Great stuff yet again, loving how it's feeling.

    @Renato Simioni Just a quick question as we (OTL) are eager to get leagues running on AMS2, what's the status of the director/broadcaster suite? I assume it'll be much like it was in PCars2, which is fine by me! But yeah, any rough ETA on that feature so we can stream leagues with great presentation?

    Can't wait to get our community loving AMS2 as much as we do :)
  16. Leynad

    Leynad Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Fixing the partly missing or wrong car descriptions and icons doesn't sound like a big deal to me either, but still lots of mistakes...

    One car really bugs me, because it's so wrong: The Ultima Road. This car doesn't brake, even it has disc-brakes as large as the rim and it should brake really great, because it's holding many records for accelerating and decelerating. Also this understeer of a cruise ship doesn't make sense with the weight of a VW Polo and nothing in the setup to make it properly turn in. Also the steering-angles needed to corner this car seems more like a bus even with full steering lock. Please make this car real and not the AMS1-joke:rolleyes:

    And one general thing: Steel-brakediscs should heat up very fast. According to David Parel it takes as much as one corner to get them working. He criticized it in ACC, after it took like half a lap to get them working and few days later Kunos fixed it:whistle:
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  17. sk8

    sk8 Member

    May 16, 2020
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    Agreed on formula vintage, it's a pig to drive and also one of the cars I want to drive the most. Most of the other cars are feeling absolutely sublime now though. Way too much fun!
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  18. Thommyboy42

    Thommyboy42 New Member

    Mar 26, 2020
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    I love you reiza :D
    Now a slowbee like me can finally start following and even competing with the AI :D
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  19. Leynad

    Leynad Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    IMO the Vintage cars are awesome now and by far the best in sim-racing. If you don't like the default like me, tweak the differential. It's still a bit loose on default, so increase the clutch-plates in the differential settings, 10 is fine and fiddle with the degrees to make them work like you want. It's counter-intuitive since more degrees means less locking. I usually want more locking on power, so less degrees and less on coasting, so more degrees.
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  20. Alex Couri

    Alex Couri Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 5, 2016
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    I did a quick test with Stock Cars in Interlagos and it looks much better than before, with the more natural FFB (with G27) and also with the strength of the opponents better calibrated in the percentage difficulties. This simulator promises !!
    • Informative Informative x 1

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