Automobilista 2 V1.0.1.0 & Hockenheimring Pack RELEASED - Now updated to v1.0.1.2

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Jul 24, 2020.

  1. Shadak

    Shadak Active Member

    May 2, 2020
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    Yeah I mean its just a small thing but it was fine at least during gameplay couple of updates ago. Just seemed weird they would "take it away" now.
    But yes, like you say there is plenty of things like this ... its just this is right in front of your eyes when you drive :)
  2. Gevatter

    Gevatter The James May of Simracing AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    In v1.0.1.0, you should read the patch notes:
  3. Shadak

    Shadak Active Member

    May 2, 2020
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    Thanks genius I do read patch notes but its like saying animations will now make rear wing disappear.
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  4. Ricardokil

    Ricardokil Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 28, 2017
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    When I say that people are against people who criticize, I mean two reasons, the first is the amount of deslikes you take, simply for pointing out a problem, or something that could improve, but that is part of the game all right, the second reason , they are the responses to the post that don’t add anything, and are supported simply by the culture of (me), (for me it’s good) (I don’t see a problem) now I say what this adds to help those who made the post, or adds game improvement? when someone answers in an explanatory way why he disagrees, yes it is great, but most are simply the culture of (me) I am not right in everything I say, and not everything wrong, but I hope to find people who show arguments that make me realize my mistake, but with answers from (me), (for me this is good) where is the argument? this type of user that I call fanboy, the forum being a democratic thing, having to have all kinds of user, I make it clear that fanboy does not add knowledge to anyone, does not add improvement to the game, because he cannot point to an improvement that can be done and much less the flaws that may exist, because for him everything is perfect, I will give an example, yesterday of everyone who answered me, one, maybe two said they did not have difficulties with the Stock2020 car and pointed out something to let it more at hand, the rest just said that for them there is no problem and that's it, what does it help? Did you notice the difference? I made the changes and yes it improved the behavior of the car a lot, they are people as soon as the forum needs, people have to understand, that in a gaming community, there will be those with more facilities and others with less facilities to learn, others will have more time to dedicate and others less time, you cannot have the culture of (me) (I am the center of the universe), within the difficulty of the language, I tried to be as transparent as possible now.[/QUOTE]
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  5. Gevatter

    Gevatter The James May of Simracing AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    If the camber is dynamic (as it should be) it will be an animation and therefore not show ATM.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. Micropitt

    Micropitt Mediocre driver doing mediocre laps AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    Same here for a 58 year old :whistle:
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  7. Gordie

    Gordie Active Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Asking when a significant update is happening because you are having issues is the same as what you're suggesting is wrong in this forum, just the reverse - if it's not good for me, it's not good for everyone else.
    Difference is, instead of being constructive, you take offense when someone gives their opinion. You would do well to remember that the door swings both ways in this scenario and perhaps in the future you could attempt to be polite when replying to people that are trying to help you. Nobody disliked your original post, only the response you gave when others attempted to help, whether it was by opinion or advice.
    I know exactly what you're getting at but you must understand that when people genuinely have no issue and someone comes along saying that it's not correct then they will voice their opinion, whether you like it or not. Ranting about it in walls of text will not help you resolve your matter, will only prevent you getting the advice you desire in the long run.
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  8. Dragon60

    Dragon60 New Member

    Jul 3, 2018
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    Same here for a 60 year old :p
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  9. Ricardokil

    Ricardokil Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 28, 2017
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    To make it clear, Renato himself said yesterday that there will be updates on the car, and why the question, maybe if you don't live in Brazil, you don't know that this Stock2020 is at least 80% new, and the car on the AMS2 was practically launched without the real car having gone to the track to test, Reiza used very few parameters, because even those who provided the data as Renato himself said, it was an engineer who himself is familiar with the car, the teams are familiar with the car, which is very different from Stock2019 because this car has been on track since 2017, how can someone who doesn't know tell me that everything is great in the car? and as if Codemasters put the F1 2022 on the market today with new rules and everyone already thinks "that's great, you don't need to touch anything else" my post is clear, because improving or not, like it or not it is obvious that they will touch in the car when they have more information about the car in hand, and here comes the question of the big update, I would even like it to be easier to drive but a big update that I mean, it might even make the car more difficult, will it be clear now ? and for the last time, I don't care who disagrees with me, you can answer me, as long as you add something for me, (this is for anybody who posts a post here) being a help or showing why I'm wrong, and not just having the culture of (me), (for me this is good) and that's it, disagree but have nothing to offer, being an information or a help, just dislike and ignore and skip to the next one, that's what I do. have I been clear now? [/QUOTE]
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  10. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Im sorry that I dont have the link to Mansells interview anymore because he was commenting on sims/racing games after he more or less had destroyed 2-3 younger gamers who all crashed out trying to follow him.:p
    Im not sure but I think the racing game was rF2:)

    ByTheWay: It looked like this was absolutely not the first time he had been behind a wheel in a racing game.:p
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  11. DaVeX

    DaVeX AMSUnofficial Staff AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    you are starting to sound like a broken disk, no one said you are wrong...

    saying they don't find it so difficult like you said doesn't mean they are correct and you not, they are just sharing their opinions as you, also everyone knows already Stock2020 will be reworked during time and this is why some tried to help you suggesting a different setup...

    you are acting like being victim of bad behaviours on forum while literally no one attacked you...

    don't be surprised if next time someone will skip your posts entirely...
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  12. Gordie

    Gordie Active Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Chrystal clear, so to summarise, in future @everyone, you must make sure that if you respond to Ricardokil, it MUST be information that he wants to hear ONLY because he can't stand people being selfish and doesn't have the capacity to filter out what he doesn't like himself...
    I give up and have no more to add but you can rest assured, you won't have the same attention from me in the future. Good luck
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  13. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Guys, chill out. Ricardokil words and text wall might seem very crude/rude as if he is very angry or something, but I believe it is a language barrier.

    If we translate word by word from english to portuguese the tone is a little bit more pacific.

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  14. Micropitt

    Micropitt Mediocre driver doing mediocre laps AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    My friend, please allow me to share with you a story, a story about myself.
    When I came to AMS2 I had absolutely no idea about about Stock Car Brazil, in fact I didn't know anything about car racing in Brazil. When I used the Stock Car for the first time in AMS2, it was a horrible experience and I wasn't able to complete one single lap without spinning out and getting off track. I was reading here in the Forum about Differential setup and followed that advice. Then I drove the same Track with the same car over and over and over for days. What happened then was that I got better and faster with that car. Today I can drive 20 laps at Cascavel with the Stock Car in a somewhat decent pace without getting off track once. I'm still not the fastest (my lap time still is 4 sec behind the leader on the leaderboard) but I keep improving.
    The truth here is, Sim racing is not just about driving a car on a track. Sim racing also is about us, it is about learning new things, it is about challenging ourselves and overcoming those challenges, it is about pushing ourselves and our knowledge.
    I'm 58 years old and learned to drive a Stock Car in Cascavel just some weeks ago. If I can learn it, you can learn it :)

    Never give up:

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  15. Ricardokil

    Ricardokil Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 28, 2017
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    exactly what you should do, do not answer me, it would be very good for you and even better for me, not knowing how to differentiate attack, behavior, maybe it’s because of the language, you can’t understand what I want to pass, because the translation from Portuguese to English is sometimes not perfect, but that, skip my post, and don't answer me it would be great for us.
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  16. Ricardokil

    Ricardokil Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 28, 2017
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    probably because of your age, you have more time to dedicate, here in the forum there are many people in different life situations, I work, study, married with children, others study and have the rest of the day free, what I mean with that ?, simple, the game doesn’t have to be easy for me and anyone else, I’m not the center of things, but whoever comes to me to say that it’s good to just dedicate themselves, that person is not the center of universe, well then every time someone questions a post saying they have difficulty with something, if you can help, help that person, if you can give information that shows that he is wrong, or right, of that information, but do not do it as some above who come to question you simply to label you something, (beginner, victim, you are always correct and others are not) even if we all speak the same language here it will be even easier for me to understand many here and they would understand me better, I already found aggressive responses that in fact they were, because by the difference of the language, the meaning often changes. Well I hope I tried to pass on what I think to you, what I'm going to say now, it's not to show up, get in rattlesnake in stock 2019, I don't mean I'm better than many, because a lot of them didn't even try to make it back there, you'll see that I'm one of the first, do I want to show it? I am not a beginner in this game, I am very competitive, even with new cars, but I will say what I already said in other answers, many of my questions, they are friends who do not enter forums, for reasons of meeting some people like above , they ask me to ask, because I need people to play, I didn't buy AMS2 to play with AIs, I want to play with my friends, and many just can't play, some because they don't have much skill, others for time to dedicate, more a test that I want to help more people, and I'm not a victim of anything, I'm not always right and everyone is wrong, that everyone hates me as some here try to pass, ask this person what he does to help other players ?, better search us previous post, this person has already tried to help someone here, they were surprised ... I appreciate your time with me, anyone who spends their time teaching, helping someone has to be valued, the world needs it, for others here, dedicate r your time to attack and label anyone, please ignore me here.[/QUOTE]
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  17. Aza340

    Aza340 Active Member

    May 18, 2020
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    After all the discussion I've seen about this car recently on here I thought I would have a go too . Did a few laps around interlargos and was pretty much as I expected for a relatively big heavy powerful rwd saloon car , a handful but definitely not overly so . Very much enjoyed the challenge and think it just needs to be treated gently on the throttle to get the best out of it .
  18. newtonpg

    newtonpg Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 29, 2018
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    Well... better to not tell my age... :whistle:
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  19. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Several data points including some related to animations like drivers and suspension don´t get stored or are simplified for replays for the sake of keeping memory load reasonable; some of the suspension animations still have articulation issues that may lead to wheels leaning positive in some cases, but this is just a visual glitch with no bearing on the physics (and mostly fairly imperceptible).

    For the replays we do plan to expand so to make them higher fidelity on a few more noticeable details, but there is a cost benefit to it to consider which all race game engines balance to some extent, and many devs often just cut these to a bare minimal as a way to reduce production overhead and spare performance for more relevant things.

    We could for example also cut things like driver gearshift and pedal animations or a bunch of redundant onboard cameras almost no-one has use for, which certainly wouldn´t be out of standard for racing sims and specially for a production this size - sticking with the AMS1 example you mentioned, it didn´t support 3D animations at all and wheel camber angles were not stored accurately in replays either :) not to mention the proper extra features like fully dynamic weather and track conditions which make AMS2 a much more complex and time-consuming production than its predecessor, but also much more intereresting as a racing sim, and truly worth the dev time it receives.

    From our perspective, while the other minor visual gimmicks really aren´t what the core of our user base are coming for, they do add some extra immersion-enhancing details and are thus worth keeping even if the cost-benefit isn´t really there. And while we have no plans to leave any part of the game unfinished, I do think people expecting all of it to be there now, flashy and shiny from the get-go like a AAA console release with half the cars and tracks we have may be missing the point a bit, and adopting a level of scrutinity that isn´t really compatible with the game we always said we were doing :)
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  20. Micropitt

    Micropitt Mediocre driver doing mediocre laps AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    Because there are many people here from many different countries, the language barrier often can lead to misunderstandings. In the same way, it often is difficult to express emotions in writing and they too can be misunderstood.
    Take care and be safe.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1

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