Please give us the option to remove this horrible camera shaking. On some tracks like Hockenheim 77, you can get seasick in several cars.
It hasn't really bothered my much (in VR) until I raced historic Hockenheim in FV12s. Literally couldn't see the track ahead due to all the shaking. We really need a solution for this as it's been an issue since the day AMS 2 hit EA months ago.
Hello, I've found the best compromise is to set world movement to 50, as 0 or 100 either gives too much world movement or too much car movement... So maybe have 2 separate settings so we can have both at zero if possible please?
You can't have both the world and cockpit completely static. All sims involve movement of one or both, but if it's done well then you simply don't notice it. In AMS 2 you do. They mentioned ages ago that they were going to bring the AMS 1 system into 2, but that was the last we heard about it officially.
I think the issue is not with the camera or the world movement. It might be related to car suspension, at least, that's one theory. For example, when using Formula Reiza and you stop the car mid track... the car keeps bouncing even when the car is stopped, that also happens with V10 in the pits when the car is not moving. I'm thinking the camera might be linked to the chassis of the car, but since there is something going with the suspension being extra bouncy for no reasons, that might indirectly impact the camera movement.
What what? I have only been driving the F-Reiza and the psycedelic P2 and thought that this completely idiotic bounching while the car is not driving was a bug involving all cars. And when I cant recall that pCars2 also had this issue I concluded that its a feature Reiza have invented to lower the immersion. Because thats the main result of this feature. ByTheWay: Conserning the world movement thing then I agree that its bouncing is also irritating - but because I have some experience (looong way back) driving F1600 I can tell you that at least RL formula cars does bounce a LOT. Maybe even more than caused by this world movement thing.
I must be a VR thingy, Because I am a single screen user and like the car movements, my settings world movement en G-force 0 The only thing i dislike is the change form car to word movement if the angle of the track exceeds a certain value, like climbing the mountain on Bathurst.
Possibly true. For us VR users, if you take the open wheelers to a couple of laps in Silverstone you will notice the camera movement is very smooth actually, not that bad. But if you take them to Adelaide, on the other hand, it is terrible to the point I don't race there anymore. Now if you race with the slow and fat cars (G55, Stock Car, etc), all the tracks are ok. There is not extreme shaking and racing with VR is bearable. While heavy shaking is realistic, if you are on a static cockpit with VR it actually becomes extremely unnatural and unpleasant.
I put it on "World Movement = 0" and it works up to a certain angle. Like on Monaco the bumps on the start/finish straight are only displayed by the dashboard moving, but on the drive up to the casino the bumps move the world. Is there some max angle to the horizon that the camera won't move past or something? My eyes have a hard time with that kind of movement, especially given that I sit very close to a large screen
Among the few things that are preventing me to enjoy AMS2 like I would like to, that shaking is a major one. We have been asked to be patient, I will be patient, but I cannot guarantee I will keep any enthusiasm.
The "T887" ("in progress") on the taskboard posted in the Aug dev thread refers to "tweaks to the cockpit camera system". Maybe the fix for this is coming soon.
Is such taskboard available/accessible or only backers can access? Having a read-only view would eliminate the need to constantly repeat the same bugs or requests...
No, the taskboard was posted in the August dev update thread for everybody: Automobilista 2 August 2020 Development Update
Yeah effectively as a first step we are looking to revamp the head movement system and have the equivalent to current 0% world movement with a separate option to lock to horizon (which is embedded with world movement slider now). Later this will be expanded with separate head physics and customizable seat position per car. The view bumpiness is unrelated to the vibrating tyres when close to zero speed, which is what actually causes the tyre to bounce in the first place (low speed anomaly).
Per car seat position and controlling the head physic to minimize extreme camera bumpiness is music to my ears!!