AMS1 working in VR

Discussion in 'Automobilista - General Discussion' started by mr_belowski, Nov 29, 2020.

  1. DaVeX

    DaVeX AMSUnofficial Staff AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Pretty sure they will be back on it once settled with AMS2 updates. They are pushing hard on those since December but they will be back to you for sure (as they will be back to rF2 pack too).

    ...if only we could have cockpit shadows too...
  2. Stanj2

    Stanj2 New Member

    Mar 8, 2020
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    Ok I am at my wits end on this. It works in VR intermittently. When it works it works great and I can drive for hours on different cars and tracks. Then I come back later and as soon as I hit the > button to get into my car after the track loading screen finishes I get a pause of several seconds and am spit back to the steam vr homescreen. I have verified files, tried different nvidia drivers from latest to earlier versions, configured graphic options ad nauseum, etc, reinstalled and read every post I can. I can't find a reliable method or fix to get it to run consistently. I have an RTX 2060, Odyssey +, I7-6700K, win 10 with latest updates, NVME drives and SSD drives no HDD's, Fanatec wheel GT3 RS, Thrustmaster load cell pedals and everything works in all other sims in VR, even GTR2 VR. Any ideas would be appreciated
  3. Bjarne Hansen

    Bjarne Hansen Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 14, 2016
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    Since I have no issues I can only suggest some general fault finding.
    Can you run the same track and cars combo on monitor?
    You can try adding -trace=100 to the start up option like ams.exe -trace=100
    the last 1-2 lines will have the display the problem if it is a AMS issue.
  4. jamespoly86

    jamespoly86 Member

    May 28, 2019
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    I tried to install but when i start the race I see only the wide 2d display and not the vr.
    I install in the folder the files. Windowed and Windowswidescreen ok CrewChiefVR.ini with enableSteamVRRendering = 1, in game config settings modified.
    I have oculus quest 2, have you any suggestions?
  5. Stan Johnson

    Stan Johnson New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 2, 2020
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    Thanks Bjarne for the suggestion, I will enable the logging to see what I can find. I have found that the problem is my Fanatec GT3 RS V2 wheel. The wheel calibrates fine in AMS, even the Vr re-centering in the menu works since remapping the key with Joy to key and has worked excellently in Vr with AMS previously and is still working with all my other sims. The crash occurs on trying to enter the car after track loading. If I disconnect the wheel AMS starts in Vr and the car will load and can be driven by the AI just fine. Event viewer in Win 10 will show AMS faulting with Ntdll or D3d9.dll however with the wheel connected. I have cycled through the various FFB settings, ie pure +1 , 180 hz etc to no avail. I have also tried the latest Fanatec drivers and 3 of their earlier versions same result. I'm looking for any USB or IRQ conflict or resource conflicts currently. I'm sure there is a solution. It is an interesting issue I've never seen before, I might dig out my Logitech Force GT and see what happens
  6. M.Guenette

    M.Guenette Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Jamespoly86 Try this Method
  7. jamespoly86

    jamespoly86 Member

    May 28, 2019
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    I tried but I see only cinema 2d mode... If someone have oculus quest 2 please write the procedure to view vr
  8. mr_belowski

    mr_belowski Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    Not sure if it's already been mentioned, but did you untick the "Use desktop game threatre while SteamVR is active" option?
  9. jamespoly86

    jamespoly86 Member

    May 28, 2019
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    I set cockpit cam and vr finally start! :)
  10. mr_belowski

    mr_belowski Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    ah yes, this is only implemented for cockpit cam. I think there's a note about that floating around somewhere :)
  11. jamespoly86

    jamespoly86 Member

    May 28, 2019
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    Is it normal that after race menu keys don't function? And the esc key don't function? I tried two different resolutions 1680 x 1050 or 800 x 600...
  12. mr_belowski

    mr_belowski Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    do you have the "Exit confirmation menu" option in the game set to false? There's an issue with the rendering of the exit confirm menu that stops it working
  13. Bazmeister

    Bazmeister New Member

    Jun 25, 2016
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    Firstly, I'd like to thank and congratulate all involved for implementing VR in AMS1. It is truly awesome seeing this game through VR lenses.

    Unfortunately AMS1 in VR gives me motion sickness. I don't have this issue with other racing sims like AMS2 or RaceRoom. I'm using an Oculus Rift S. Is there anything I can do to make the experience a bit more pleasant?
  14. keith windsor

    keith windsor Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    If you haven't already done it, in display options, set Head movement to 0 ; Look to Apex to 0 ; Exaggerate Yaw to 0 ; Lock to horizon to 100%.
    This works well for me in VR, and I was always prone to motion sickness in AMS1 on flat screen if I didn't use the RealHeadMotion plugin.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Retrolux

    Retrolux Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 29, 2019
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    @Sparten: If you coding support for the VR plugin, let me know. The source link you posted is not available. But you can send me an invite to it if you want. Retrolux · GitLab

    Here a video for the menu transparency issue I reported earlier.
    Sequence 03.gif

    It might be caused that the initial orientation is rotated by 180 degree before going into AMS? I just managed to get it working one time that the crewchief logo was not behind the virtual screen and then it looked good.
  16. jamespoly86

    jamespoly86 Member

    May 28, 2019
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    I tried yesterday with exit confermation menu set to off... I don't find false.. when I return from race only x in left top works...

    Excuse me now VR function, thanks for the amazing work...
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2021
  17. Jason Peters

    Jason Peters Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Wow - stumbled across this and what a treat

    however I do have a problem

    I have got it working once in VR and then it worked really well. I then changed the steam res and then when you click to get in the car it crashes / closes. Changed the Steam res back and I have the same issue so it’s not running anymore

    it makes no sense :(

    any help on how to get it back would be appreciated - prefer this to AMS2 for my fleeting experience with it
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2021
  18. keith windsor

    keith windsor Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    The only crash I have had in the game with the VR mod was when I tried to change my view from cockpit view - the game will crash (but it is ok to sit in the pits and use other views on the in game monitor)
    The Steam res change might be a red herring. Did you change the view from cockpit view?
    Try going back into the game without the VR mod, make sure it is all running ok, to eliminate the VR as the problem. AND make sure you are in cockpit view. Then retry the VR mod.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. vveyro

    vveyro Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 27, 2017
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    VR in AMS1 is amazing feat. Hope it could be integrated into the official game by Reiza.

    I still prefer AMS1 extremely detailed and direct FFB overall (that is consistent in all cars), while AMS2 has many other things going for it.

    Sorry for a little OT, but @mr_belowski if you guys could make a Wreckfest VR mod (perhaps with similar method?), there is huge demand

    Don't know if you're into that sort of arcade thing or if it's even possible, but doesn't seem like the devs will do it (?) and it's one big shame, since many simmers play Wreckfest as their relaxed alternative to normal driving

    Wreckfest devs are very open to mods otherwise (they make mod tracks official all the time), so chances are you could sell it to them if you manage to get it working
    • Like Like x 2
  20. Jason Peters

    Jason Peters Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    It was not working in pancake either

    so deleted my automonilista documents folder, deleted out the VR mod, did a steam file integrity check, rand the config...... still crashing in pancake mode when you hit the drive button after the track loads

    then deleted the d3d9 dll..... still crash
    The deleted d3d9 2 dll.... worked in pancake

    loaded the VR mod

    worked for a little while .... then stopped and crashes every time again

    all seems very odd - don’t think it’s the VR mod but something else but clearly keeps me from using it

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