Automobilista 2 April 2021 Development Update

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, May 2, 2021.

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  1. SuperMonaco_GP

    SuperMonaco_GP Active Member

    Mar 8, 2020
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    the level of fanboyism is reaching new heights in this forum. one points to a game flaw related to ffb and asks for a much demanded improvement, one which many people are asking for, and not only doesn't get any response, but blind fanboys reacts as "funny" on the post. great job guys.
    • Funny Funny x 16
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  2. oez

    oez Mayor of Long Beach AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 27, 2020
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    Agreed. This might start a process of increasing player count steadily. And then in the second half of this year we will see some kind of system to filter out the griefers or otherwise make it easier to find clean racing. I have a feeling we might beg for such a solution earlier than that, but we'll see :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  3. Alex Couri

    Alex Couri Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 5, 2016
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    INDYCARS or some "F-America OVAL/ROAD" pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
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  4. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    Agree.. Iracing has endless tracks and cars but participation is high. The difference is that they have somewhat MP oriented and MP "loyal" racers, while right now there is very little serious racers online with AMS2. Rotating servers are an improvement, maybe MRS would add a drop as well but the problem is elsewhere IMO: lack of proper sim showcasing and popularity in the streaming community. Few know about it and even less dare trying it and even less again having serious MP in mind. Community leagues (especially when they are streaming) can help boost this but advertising of the sim and debunking of common stupid prejudice over it is really badly needed
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  5. Apex

    Apex Active Member

    Sep 22, 2020
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    I'm not racing online and probably never will, but a ranking system that rewards mileage, clean driving and finishing races rather than podiums would be a good thing.
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  6. SunBro

    SunBro Active Member

    Mar 31, 2020
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    A-M-A-Z-I-N-G Roadmap. Just the right good stuff right into my veins!

    But i have one question.

    "On the car front, Part One will offer the GTE class, initially featuring the Porsche 911 RSR, BMW M8 and Corvette C8R, along with the Cadillac DPI-R prototype; on the track front, WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca, the street circuit of Long Beach and the iconic Daytona International Speedway make up for a fantastic initial lineup to kick off our North American adventure."

    Will ALL of this content come in part one? ALL 4 cars and 3 tracks? Did i read it wrong? It just sounds too good to be true.
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  7. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Online in AMS 2 is incredibly fun, tho. Like I wrote in the AMS 2 article on Racedepartment:
    Ofcourse there are lobby's. Like 15 - 20 - 25 grid.. Then the first few laps it suddenly drops to under 10 or under 15. It's a pain that people do not want to finish their races. like I said before in several topics; people want instant satisfaction. Winning or top 10. If they spin or crash (even with damage off) they will quit. Nothing to do about it at the moment. Its the people that need to change, not AMS 2. Ranking can help, but also the people have to change.

    But hej.. MP is not the backbone of AMS2.. SP, AI, the roster, the physics and the FFB are.
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  8. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    I agree need different players and the question is: how to entice those "more serious" players into trying and moving to AMS2... I doubt MRS is just the answer...
  9. Łukasz Łażewski

    Łukasz Łażewski Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 29, 2019
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    Looking forward for Sebring and Road atlanta <3 and The glen ofc! Renato don't let me down
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  10. InfernalVortex

    InfernalVortex Active Member

    May 10, 2020
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    If anything new content is inversely correlated with an increase in online players. We have more content than ever, but steam player counts are lower than ever. You need to incentivize the people already here to stick around for full races. From there it's much easier to build the community up.

    All you would do with that rating is give yourself an option to filter players below a certain level when you create a lobby and maybe offer some achievements or rewards in steam for attaining a certain level.

    Policing good driving and rewarding fast driving is pointless because the population isnt there to support that. What purpose would it serve? You'd match everyone into 2 or 3 racer buckets and you'd have lonely races. Rewarding people for simply COMPLETING LAPS will markedly improve the experience for those of us tired of finishing a race on a ghost track with 2 other people after starting a race with 10-20 people. It happens over and over. @bmerrell @Maser V6 @Koala63 @Marius H and myself race together regularly and see it on a weekly basis, which is frankly all the time I give AMS2 anymore purely because of the pathetic approach people have toward multiplayer races. You cant blame the users for jumping around as they see fit. You can only blame the developers for not incentivizing them to stick around. Human nature is going to be what it is. Simply adding a metric attached to your name by itself is a lot to signify to users what is important. Incentivize the behavior you want. It will come after that. Me and you disagree on this one @Marius H . You cant change human behavior. You can only incentivize. There's no reason to take it seriously now, so people just don't. Even a rudimentary basic datalogging system where a server just tracks your finishes and wins and top 5's etc by itself would probably do a lot.

    There's a saying where I work, "Define your metrics carefully, because that's what drives behavior."

    Several of us here play other sims primarily purely for the better multiplayer experience, even if we (or at least I know I do) enjoy the pure driving experience much more in AMS2. That's a tragedy. The hardest part of your sim is more or less better, but your user experience is poor because you havent incentivized good behavior correctly. This is absolutely crucial with such a small user base. I will admit, these rotating servers and community races are a GREAT idea. But I'd rather have something baked into the interface. Without incentivizing a better experience for players online, the multiplayer experience will NEVER improve beyond league racing, which is itself hard to find because so few people want to invest time in AMS2 because of reasons I already mentioned.
    Last edited: May 2, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 11
  11. fischhaltefolie

    fischhaltefolie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Real weather tech on the WeatherTech Raceway, just brilliant!:D
    • Funny Funny x 4
  12. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    I agree fully on this.
    But what makes the asking for a more advanced MP system kinda fun is - that even as it is now people (as described) generally dont even completes their participated MP races.
    Hehe or even take the effort to learn the used track/car combi.:rolleyes:

    ByTheWay: Many surveys does conclude that generally the majority of racing sim users are more interested in single player races/modes than multiplayer.
    And because iRacing with its near perfected scheduled 24/7 services does hold and keep most of these MP users - then there is very few MP interested sim racers left in the extremely small niche sim racing is.;)
    • Agree Agree x 3
  13. Wilfred de Ruijter

    Wilfred de Ruijter Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 10, 2020
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    I would change to another sim if it had better graphics, physics, ffb and would be cheaper. Could it be that Reiza is working on that? And when it is better at these points than the competition add MRS. Right now I think there a lot of simracers who a not aware of the existence of AMS2.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    Maybe coming across with a less definitive judgment on things and a more polite attitude would have earned you one? :)
    You talk as if your experience was the only one that is right and counts in a quite "assertive" manner (trying to be polite here) with developers as if you knew more than they do...
    For what it's worth I (and many others apparently) are using DD and find it not only very well drivable but also enjoyable more than other sims on custom FFB setup. So as you may certainly gather the situation for developers is more complicated than you depict it.
    So you draw the appropriate conclusions.. ;)
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  15. InfernalVortex

    InfernalVortex Active Member

    May 10, 2020
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    Hasn't stopped ACC from being successful. People race in F1 20xx all the time online. I totally agree with you, but that's why I am confused they havent prioritized some kind of in-depth championship/career mode more than they have. I would be all about that myself. But single player campaigns need to be really well done to really stand up to long term scrutiny. F1 20xx has it figured out. People will absolutely play F120xx for hours and hours in single player mode. Same with Gran Turismo. Honestly, the only reason I harp on multiplayer so much is because there isn't much to do by yourself in AMS2. I think the TT Mode is amazing ,but with all the changes from update to update and the lack of any way to tell which times are current, it's hard to stay motivated to keep up with it. Plus even if it was all current, it's still difficult to entertain yourself with that for too many hours. I probably a couple hundred hours in TT mode at this point, and I'm done with it for now.
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  16. InfernalVortex

    InfernalVortex Active Member

    May 10, 2020
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    I had an issue where the game wouldnt recognize my pedals and I tried a bunch of different things, uninstalled and reinstalled a bunch of different things. I finally got it working again but it took me probably 2 weeks to figure out how to get my wheel set up in a way that felt good again. It had some wild oscillation issues that were impossible to figure out for a while. I finally found a combination of damping on my wheel and damping in AMS2 that worked to make it feel "good" again, but I totally sympathize with him. I dont know how much different a DD wheel would be than the CSW v2.5 I have, but theres not a whole lot of official guidance from Reiza on recommended settings are there?
  17. Dady Cairo

    Dady Cairo "Son of Spartakus" and "Leisure Nostradamus" AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2017
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    Wich is no wonder since the physics are work in progress till they are "final".:)
    So,when the leaderboards get a fresh start then it will be fair to mess up with other drivers imho.
  18. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Yes it is true, and look at the price to be paid either stand-alone or as part of the multi-year pass and it becomes officially "almost too good to be true." ;)
    • Winner Winner x 2
  19. karloy

    karloy New Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    I agree, I think player count comes with a solid multiplayer experience. I created a quite a few online races in AMS 2, and when people join, it is a lot fun. But normally there are barely no players in multiplayer.

    Assetto Corsa is able to maintain always filled up Nordschleife servers - maybe something that could be promoted in the AMS 2 UI. iRacing is a great online experience, but graphics are outdated. I think there is a niche here that could get filled with great graphics and multiplayer. I am personally also not opposed to a subscription fee for a good online service. $5 per month to fund the AMS 2 online experience development? Count me in.
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  20. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    For me, regularly scheduled/rotating races is the key. Right now, it is too much work to find a (very easy to set-up ourselves) server that has the right combination of realism settings, race session lengths and then appealing car and track combo. The scheduled races, known in advance, will allow people to practise and prepare offline or in extended online P sessions. There will always be the losers who rage quit after realizing they are not competitive, or the people who quit after getting taken out by one of the losers....this just minimizes the chances over time and encourages like-minded, somewhat more serious racers to join together.

    The only thing the rating system/police action will hopefully do is help mitigate the even worse group--the losers with no skills who join just to wreck/disrupt other people's fun and efforts.

    No rating system will magically attract like-minded, good quality we have to do that ourselves and via scheduled races. As I keep saying, there is nothing stopping any of us from setting-up "good" configuration servers on a regular or scheduled basis. We can advertise the schedule and details here (on this forum) or elsewhere. Basically, informal be companions to the real leagues. What barriers exist to start doing this tomorrow?
    Last edited: May 2, 2021
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