Automobilista 2 April 2021 Development Update

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, May 2, 2021.

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  1. Cheesenium

    Cheesenium Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Will there be more Brazil endurance cars on the way to the game? Or any possibility of the return of Marcas or some sort of TCR equivalent?

    Will AMS2 also have an official Brazil Endurance license?

    Also, I would hope that there are more differences between the lap times between GTE and GT3. I love racing with both in other games such as rF2 but their GT3 and GTE is about equally as fast on many many tracks. A bit more delta within the realm of realism would be good.
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  2. Brett Nagle

    Brett Nagle Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 14, 2016
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    Very cool and unexpected that the Cadillac DPi and GTEs are making their way to the game. Fingers are crossed the Mazda, Acura, and Nissan and find their way to join the Cadillac!

    Also the addition of Daytona is great. That and Long Beach and probably two of my favorite tracks to race around. Looking forward to driving around those with the new vehicles when that time comes.

    Also the alluded to single seaters for Racin' USA has me pumped.
  3. Manohy

    Manohy Member

    Mar 28, 2020
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    - Weekly time trial will not attract more players, it will just make the existing time trial guys to be more active.

    - fixing the physics will give AMS2 more legitimacy and will naturally attract the "sim" community. It's hard to swallow but most of the "sim" guys are not convinced by AMS2.

    - if you need to add more content, add the newest not those already present since years in other sim. By the way, the adding mainstream new content strategy seems not working as intended. May be improving the old contents is the way to go (physic, interior details, esport, etc). Why jump from blue ocean to red ocean full of sharks.

    - the AMS2 new GT3 cars made people (me icluded lol) want to buy and play ACC so leave AMS2 after not being satisfied with the overall quality of the content. We are about to do the same error with the american content....american tracks and cars are already well established and working well with RF2. For example once you add a Corvette C8R in AMS2, a wave of RF2 and AMS2 content comparison will occur and AMS2 will be the looser here because people will go play RF2. AMS2 should not be platform to promote the other sim indirectly. I mean we should find something else or stick to the brazilian and exclusive classic cars and tracks which are receiving very good reaction from users.

    - There seems to be a consensus that AMS2 is a very good open wheel car simulator. As AMS2 will never get the licence creating generic content like F1 2021 is a good way to attract users too. People are constantly asking for those series and many of them ( me included) are buying paid mods with the other sim. I even would like an option where we can hide or delete all the other car in AMS2 and only keep the open wheel cars.

    - About the stock car Brazil, AMS2 is the official game and...that's all?....there should be esport competitions along the real races. Reiza should stop creating new content and focus on improving and promoting the existing ones.

    - UPDATE: added text below
    I forgot a very important thing. Seeing reactions here and there after 1 year of development, it's obvious that AMS2 has a divided community. It's scary to see how fast this took place. I wish that Reiza manage to develop the sim that can satisfy both side. Otherwise they will have to choose... Solo players VS Multiplayer, Physic vs graphic and content, classic content vs modern content etc. It was a niche little candy shop but became a supermarket instead of becoming a big candy shop.

    I'll finish with a quote
    "It is never too late to be who you might have been." - George Eliot
    Last edited: May 5, 2021
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  4. USCTrojan4JC

    USCTrojan4JC New Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Hoping for 1990s CART champ cars(!) and Mazda and Acura DPi cars here!
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  5. mrwolf425

    mrwolf425 Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    AMS 2 is more versatile, it is more like AC with mods, this Sim is gone to be a platform for multiple race classes, and graphically is more superior game in comparison to rF2 or ACC. The only weakness is its physics engine, but Reiza are working hard to fix it. I think AMS2's future is bright.
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  6. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Time to once again set the record straight here and i tell you this basically first hand guys, so please try to understand this here and don't take it personally!

    This, what you are presenting as a fact is not true at all, the opposite is the case actually, because it's one of the most complex and comprehensive systems. Believe it or not: Not a single fix, done to driving dynamics was a change to the physics engine code directly. It was adjusting the components in it, that are already there.

    Most parts of the underlying system are similar to AMS1 except driveline + tires are more elaborate but also more complex systems so of course need more work and preparation to get a grasp on them.

    This false narrative of a broken physics engine, because it's the Madness is really the most frustrating stigma, AMS2 has to deal with and it's important to set the record straight over and over again, because it will be brought up all the time, without any actual knowledge about what actually happens under the hood.

    Please check your facts, before you potentially spread misinformation and personal preferences as supposed truth.

    If you have hard proof for issues with the physics, that don't rely on YT videos or personal preferences, but on actual data, i'm very open to listen and see them to find a solution, due to the possibility to directly get in contact with the appropriate persons for that matter.

    Happy Racing!
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  7. oez

    oez Mayor of Long Beach AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 27, 2020
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    That's a weird way to think about AMS2 as the always inferior sim. Why do you think it absolutely will be the loser? AMS2 will look nicer, sound nicer and sometimes drive nicer. The latter really depends on who you're asking no matter which sim we're talking about. And which YouTuber is doing the comparison.

    I think if someone likes rF2 or ACC more and doesn't really have anything constructive to say about AMS2 ("fix the physics" and "will be the loser against X" is not constructive) then I recommend playing those two and trying AMS2 again every now and then. That's not me being a fanboy, that's just common sense when you find things you like and things you clearly don't like. Sometimes a sim doesn't click with you even if many people like it. I don't play a lot of ACC for that reason.
    Last edited: May 3, 2021
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  8. Shadak

    Shadak Active Member

    May 2, 2020
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    hmm do you have a link to any surveys like that please? Because honestly the majority of opinions ive read or heard about are for MP. I dont count test days and hotlaps of course as part of practice. But MP vs AI? there is almost no simracing game (modded ams1 was very close) that does AI well and believable, rf2 included, not to mention limited physics etc. Personally I dont see AI race as exciting enough, not saying some people dont enjoy it, not at all.. but majority?
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  9. farcar

    farcar Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    That seems to be correct?

    Although Reiza won't say it officially, quite a few things point to them targeting a niche within a niche; people like myself who prioritise the offline experience.

    I used to race online regularly in LFS, but I just don't have the time to invest any more.
    When I have a spare couple of hours:
    • Give me great physics, graphics and sound.
    • Give me a variety of content, including historic cars and tracks.
    • Let me race modern F1 or some obscure club combo depending on what mood I'm in.
    • Give me those things and a Custom Championship Tool (soon!) and I have everything I want in a sim at the moment
    But I'm only 1 person so I have no idea whether or not an SP focussed sim can be financially successful these days.

    But I hope it can be!
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  10. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Yes. This is correct. AMS 1 was/is also known for it's amazing FFB, AI, roster and its track. And specially for its custom championship tool. MP is iRacings backbone. Also AMS 1 and AMS 2 suffer from it's just a rF2 or a pCars 2-mod stigma. It's a pain people got so influenced by streamers.
  11. The Walker

    The Walker Active Member

    Mar 29, 2019
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    That's the real problem. Madness Engine is really cool and has feature no other engine has (LiveTrack for example). But it has been used to make an arcade game like PC2, so people think it's an arcade engine.
    It's all about how you use an engine. SMS had the engine of a Ferrari and they put it into a street car.
  12. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    That's actually also not true. pCars2 is a simulation, even a very hardcore one in the underlying system, but too generic in execution of accuracy what doesn't make it arcade. But it's intended as simulator and shows several properties making it one. :)
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  13. John Hargreaves

    John Hargreaves Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 1, 2020
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    I think if we all get together and grumble enough we could persuade Renato to release a track removal DLC that gets rid of most of the cars and tracks :whistle:
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  14. Chuck Maurice

    Chuck Maurice New Member

    May 3, 2021
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    I'm happy to see that AMS2 has already great endurance content and will get even more exiting endurance content soon ,can we expect online features such as online driver swap to come along the way to support this great content ?
    Thank you .
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  15. Squalido

    Squalido New Member

    Nov 19, 2020
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    Great news! I wasn't really expecting GTE and DPI cars being added to this game, so that makes me really excited. I was kicking myself for not buying the season pass and buying each of the tracks released until now individually, but after seeing the price of the first USA pack, I can't complain. Kind of joking from my side, but now there are no excuses for adding some endurance racing features in the long term (driver swap for multiplayer, save race for offline, etc...) ;).

    I understand people being anxious about the multiplayer rating system being delayed, but in the end Reiza needed to pick their battles and focus first on one of the missing features, instead of delivering all of them with bugs, unfinished or with issues. If they would have picked MSR over custom championship, you would have seen people here complaining about that. Unfortunately, it is very hard to please everybody. Good news is that they will implement scheduled official multiplayer races. It won't be a complete ranked system (from what I read in the dev update), but it can help to bring more people to the multiplayer. At least for me, that is huge motivation to at least try to participate in a multiplayer race weekly (I don't have the time for more, unfortunately). At the beginning, if there is not so much participation, I hope we can organize ourselves here in the forum to coordinate in which races participate.

    Just my opinion, but I disagree here. I think that AMS2 has the potential to attract people who are alienated by those games shortcomings. Example: ACC isn't really attractive by some of the people who focus on single player, due to the lack of custom championship, engaging AI and lack of content. All of those seems to be points where AMS2 might excel in the near future. And rFactor2, well I like it a lot, but their developers seems to be really constrained by the engine structure/base (a lot more than Reiza with Madness) and they are mainly focusing on e-sports, neglecting all the other aspects of the game (including physics).
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  16. SuperMonaco_GP

    SuperMonaco_GP Active Member

    Mar 8, 2020
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    another example of someone else drawing the same conclusions on the way damping works on dd wheels : Automobilista 2 Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations ; there you find plenty of people stating the very same as I do, for a very long time, without any answer whatsoever.
    also, just take a look at Granite forum to learn I'm just a guy among many others who thinks that AMS2 ffb for Simucube2 is broken, or better it is broken now, it was near perfect - and note, I am referring to the Default ffb profile, not the Custom files, so what you say "on custom FFB setup" doesn't count as a solution imo - untill the implementation of the "damping" setting ingame, so around october/november 2020. after that, it went downhill after every update.
  17. stealthradek

    stealthradek Driving character: Chaotic good AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    Daytona was known to arrive for a while and I've been thinking how to replicate the 24h grid with P1 and GT3 classes, but looks like there's no need for replacements anymore!

    Awesome set of cars (GTE>GT3) and we need Le Mans even more now :) With seasonal weather sim gets another dimension and it would be great to see.

    Keep it up Reiza, still a long way to go, but you're on the right track!
  18. SuperMonaco_GP

    SuperMonaco_GP Active Member

    Mar 8, 2020
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    Simucube2 Sport.
  19. SuperMonaco_GP

    SuperMonaco_GP Active Member

    Mar 8, 2020
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    I even reinstalled from scratch the game, no improvement at all.
    like I said, ffb was working really well untill the implementation of the damping setting ingame, with the default profile. if a custom profile is now needed for sc2 users, I think it should be officialy stated in the "ffb reccomendations" thread.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  20. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    The racing simulator landscape to me divides roughly into: 1) generalist sims that aren't amazing in any single respect but do almost everything well enough, and 2) specialist sims that excel in one specific aspect (online competition, tyre physics, single-player career mode), but are weak in others.

    Based on everything we've been told, AMS2 aims to be squarely in the first camp. The challenge is that there are already a few strong contenders, and to be credible a sim needs to include both a compelling single-player and multi-player experience. I agree with those who have criticised the decision to push the back the MP developments. A generalist sim can't be credible in 2021 while having no MP features beyond random open lobbies with <20 players in total at any given time. I also don't think that removing or hiding content is going to fix the issue of missing gameplay features. I think it's time for AMS2 to start delivering on those missing game modes that actually draw people in.

    The vehicle and tyre physics of course will continue to be improved, but I just don't think that is where the majority of issues are now. I definitely don't agree with people who say the physics have gone backwards and pine for a return to some Early Access version. AMS2 is getting closer to the the magic of AMS1 in the physics department, and has IMO already surpassed it in the AI and FFB departments. That is a reasonable basis to build more features on.
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