AI Suggestion

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Chris_Traat, Jun 7, 2021.

  1. Chris_Traat

    Chris_Traat New Member

    Feb 26, 2017
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    I have a suggestion regarding the AI. Let’s start by saying that I love AMS2 and I think how the AI behaves is really good.

    The problem with the AI

    The problem I have with the AI is, that either they are too fast or too slow. There is no in between for me. It gets worse when you start a championship. For example, you set the AI to 100% and the first track you drive they are just too slow and for the next race the 100% is way too fast. So it kinda kills the fun for me.

    The solution

    I’m no programmer myself but I think there could be an easy solution for this. In iracing, that I never use to do AI racing, you can set a range of skill. So you can set the AI for example to 85% - 100%.

    As an simple example lets say you do a race with 20 AI opponents and set the skill range to 85%-100%. Then 5 AI cars could be around 100%, 5 on around 95%, 5 on around 90% and 5 around 85%. That is a very simple example. It would be cool if the „skill“ is spread randomly with some fix parameters. Like at least 2 cars have to be on 100% and 2 have to be at 85% and the rest somewhere in between. With this fix you could have good races on all tracks. Sometimes more in the front sometimes more in the back.Because even on tracks you are not so good you could probably still beat the 85% AI cars. Same on tracks that you are good at. There you could be challanged by the cars that are at 100% or more.

    I hope what I wrote makes sense :)

    Let me know what you guys think

  2. Pales

    Pales Member

    Jun 6, 2021
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    One thing I have immediately noticed upon picking up the game yesterday is, the default 100% (which I assume is the AI driving normally without cheats) is far too slow. I am a rookie at driving and already had to increase this value on every track I have raced at.

    100% should match the expected laptimes of professional drivers. I am assuming anything higher than this results in the ai cheating, which just makes it immersion killing.
  3. Chris_Traat

    Chris_Traat New Member

    Feb 26, 2017
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    It's not only depended on the track but also on the cars. In some cars you can set the AI to 120% and they are still too slow. Most of the time you can find a good skill level for the AI though. But having a range would make more easy and more fun. And probably even more realtistic
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. MasterLooser

    MasterLooser Greyhat DWORD Developer Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    i think the way to go is look at the leaderboard and just copy the "ghost" and let the AI drive like the leaderboard's when set to 100%
    mix in the different driving lines for when they try to overtake and what not and u have a good 100% baseline

    this should also negate the weird braking in turns u normally take flatout.
    like the small right bend on bathurst, most cars go flat out on the straight, yet the AI suddenly starts braking on the apex

    assetto corsa 1 also had a "record" option for the ai, that would let u record ur driving line and the ai then tries to follow that line, i never tried it myself cuz i was quite happy with how they drove (i wasnt a big AI racer in AC1 but due to the empty multiplayer here, i usually drive with AI in rain etc)

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