Automobilista 2 V1.2.0.0 & Racin´ USA Pt1 RELEASED - Now Updated to V1.2.1.4

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Jun 4, 2021.

  1. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    This is not PC2 though. :D
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  2. CatAstrophe05

    CatAstrophe05 The Andrea De Cesaris of simracing

    Jan 20, 2020
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    As a European myself, honestly only choosing the European content is pretty closed-minded, especially with how cars such as the SC2019 are some of the most pleasant cars I've driven in any sim
    • Agree Agree x 9
  3. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Well the pricing is going to be different for each region, right? All the content has some real gems, choose only one region and you're not going to be getting the full value.

    F1 aussie and catastrophe, this update is highlighted by just doing a race or practice where the AI trys to race you at nurbugring full, middle of winter, 10am, sun is low in the sky as it is in that part of the world, air is cold. I was pushed by the AI all along the nord neck and neck in the gte e corvette and its essentially a little slower than them, and I know it really well for a racing game (I actually don't know it 'that' well) but I hit all the corners and don't come off, and its neck and neck and cat and mouse kind of thing with 2 other AI cars; and anyway I have not been as pleased with racing in a game since I first loaded up Rfactor 2 with the nurburging dlc last year.

    The whole thing was epic. What a testament.

    quote thing "
    Manohy said:
    While waiting for a hotfix update my thought got erratic this morning. So from now if someone find AMS2 cool after this update and want to buy it and he is not interested by Brazilian content but only EU and US, he will have to pay around 95$ :eek: ? "

    Its worth it. And I am no shill. Every one of my comments (except when I am floored in being wowed) is non-shill. In local currency I was already 130 down on Rf2 when I bought it the nord track (or with it, but I remember 150 total coming to mind back then this was last year, so all the packs and cars including those silly e-battery things or whatever they are, could never get into them) - and I was already down prior to this patch 200, yes, on raceroom. No regrets. I was of course lucky enough to get ac ultimate for 12 dollars iirc and ACC I did pay full price with all expansions. But I am not rating ACC as to my own tastes but I know its a very good sim.

    This game is fairly priced. And whats more, its excellent value and very good. In the market I think they got their pricing point down pat. By the end in 2022 you would realize 200 dollars in value, surely. I am only guesstimating and a ball-park figure.

    How else would the business case work. But study or no study they and others may have done as to its viability, I know its worth it. 1.2 proved that if we want to be pragmatic about it.

    The fact that it can give me a buzz and enjoyment and such a race across 30kms of nords, and good graphics, is really good. Now they have something to sell, and I mean that in the nicest possible way, I know I speak ahead of time, but I can see the perception of value lining up. I hope this is taken as a compliment by all, and not an insight into how company's do things, nor am I saying thats how they do things. I am saying a sensible business case as a reference point would suggest these things, and I am raising my eyebrows because the race down nords was the equal or better (in terms of driving pleasure and the gte's are pretty spot on) as the Rfactor2 game back then and thats no small feat.

    Basically why is forza 140 dollars local currency. Its how much people ( i think thats a bad deal for forza) are willing to value something. A race game, knowing the demographics etc, with brand power, or high interest from enthusiasts, yeah 200 dollars.

    Basket ball game - 15 dollars max,international match with nba aussie players maybe 80, rugby nrl league or otherwise 40-50 max but state of origin or finals etc up to 800, local soccer 25 bucks but liverpool versus a local side and second string players??? oooh wow, 300+ thank you, weekly shopping most people 100-200, there's an inherent value. Those guys out there, there are those guys I mean look down the list of things and work out how much free money in 'an economy' is there and they go after it. Just to own a car can cost 150 a week by the time fuel and insurance and repayments are added up, some people pay 200 if they have a big family. This is not to bamboozle you, but when you look around you can use this vague reference point above to examine the value inherent in things and in line with price tags. And in some things there's a cycle to it (perishable goods or rare goods for example), but with racing games the prices are fairly static right now. Its a bit of a growth industry. And extra value is still being reached. So imagine the game late 2022 really.

    Still, in these things, every dollar above a certain value - and you have to take into account diminishing perceived value by a customer (maybe you offered them something already for an extra 20 bucks but they didn't really want it but they take the freebie to realize greater value [and remember you gladly pay the phone company or whatever an extra 20 for it...but they start running out of things to offer or throw in before it becomes untenable or ridiculous to do so in terms of making value parity and a happy customer/and retention rates etc). Example. Normal ps4(example) price? 100 dollars - IF you charge 140 well you better be bringing something to the table. Usually game makers offer some nonsense token thing like a free coat in-game or something, but price differential exists. Never once has AMS2 ripped any one off. ever

    As consumers though and speaking as one, we would be silly to drive up prices just out of thin air, so we must continue to hold company's to account in terms of products. Which is hard enough to bring a product to market in todays world, so supporting company's especially in digital goods is something people do a lot of, too.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2021
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  4. Rodger Davies

    Rodger Davies Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2016
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    There's an awful lot of Acura adverts as Long Beach I notice...
    • Agree Agree x 3
  5. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Totally agree. Its certainly a lot cheaper than doing it for real, less stressful, doesnt require hours at the gym, doesnt have the same teeth rattling physicality, and wont result in a divorce for all but the most dedicated sim racers ;) It will however give you hours and hours of fun and the same sense of accomplishment on occasion. To my mind, worth every single penny and then some :) No one is forcing anyone to buy DLC, the sim stands alone or is complemented by them, unlike some others where its pretty much essential. The quality of it will provide its own success, and if its good enough, the DLC will sell because its value for money and time spent. I personally have not bought any, but I might. Im still on the fence but its getting closer and closer to the point where I feel I'll be getting the product that fits for me as a single player career kind of guy. Its subjective, and if cost is that much of a factor then motorsports in general is pretty much a closed book to that person. After all, its a business, and kicking out motorsports sims is a business, and we are all pay drivers in that context.
    Theres plenty of cars and tracks in the base game, and a racing driver doesnt get to pick and choose which circuits or cars he/she gets to drive, so for example the choice in AMS2 has already exposed me to stock cars in Brazil which I would never have gone near ordinarily. I thoroughly enjoyed it and in terms of immersion can sell that concept to myself as it being a breakthrough route into the sport for my in game character. With custom championships now the variation/potential is even higher.
    Personally I wonder why the various motorsports studios havent gone down a DCS kind of route, where championships are pre-packaged as DLC. The lower tier ones probably dont have extortionate licencing but Im really outside of my knowledge area with that. It would be super cool for me though if there was say a BTCC DLC (pricing reflecting the various issues) and if sufficient demand existed then Im sure it would sell like hot cakes. All speculation of course, but the DCS model works for them, and I wonder why its not been tried with motorsport sims..
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2021
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  6. Chris89

    Chris89 New Member

    Jan 3, 2021
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    Still not available so still waiting for the DLC :( Come on Steam!
  7. Lucaschevy

    Lucaschevy New Member

    Jun 23, 2020
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    Impressive progress! Congratulations. I wanted to ask you if you plan to give variable to the AI during the race in the future as it was in AMS 1. The first one cannot detach from the car behind him and they overshoot many times.
    Sorry for my English, I leave it in my language

    Impresionante el progreso! felicitaciones. Quería consultarles si tienen pensado dar variable a la AI durante la carrera en un futuro como lo era en AMS 1. El primero no logra despegarse del auto que tiene detrás y se sobrepasan muchas veces.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    I agree with your approach. There's so much content there anyway and you will know when the time is right for yourself. 100 cars and like 50 tracks easy. Thats a lot.

    And the good thing about all these new systems is scope. Reiza have only done this as much as they are able. Yes bugs exist but I am glad to see they seem to minimal and isolated to various things we may expect. And about the scope they have limited those new features to just a few tracks (all the changelog stuff with weather and historical weather) but notedly you get the new sky's ands weathers, shadows etc, so its good dlc that also does not leave any one out from new features.

    I have come back on the forum just now to actually read the patch notes again to keep abreast of it haha.

    Bruno put me onto it and I gave him a hard time anyway lol but its so true- the f1 reiza (non ultimate and ultimate too I suppose but I am referring to the non) is actually one of the best cars in sim racing ever. Its a part of the base game and all those other f1's, and gt3's if I am not mistaken. Then the v12 (edit its v10 gen 2 I am thinking of), which has a white body, the modern one which is just before the f1 reiza in the time line, such a good car. Adelaide is basically a version kinda in the vein of long beach (and the people who race around that course in real life as it was are often referred to as lunatics), its really good, and Bathurst is a staple of sim racing now. Many good tracks. Some of my faves are imola and jaycarpagua, cascaval others.

    To put it easily, in terms: I don't think a single track in the game is a 'fluff' track or fill in.

    The ultima race is actually a good substitute for a lot of the gt1's or group c's. Its only improved. And formula trainers, ghol and older cars. A lot of them to be frank are not given their due driving credit, with a proper set up of course.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    I tried Nords a few nights ago in winter in the BMW M4 and the game crashed after a few minutes so haven't tried again. Thought it may have been nords specific.
  10. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Good to see so many new names here in the last few days, maybe the update has brought new people to the game.
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  11. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    I get my crashes when fast forwarding through practice to qual, the race never happens due to crash.

    3 crashes since the patch for me off top of my head, maybe 4- 6 all up. I thought may be too as you did.

    Had a few at long beach, 1 at laguna, and daytona, and a couple at nords. I thought it was to do with rain. But I did not seem to notice really any pattern I could discern. Only that it began for me once I had rain on the date I chose, and it carried over to nord (which I do not think has historic acurate weather just now) it was rain at qual, and fine at practice, and fine at race.

    Originally I chose Bathurst, and got a great wet track night-before for race day dry with puddles. This was awesome under a gloomy iron-gray sky with good lighting so of course I wanted to keep it, but that crashed; but I had gone in and out of the race/game to main menu a few times before the crashes began. So I went to another track and after some time it crashed again>

    What I did between then and now to have only 1 crash tonight I do not know. I tried to clear the weather by unselecting it real weather (but only because I was trying to see if the tracks without historic weather changed foliage etc, only some do which is as I knew but did not know then, so thats how I even slightly trouble tested. No crashes but what was the cause I do not know. There was one other crash later with a weather change but can't drill it down.

    Because I can go back into a race or practice/qual, at nords for example, after reloading and no crashes. I just sign out of windows between. No restart, and usually no more crashing almost always. I have not updated my graphics drivers in 6 months on purpose; but when I did I made sure to download from nvidia website. Considering how many time I went into a track then out today and yesterday or even since the patch dropped crashes are at about 1-3% of the time.

    lol thats better than the defect rate on some appliances! :p
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2021
  12. gunnar333

    gunnar333 New Member

    Apr 21, 2020
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    I deleted my profile but I still can't find any Simagic M10 settings.
    Do i look at the wrong places or did you forget to implement it?
  13. Fernando

    Fernando Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    Yes, I was doing timed races, thanks. As other poster wrote, the mandatory pit stop is enabled only on a race with a fixed amount of laps right now, so I have to wait for the implementation on timed races also I guess.
  14. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    There are quite a few wheels that don't have dedicated presets at this time. Still, the generic wheel path should work just fine by manually assigning all axis and buttons, then calibrate once that is done.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Coanda

    Coanda aahhh whinge whinge f@#ken whinge.. Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    Sorry to quote my own quote however I thought I should add that when making this comparison for the road mesh I was driving the Formula 3 as this is a vehicle I drive a lot in iR. In AMS2 I ran full soft springs as the default setup was causing the vehicle to get airborne down the start/finish straight. I just tested the DPi with the default setup and the bumps were OK. Regarding the rubber-ed in line; the new livetrack preset option is great and helps a lot however I think the heavy rubber option could visually be more prominent.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. Dolph

    Dolph Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 21, 2020
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    Have you restarted steam?
  17. CatAstrophe05

    CatAstrophe05 The Andrea De Cesaris of simracing

    Jan 20, 2020
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    Restarted Steam and it's not there for me: I don't know if Reiza has released it yet since I've heard nothing about it anywhere else
  18. Steve Redfox

    Steve Redfox Member

    May 2, 2021
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    Actually , being also european/german, the update to 1.2 made me start to discover other then EU and US cars and tracks.

    I simply took a F3 and started to discover some unknown tracks like Brasilia. I also tried these tracks under strong" tropical" rain condition. From a driver's point of view, it is a lot of fun to learn new tracks. It's very challenging to discover those new tracks on the one hand and it certainly adds to one's experience.

    I bought the sim incl. season pass 2022 for around 80 EUR a couple weeks ago and I am not at all disappointed. Of course it was clear to me that AMS2 is a kind of WIP...but tbh, show me one sim which is not....I own AC, ACC, rFactor (1+2) , R3E, GTR2, and AMS2. Rfaktors lives mainly from mods. Which are anywhere from great to crap. Likewise AC...great graphics and physics, but little real content besides tons of modded Car/ Skin and Cup content again from great to crap. For some of the best mods, one has to pay as well. Kind of "DLC" ...which is fine for me, given the quality one can get.

    ACC is great, but offers only GT3 and GT4. No modding possible.

    Raceroom (R3E) costed me about the same as AMS2 but offers the widest selection of "official" racing series with very nice cars, from DTM ( 1992 and the last couple years ) , ADAC GT Masters (several seasons), various GT series, various Formula Series ( F1x2017 through F4 Tatuus), WTCC/WTCR Championships and a number of modern and historical cup series with all cars in their original liveries.
    A ton of international tracks incl. several variants and a very practical custom training, race and championship mode. What it lacks is the quality of graphics of ACC and AMS2 as well as any serious weather system . The physics remind me strongly on it's Granddaddy, GTR2, but is certainly enhanced and more modern..which is not a bad thing per se.,btw. Studio 3 is working on improvements again a kind of WIP too. But in my opinion, R3E physics fall now behind thosecof ACC and AMS2 , which I find equally good for the car models I could compare ( M1 Cup, AMG GT3, McLaren 720S, Cayman GT4 ).

    The Formula series in AMS2, especially V10 Gen2, but also F3 and the Classic F1 is where tons of fun is hidden. Feel, sound and physics of these cars are just amazing...I feel a bit better then in R3E.

    What I discovered too is, that in AMS2, F3 tyres don't warm up as quickly as I am used to with R3E, or with F1 and F2 or strong GT cars.
    I.e. I drove 5 quick laps in Daytona (international ) and the tyre temps barely increase beyond blue status...not even light blue despite the long full speed sectors...?

    So, if someone asks me today whether AMS2 offers enough content and fun for a years worth of season pass money...I can only say a resounding "Yes" . Is it perfect ? No, but show me one perfect sim today....
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  19. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Quick livetrack question guys/girls. In custom championship does the track state save between sessions? EG If its nice and sunny for Practice will the track be rubbered in for Qualifying? (Discounting weather washing it all away- by the way is that a thing too?) Im just about to set up a new championship and realised I dont know. It will influence my choices in the set up of the race meetings.
  20. Laurie Howard

    Laurie Howard New Member

    Apr 29, 2018
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    Yes, I am also waiting for the Premium Expansion Pack upgrade for the Premium Track Pack. I am so close to buying it outright but would rather invest in the overall thing in combination to what I have.

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